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Production of Low Acid Value Edible Oil with Reduced TFAs by Electrochemical Hydrogenation in a Diaphragm Reactor
Authors:Hong Fu  Lin Yang  Huijun Yuan  Feiyan Xiao  Y. Martin Lo
Affiliation:(1) College of Biological Science and Technology, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou, Fujian, 350002, China;(2) Ocean Environment and Fish Source Monitor Center of Fujian Province, Fuzhou, Fujian, 350001, China;(3) Department of Nutrition and Food Science, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA
Abstract:A new diaphragm electrochemical system was devised and tested for hydrogenation of soybean oil under moderate processing temperature and atmospheric pressure. With proper loading of the catalyst Pd-C, the reactor was operated successfully for 6 h and yielded hydrogenated soybean oil containing 8.62% TFAs with an IV of 88.86 g I2/100 g oil and an AV of 0.7 mg KOH/g oil. The low AV (acid value) of the hydrogenated oil, indicative of the oxidization tendency of the oil, is highly desirable from the industrial application standpoint. The low specific isomerization index was reached with 0.4 mol/L of formate ions at pH 5.0 under 60 °C using a constant applied current density (10 mA/cm2). The extent of hydrogenation was found to increase with increasing current density, formate ion concentration, reaction temperature, catalyst loading, and speed of agitation. It was characterized that the extent of hydrogenation under low pH (2.0–5.0) was controlled by the regeneration of formate ion, whereas under high pH (6.0–10.0) the hydrogenation was influenced strongly by the formate ion stability.
Keywords:Electrochemical hydrogenation  Diaphragm  Formate ion regeneration  Acid value   trans Fatty acids  Catalyst Pd-C
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