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坚持科学发展观 引领食品工业持续快速增长
摘    要:<正> 日前,在北京召开的中国食品工业协会第五届第四次理事(扩大)会议暨学习贯彻《食品安全法》研讨会上,中国食品工业协会会长王文哲通报了2008年至2009年1季度全国食品工业经济运行情况,2008年中国食品工业协会十项主要工作的完成情况及2009年度工作要点。 2008年我国食品工业运行保持较快增长 2008年国内外经济形势动荡,出现了许多不确定因素。国内发生南方冰雪灾难和四川特大地震自然灾害;国际金融危机逐步蔓延到实体经济,我国经济发展遇到前所未有的困难和挑战。

关 键 词:食品工业  科学发展观  《食品安全法》  经济运行情况  完成情况  协会  中国

Insist on scientific development outlook, lead food industry grow continuously and rapidly
Abstract:Lately, the conference of members in China Food Industry Association and forum on Food Safety Law was held in Beijing. President of the association Mr WANG Wenzhe presented the reports on economic status of China food industry in the first quarter of 2009, the performance of the primary ten tasks of the association in 2008 and the focuses in 2009. China food industry continued rapid growth in 2008 In 2008, the total output value of China food industry reached 4200 billion yuan and the profit and tax was 617.4 billion yuan, increased by 20.42% on a year-on-year basis. Profit increased by 20.59% to 259.7 billion yuan. The performance enables food manufacturing to be a supporting industry to China's economy and play an important part in constructing the socialist harmonious society and raising the levels of food consumption. In the first three months of 2009, industrial food enterprises above designated size contributed 1000 billion yuan of gross industrial output value at current prices, increased by 13.72%, considering price rise, the data is modified, so the industrial added value was increased by 11.28%, 5.18% higher than the average level of all industries. Promoted by domestic food demand, the output and sales of main categories of food also went up. Sales rate reached 97.02%. In the first quarter of 2009, the profit and tax of China food industry was 190 billion yuan, increased by 10.41%, in which profit was 74 billion increased by 6.76%. Fluctuated growth in food industry The China's food industrial value added in 2008 increased by 14.80%, 1.9% higher than the average increase rate of all industries. 32, 152 industrial food enterprises above designated size achieved 4.2 trillion yuan of total industrial output value at current prices, increased by 29.70% compared to the same period of 2007, fufilled the tasks proposed in the plan for the development of China food industry during the "11th Five-year Plan" in advance. As a supporting industry in China, food industry's value added including tabacoo industry accounts for 11.09% of the total value of all the industries in the country while it accounds for 8.63% excluding tobacoo industry. Analysing the status of the 12 months in 2008, we observe the increase ratio of food industrial value added fluctuated between 10.8% and 17.4%. Impacted by food safety incidents and international financial crisis, in April, September and December, production growth slowed down, which is the first time over the years that food industry fluctuates three times during a year. The output and sales volume both go up Drived by the domestic food demand, the output and sales volume of main categories of food both go up. Sales rate reached 97.02% in 2008. Rice and wheat flour market grows rapidly, the industry is inclined to brandization, large scaled and intensive. Rice sales increased about 30%, and wheat sales went up about 20%. Pollution free agricultural products and healthy food is the product that consumers prefer and quality enhancement remarkably improves people's diet. Grain processing is one of the segments in food industry which keep high increase rate in recent years. The facilities and technology of rice, wheat, maize and soybean processing achieve remarkable improvement which provides strong support to grain manufacturing industry. After underwent the intensive supply and price rise in 2007, the price in pork market fell in 2008 along with output and sales volume increase. The production and sale has returned to equilibrium. China produced 14 million tons fresh frozen pork in 2008, increased by 12.14%. In soft drink market, product mix keeps updating and new products are constantly launched to market. Fruit and vegetable juice drinks, tea drinks and fruit milk have been accepted by consumers. It has been proved the potential of China soft drink market is immense. The output of soft drinks reached around 64 million tons in 2008 nearly increased by 20%. Baking industry reacts to changing food market with diversified products, which becomes a highlight in China food industry. Also, wine, bottle water and frozen food are developing rapidly with the consumption rising. Production efficiency of food industry stably rises and the increase rate slightly falls China food industry achieved 617.4 billion yuan profit and tax in 2008, increased by 20.42% in which profit is 259.7 billion yuan increased by 20.59%, the increase rates fall