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摘    要:提到节能减排,很多人会立即联想到混合动力及电力驱动等新能源技术.专家表示,在未来相当长的一段时间内,传统的内燃机仍将是汽车动力的主流,而且其还有很大的节能减排潜力可挖.除了采用更高效的燃油喷射电子控制技术外,发动机的散热也可输入智能控制,“武装到牙齿”的先进电子控制技术无疑能让内燃机”绿色”更浓.为了让发动机的燃烧保持在适当的温度,就必须为其排除多余的热量,这便是发动机散热风扇的主要使命.对于重载的柴油机商用车而言,迫于排放法规的不断加严,需要为发动机增加废气再循环(EGR)或多级涡轮增压器等附加系统,也因此增加了发动机冷却系统的散热负荷.以商用车排放标准从欧Ⅳ升级至欧Ⅵ为例,发动机的冷却能力可能会增加15%~40%,如果不革新散热风扇驱动系统,那么散热器的体积可能需要增大20%以上,进而增加了在原本紧凑的发动机舱内布置散热器的难度.

关 键 词:绿色技术  发动机转速  液压风扇  传动系统  电子控制技术  减排  商用车  内燃机  皮带驱动  散热器

Auto Green Technology "Armed to Tooth"
Abstract:Mentioning at energy saving and emission reducing, many people will immediately associated with technologies of hybrid driving power, electric driving and new energy. Experts have expressed that within a quite long period of time in the future, the traditional internal combustion engine will still be the main stream for auto driving power, also there is great potential for exploring energy saving & emission reducing. Besides adopting even higher efficiency of electronic control technology in Fuel Injection, intelligent control can also be introduced into engine for heat dissipation. "Armed to Tooth"the advanced electronic control technology has no doubt let the internal combustion engine even more "Green".
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