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Re-illuminating single images using Albedo estimation
Authors:Philip L. Worthington [Author Vitae]
Affiliation:Department of Computation, UMIST, Manchester M60 1QD, UK
Abstract:Predicting the appearance of a scene under novel lighting conditions is of growing interest at the convergence of vision, graphics and virtual reality. In this paper, we develop a method for appearance prediction from a single image using the apparatus of shape from shading (SFS). We re-visit the reflectance estimation process first proposed by Blake (Graphics Image Process. 32 (1985) 314), and develop a novel approach to parameter selection within the Blake method based on the quality of images which can be produced by re-illuminating the recovered needle-map. Combining Blake's method with recent advances in SFS is demonstrated to yield significant improvements in the appearance prediction of real images under varying lighting conditions.
Keywords:Shape from shading   Albedo estimation   Re-illumination   Appearance   Prediction
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