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Study on the effect of vibration on solidification structures in the vibration cast-rolling process
Authors:H. Wang  C. Qu  Y. Zheng  F. Du
Affiliation:Yanshan University, College of Mechanical Engineering, National Engineering Research Center for Equipment and Technology of Cold Strip Rolling, 066004 Qinhuangdao, HEBEI, P. R., CHINA
Abstract:In the vibration cast-rolling process, the metal material is in the state of sub-rapid solidification. Based on the principle of solidification and random theory, the relation between the vibrating process with sub-rapid solidification and the number of new crystal nuclei was deduced. The theoretical analysis, numerical simulations and experiments of sub-rapid solidification under vibration were performed. The results show that the modified Cellular Automaton-Finite Element model can predict the solidified microstructure and size of crystal grains. The results also show that vibration with chilling can effectively promote the production of free crystal nuclei. With a higher frequency of vibration, the area of the equiaxed zone can increase, and the grains can be smaller.
Keywords:Vibration  cast-rolling process  cellular automaton  finite element  solidification  nucleation rate  microstructure  Vibration  Gieß-Walz-Verfahren  zelluläre Automaten  finite Elemente  Erstarrung  Keimrate  Gefüge
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