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引用本文:王儒述. 三峡工程与生态环境保护[J]. 南水北调与水利科技(中英文), 2008, 6(5)
摘    要:三峡水利枢纽规模宏大,举世瞩目,具有巨大的防洪、发电、航运等综合效益,是开发治理长江的骨干工程。三峡工程建设将对生态与环境产生广泛而深远的影响,为国内外所关注。它的有利影响主要在长江中下游,能有效地抗御洪水和提供清洁能源;不利影响主要在库区,将形成库区淹没和大量移民。环境保护是一项基本国策。我国制订了《中国21世纪议程——中国21世纪人口、环境与发展白皮书》,它是促进我国经济、社会、资源与环境相互协调和可持续发展的指导性文件。三峡工程已于1993年12月开工,1997年11月大江截流,2003年6月水库蓄水、永久船闸通航,7月第一批机组发电;2009年全部工程竣工投产。三峡工程建设要使有利影响得到充分发挥,并采取有效措施,使不利影响得到减免。三峡工程将促进西部大开发与长江流域可持续发展,对中国的能源和经济建设作出最大的贡献,也是对长江流域最大的生态与环境保护。三峡工程是一项生态环境工程。

关 键 词:三峡工程  环境  生态环境保护  可持续发展

The Three Gorges Project and Ecological Environment Protection
WANG Ru-shu. The Three Gorges Project and Ecological Environment Protection[J]. South-to-North Water Transfers and Water Science & Technology, 2008, 6(5)
Authors:WANG Ru-shu
Abstract:As the largest water project in China,the Three Gorges Project is main project for controlling the Yangtze River with tremendous bene- fits to control flood,generate power and shipping.The construction of the project will influence ecological environment.Its favorable impact is to flood prevention and water supply;its disadvantage is to form inundation areas and nz~igrants.The Three Gorges Project was started in Decem- ber,1993;river closure in November,1997;storing water and permanent gate in operation in June,2003;first batch unit generating electricity in July 2003;the project will be finished in 2009.The project should fully bring its advantage and limit its disbenefit.The Three Gorges Project is an ecological environment project.
Keywords:the Three Gorges Project  environment  ecological environment protection  sustainable development
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