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Dioxins,furans, and non-ortho PCBs in Canadian Arctic seabirds
Authors:Braune Birgit M  Simon Mary
Affiliation:Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada, National Wildlife Research Centre, Carleton University, Raven Road, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0H3. birgit.braune@ec.gc.ca
Abstract:This is the first account of PCDDs, PCDFs, and non-ortho PCBs in Canadian Arctic seabirds. Livers and eggs of thick-billed murres, northern fulmars, and black-legged kittiwakes were collected in 1975 and 1993 from Prince Leopold Island in Lancaster Sound, Canada. Detectable concentrations of PCDDs, PCDFs, and non-ortho PCBs were found in all the Arctic seabird samples analyzed. Of the PCDD congeners assayed, only 2,3,7,8-substituted PCDDs were detected in the samples, whereas non-2,3,7,8-substituted PCDFs were found in addition to 2,3,7,8-substituted PCDFs in some of the samples. The predominant PCDD/F congener found in the livers of all three species was 2,3,4,7,8-PnCDF, both in 1975 and 1993. Concentrations of most dioxins and furans decreased in the fulmars and kittiwakes between 1975 and 1993 but increased in the murres. Of the non-ortho PCBs measured, PCB-126 occurred in the highest concentrations and contributed the majority of the non-ortho PCB-TEQ in all three species in both years. The highest concentrations of dioxins and furans as well as the highest TEQ values were found in the northern fulmar livers in both 1975 and 1993. Concentrations of some of the PCDDs and PCDFs are among the highest reported for Canadian Arctic biota.
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