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Actinide recycling by pyro-process with metal fuel FBR for future nuclear fuel cycle system
Authors:Tadashi Inoue

Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI) 2-11-1, Iwato-Kita, Komae-shi, Tokyo 201-8511, Japan TEL: --81-3-3480-2111, FAX: --81-3-3480-7956

Abstract:Pyro-metallurgical technology is one of potential devices for future nuclear fuel cycle. Not only economic advantage but also environmental safety and strong resistance for proliferation are required for the fuel cycle. In order to satisfy the requirement, actinides recycling applicable to LWR and FBR cycles by pyro-process has been developed since more than ten years in CRIEPI. The main technology is electrorefining for U and Pu separation and reductive-extraction for TRU separation, which can be applied on oxide fuels through reduction process as well as metal fuels. The application of this technology on separation of TRU in HLLW through chlorination could contribute to the improvement of public acceptance on the geologic disposal.

The main achievements are summarized as follows:

• -|The elemental technologies, such as electrorefining, reductive extraction, injection casting and salt waste treatment and solidification, have been developed successfully with lots of experiments

• -|The fuel dissolution into molten salt and uranium recovery on solid cathode for electrorefining have been demonstrated by engineering scale facility in Argonne National Laboratory by using spent fuels and in CRIEPI by uranium tests.

• -|Single element tests, using actinides, showed the Li reduction to be technically feasible, remaining the subjects of technical feasibility on multi-elements system and on effective recycle of Li by electrolysis of Li2O.

• -|Concerning on the treatment of HLLW for actinide separation, the conversion to chlorides through oxides has been also established through uranium tests.

• -|It is confirmed that more than 99% of TRU nuclides can be recovered from the high level liquid waste by TRU tests

• -|Through these studies, the process flow sheets for reprocessing of metal and oxide fuels and for partitioning of TRU separation have been established.

The subjects to be emphasized for further development are classified into three categories, that is, process development (demonstration), technology for engineering development, and supplemental technology.

The metal fuel FBR has a high potential for recycling actinides by integration with pyro-reprocessing. Alloys of U-Pu-Zr with minor actinides are investigated from points of fuel properties. The miscibility and other characteristics suggest that the maximum content up to ca. 5 wt% of minor actinides is allowable in the matrix. Nine pins of metal fuel including minor actinides are ready for irradiation at Phenix fast reactor.

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