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摘    要:对济阳坳陷1995年以来的储备圈闭的地质层位、类型、面积、资源量以及与地震勘探的关系等方面进行了系统地分析、总结。认为其储备圈闭具有以下基本特点:①圈闭分布区域广泛,以勘探程度较高的东营凹陷、沾化凹陷居多,新区、新带、新层系亦不断有新发现和突破;②圈闭目的层系主要是下第三系,近年已出现逐步向上第三系、前第三系和深层转移的趋势;③圈闭埋深以小于3000m的浅—中层为主,深层圈闭资料较差、可靠性低,但天然气资源量丰富;④圈闭面积多小于10km2、资源量多小于500×104t,并且正在逐年减小;⑤圈闭类型众多,已经从构造圈闭为主的态势转变为以复杂隐蔽的岩性、地层圈闭占主导地位的格局。地震等勘探技术的发展与进步对济阳坳陷圈闭资源量稳定在较高水平起越来越重要的作用。

关 键 词:储备圈闭  圈闭类型  目的层系  资源量

Reserve traps features analysis in Jiyang depression
Abstract:Systematically analyzed and summarized the geologic horizons, types, area, resource extent of the reserve traps found in Jiyang depression since 1995, and their relations between seismic exploration and them. The basic features of the reserve traps include: ① the reserve traps are distributed in a wide range of the region, most of the new area, zones, series of strata have being found continuously in Dongying and Zhanhua sag ,which are highly explored; ② the objective system the traps are Paleogene mainly, but it occurred the trend to Neogene, pre-Teriary and the deep zone in the past years; ③ the trap cover depth are mostly less than 3000m, the data of the traps of deep zone are poor relatively their reliability are low, but the gas reserve extent are rich; ④ a single trap is less than 10km2, the reserve extent are less than 500×104t and it's reducing year after year; ⑤ multi-trap types, the exploration situation have moved from the structure traps to complex, subtle lithologic traps and stratigraphic traps. The advances of seismic exploration tech-niques and other have been brought into play more and more in keeping the trap resource extent in Jiyang depression at a high level.
Keywords:reserve trap   trap type   objective system and resource extent
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