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Low bit-rate information hiding method based on search-order-coding technique
Authors:Zhibin Pan  Xiaoxiao MaAuthor VitaeXiaoman DengAuthor Vitae  Sen HuAuthor Vitae
Affiliation:School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China
Abstract:Information hiding method with low bit rate is important in secure communications. To reduce bit rate we propose a new embedding method in this paper based on SOC (search-order coding) compression technique. Compared to Chang et al.’s scheme in 2004, our scheme completely avoids the transform from SOC coding to OIV (original index values) coding to significantly reduce bit rate. In order to further reduce bit rate, Chang et al. proposed a reversible data hiding scheme using hybrid encoding strategies by introducing the side-match vector quantization (SMVQ) in 2013. But it needed additional 1 bit indicator to distinguish the two statuses to determine OIV is belonged to G1 or G2. This overhead gave a large burden to compression rate and could not reduce the bit rate significantly. In contrast, our scheme completely avoids this indicator. The experimental results show that the proposed method can efficiently reduce the bit rate and have the same embedding capacity compared with Chang et al.’s scheme in 2004 and Chang et al.’s scheme in 2013. Moreover, our proposed scheme can also achieve a better performance in both the embedding capacity and bit rate than other related VQ-based information hiding schemes.
Keywords:Information hiding   Vector quantization (VQ)   Search-order coding (SOC)   Low bit rate   Embedding capacity
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