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Computing Modular Invariants of p-groups
Affiliation:1. Institute of Mathematics & Statistics, University of Kent at Canterbury, CT2 7NF, U.K.;2. Department of Mathematics & Computer Science, Royal Military College, Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7K 7B4
Abstract:Let V be a finite dimensional representation of a p -group, G, over a field,k , of characteristic p. We show that there exists a choice of basis and monomial order for which the ring of invariants, k V ]G, has a finite SAGBI basis. We describe two algorithms for constructing a generating set for k V ] G. We use these methods to analyse k 2V3 ]U3where U3is the p -Sylow subgroup ofGL3 (Fp) and 2 V3is the sum of two copies of the canonical representation. We give a generating set for k 2 V3]U3forp =  3 and prove that the invariants fail to be Cohen–Macaulay forp >  2. We also give a minimal generating set for k mV2 ]Z / pwere V2is the two-dimensional indecomposable representation of the cyclic group Z / p.
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