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摘    要:茶饮料自80年代初开发生产以来,已成为国际饮料市场上增长较快、发展潜力较大的饮料产品之一。1996年,日本茶饮料销售量约360万吨,同我国台湾省一样,茶饮料的市场占有率均位居榜首;在美国,1994年的茶饮料销售量达150万吨,人均年消费量为7.9升,已成为仅次于碳酸饮料的第二大饮品;在瑞士,人均年消费茶饮料更达32升。而具有五千年饮茶历史的中国,1997年茶饮料的销售量却只有15万吨。 差距虽大,但也预示着茶饮料在我国的发展空间和潜力巨大。近两三年,茶饮料开始进入我国的消费领域,并得到飞快的发展,很多著名的企业纷纷加入到生产行列中。今年入夏以来,许多碳酸型饮料销售平平,有的甚至出现滑坡,而茶饮料销量则直线上升,显示了茶饮料行业良好的发展势头。为此,本刊特邀一些专家、学者及企业,从加工、包装、市场等不同的角度,比较全面地介绍国内外茶饮料的现状和发展趋势,希望能对业内人士有所启发,促进茶饮料行业的健康发展。

关 键 词:茶饮料  市场现状  包装  发展趋势

Tea products: market development and packaging trends
Abstract:Since the development of novel tea products was initiated in the early 80's, such products have become a fast growing section of the global beverage market, with, as yet, still unrealized growth potential. However, despite having a 5,000-year history of tea-drinking civilizations, China still lags far behind in the global development of tea products, accounting for a sales volume of only 150,000 tonnes of tea products in 1997.Since the summer, many carbonated drinks have seen their sales growth reach static levels, while, conversely, tea products have shown exponential growth. The trend clearly indicates that there is room for further growth in the Chinese tea products industry. In this FEATURE, we introduce the modern processing and packaging methods used in the tea products industry, as well as examining the sector's current status and future developmental trends.
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