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Method of calculating the technological parameters when designing hydraulic-fill dams of silty soils
Authors:E. L. Vvedenskii
1. Investigations showed that when constructing dams of fine-grained silty soils by hydraulic filling, it is expedient to use the technology of layerwise placement of soil with consolidation of each layer.
2. Dependences are given for calculating the thickness of the layers and period of consolidation of the soil on the basis of investigations of the dynamics of the hydrophysical properties of these soils in relation to technological factors.
3. Dependences are also proposed for predicting the density of the hydraulic-filled soil during construction, as well as the distribution of soil in the profile of the structure.
4. A method is proposed for calculating the technological parameters, in particular, the rate of construction of hydraulic-fill structures, calculating the size and number of the hydraulic-fill plots referred to one dredge, and prediction of the seepage discharge into the foundation of the dams during their hydraulic filling.
5. The proposed calculation methods make possible a more substantiated approach to the design of hydraulic-fill structures of fine-grained silty soils and technology of their construction.
Translated from Gidrotekhicheskoe Stroitel'stvo, No. 6, pp. 5–9, June, 1990.
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