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Studies on delayed ettringite formation in heat-cured mortars: II. Characteristics of cement that may be susceptible to DEF
Authors:Zhaozhou ZhangJan Olek  Sidney Diamond
Affiliation:School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA
Abstract:Expansions of mortar bars, stored over (but not in) water after simulated steam curing to 85 °C, were related to certain cement compositional parameters. The relationship is expressed in the form of a “delayed ettringite formation (DEF) index.” The DEF index is computed as the joint product of the SO3/Al2O3 molar ratio of the cement, the sum of its SO3 and Bogue C3A percentages divided by 10 and the square root of the alkali content expressed as equivalent % Na2O. The mortars studied were made with 18 different cements, prepared from a set of six representative clinkers by incorporating Terra Alba gypsum to total SO3 contents that were 1% below optimum, at optimum and 1% above optimum (as defined in ASTM C 563). Measurements of expansion were recorded at intervals for up to 1400 days. Severe cracking and prominent DEF-induced expansions were observed in mortar bars derived from four of the six ‘oversulfated’ cements and lesser expansions from three of the six cements prepared at optimum SO3 contents. No expansion was found for cements of DEF index below a threshold value; above this value expansions were approximately proportional to the difference between DEF index and its threshold value. The relationship confirms the significance of all three compositional parameters making up the index, e.g., the SO3/Al2O3 molar ratio, the joint contents of SO3 and C3A, and the alkali content, in influencing the extent of DEF-induced expansion. In these measurements, the apparent pessimum effect for SO3 content previously reported by others was not found, although SO3 contents examined spanned the supposed pessimum value of 4%. Rather, expansion increased with increasing SO3 content for mortars made with all clinkers exhibiting expansion.
Keywords:Delayed ettringite formation (DEF)   Optimum sulfate content   Expansion   Cement composition   DEF index
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