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Betadrenoceptors in urinary bladder
Authors:DK Ganguly  JR Vedasiromoni
Abstract:When rat peroneal nerves were fixed under 5 different fixation schedules with various osmolalities (310, 410 and 900 milliosmoles), the frequency of abnormality of mitochondria in the axoplasm was lowest in myelinated fibers fixed with 6% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M cacodylate buffer (900 milliosmoles). The relationship of axonal area to number of myelin lamellae was significantly different between high-osmolality fixation and low-osmolality fixation. Assuming that the number of myelin lamellae remains the same with fixation, there was a significant shrinkage in the axonal area of fibers with high-osmolality fixation. The amount of shrinkage was less in larger fibers than in smaller fibers fixed at high osmolality.
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