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引用本文:赵延杰. 盛夏盘点中国冷饮[J]. 中国食品工业, 2003, 0(7): 20-22
摘    要:<正> 一、行业状况 据统计,1997年全国冷冻饮品生产企业约1370多家,遍及全国各省、市、自治区,城市和农村,冷饮年生产能力可达300万吨,国内冷饮业的发展达到高峰。自1998年起,国内冷饮产销量增长趋缓,大量中小企业处于停产或半停产状态,企业总数量减少,全行业出现亏损。冷冻饮品行业自1995年以来,全行业一直处于亏损状态,这是近年整个食品行业发展中比较少见的现象。其中三资企业亏损最为严重,私营企业经济效益较好,而集体企业略有亏损。

关 键 词:中国  盘点  企业  行业  亏损  自治区  中国  冷饮业  冷冻饮品  总数

Make An Inventory of Cold Drink Industry
Abstract:Now, a drink revolution has been simmering, with millions of Chinese taking a liking to the cold drink. For example, the Chinese have enjoyed tea for millennia, but they have only been bottling the cold version for five years. Now big beverage makers from home and abroad are pushing their way into the market. Thus competition has been rare because it was controlled by a few strong brands. Still, experts see the iced drink market heating up in coming years as competition heightens. Someone predicted that the market will endure fierce competition among different brands, followed by a shake-out.
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