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Fish assemblage response to recent mitigation of a channelized warmwater stream
Authors:Scott. W. Raborn  Harold L. Schramm
Abstract:Various designs of low‐head dams are used to rehabilitate streams or forestall upstream channel incision after channelization. We report on the efficacy of using notched sills and grade control structures (GCS) to restore the fish assemblage in Luxapallila Creek, Mississippi. We tested the null hypotheses that habitat variables and species richness, evenness, and assemblage structure would not differ among: (1) a channelized segment with no modifications; (2) a channelized segment mitigated by the installation of sills and GCS; (3) a segment upstream of the installations and undergoing channel incision; and (4) an unaltered segment. Although habitat variables changed, neither species richness, evenness, nor fish assemblage structure differed between mitigated and channelized segments with both exhibiting less richness and different assemblage structures than the unaltered segment. Lack of differences in species richness between the incised and unaltered segments suggest that the GCS may have halted the negative effects of upstream channel incision before species were extirpated. Conspicuous habitat differences between the altered (channelized and mitigated) and unaltered segments were lack of backwaters and canopy coverage and finer substrates in the altered segments. Our results suggest a more comprehensive rehabilitation strategy is required in Luxapallila Creek. Published in 2003 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Keywords:channelization  mitigation  fish  assemblage  stream  habitat  incision  diversity
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