compared to 2007. Profit and tax per capita is 113, 000 yuan increased 5400 yuan compared to 2007. Given that the prices of agricultural products, energy and transportation go up, the cost of food raises and profit shrinks. In different segments of food industry, the product with high added value can contribute good profit. Grain grinding and processing, confection, chocolate, glutamate, vegetable and fruits, canned fruits, alcohols and salt industry grow rapidly, which increase rates of profit and tax all exceed 40%. Export slows down while import increase speeds up In the face of global economic downturn, the demand in international market is reducing and thus the increase of China food export slows down while import upsurges, the trade deficit widens. The total import and export reached 86. 5 billion U.S. dollars in 2008, increased by 37% compared to the same period of 2007. Import value is 49.8 billion yuan, increased by 63%, the increase ratio is 13% higher than 2007. The food trade deficit is 13.2 billion yuan. Specifically, grain and sugar exports damatically diminished while barley, fruit and edible seed oil imports greatly increased. Four factors impacted on China food industry development in 2008 1. Food safety incident. Sanlu poisoned milk scandal seriously impacts the credit of China food industry. The loss of consumer confidence directly impacts on food market growth. 2. Small and middle sized enterprises' development is restricted by a number of factors. More than 90% food manufacturers in China are small and middle sized enterprises. Because the price of agricultural products, raw materials, transportation and energy rose in 2008, production cost went up that increased difficulities to making profit. Meanwhile, due to poor credit rating, these enterprises can hardly receive financial support from banks. The shortage of capital restricts their technology innovation. 3. Technology innovation and industry upgrade. Compared to developed countries, China food industry still needs to improve product variety, added value, innovation ability and competence. China food industry should transform the developing mode, promote industry upgrading with technique improvement. Also, it is essential to develop circular economy, protect resoures and environment to achieve sustainable and quality development. 4. Efficiency enhances while growth slows down. On the one hand, the rising price of primary agricultural products led to the increase of cost in 2008. On the other hand, fluctuations had impact on efficiency. In addition, the great increase of CPI in the first half year of 2008 resulted in strict control on food price by government. The performance of ten tasks of China Food Industry Association in 2008 1. Guided the development of food industry by research, analysis and providing information. 2. Finished the assessment report on the middle stage of "11th Five-year Plan" of food industry. 3. Strengthened constructing the towns having strong advantage in food industry and promoted leading enterprises developing. 4. Carried out the evaluation of innovative enterprises, and promoted establishing the system of technique innovation for food industry. 5. Took effort to improve exhibitions and strengthen the communication and exchange. 6. Established the system of credit and promote food safety. 7. Improved the function of committee and explored and promoted the development of each segment of food industry. 8. Offered multifunctional services to enterprises. 9. Fortified the relationship with local food associations, strengthened the cooperation and played a role in concerted effort. 10. Strengthened self-improvement and enhanced the level of service. 2009 is the most crucial year during the time of "11th Five-year Plan" to food industry and also the hardest year since 21th century. However, challenges and opportunities can hardly be separated. China food industry is expected to continue growing stably and sustainably in 2009. There are ten taskes should be underlined in the program of 2009. 1. Improve the system of informative statistical analysis. 2. Promote the development of leading enterprises. 3. Speed up contructing the system of technology innovation, develop innovative enterprises and achieve the goal that promoting industry growth by technology. 4. Implement food safety law efficiently, strengthen food safety credit and enhance the level of food safety. 5. Establish standards and protect the legal interests of food enterprises. 6. Improve the function of committee, offer better service to enterprises. 7. Organize exhibitions better and strengthen the international communication and exchange. 8. Fortify the relationship with enterprises further. 9. Cooperate with local food associations. 10. Continue self improving to adjust to the demand of market-oriented economy.
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