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DC-Trennung von Ricinusölfettsäure-Estoliden
Authors:R. Neissner
Abstract:TLC Separation of Estolides of Castor Oil Fatty Acids Estolides of castor oil fatty acids (polyricinoleic acids) with varying degrees of condensation were synthesized by heating the castor oil fatty acids at 120° C–240° C under vacuum and CO2 circulation. These products were analyzed by chemical constants and fractionated by TLC on silicagel 60 precoated plates into ricinoleic acid and di-, tri- as well as tetra-ricinoleic acids. Furthermore, the estolides were separated by two-dimensional TLC into two series of estolides, i.e. estolides containing only ricinoleic acid and those which contain fatty acids other than ricinoleic acid at the chain terminal. Hydrogenated castor oil fatty acids (technical 12-hydroxystearic acid) also form estolides which can be fractionated in a similar manner. Thus, TLC provides information on the oligomeric and polymeric character of the estolides of castor oil fatty acids and permits separation even of the decamers.
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