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KLE-(V)AR: A new identification technique for reduced order disturbance models with application to sheet forming processes
Authors:Apostolos Rigopoulos  Yaman Arkun  

School of Chemical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332-0100, USA

Abstract:A new identification technique that combines the Karhunen–Loève expansion (KLE) with the use of Vector AutoRegressive processes (VAR) is presented in this paper. Given measurements, collected over a period of time, of a set of correlated random variables the method generates a reduced order state-space dynamic model describing the spatial and temporal relationship among the variables. Some of the advantages of the new method are the fewer number of parameters needed to be estimated compared with traditional subspace methods, and its ability to efficiently track nonstationary random processes. Simulation examples from high dimensional sheet forming processes are included for illustration.
Keywords:Karhunen–Loève expansion   Vector autoregressive processes   Reduced order dynamic disturbance modeling   Sheet forming processes   Principal component analysis
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