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Thoracic injuries to contained and restrained occupants in single-vehicle pure rollover crashes
Authors:M.R. Bambach  R.H. Grzebieta  A.S. McIntosh
Affiliation:Transport and Road Safety (TARS), Old Main Building (K15), University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia
Abstract:Around one in three contained and restrained seriously injured occupants in single-vehicle pure rollover crashes receive a serious injury to the thorax. With dynamic rollover test protocols currently under development, there is a need to understand the nature and cause of serious thoracic injuries incurred in rollover events. This will allow decisions to be made with regards to adoption of a suitable crash test dummy and appropriate thoracic injury criteria in such protocols. Valid rollover occupant protection test protocols will lead to vehicle improvements that will reduce the high trauma burden of vehicle rollover crashes. This paper presents an analysis of contained and restrained occupants involved in single-vehicle pure rollover crashes that occurred in the United States between 2000 and 2009 (inclusive). Serious thoracic injury typology and causality are determined. A logistic regression model is developed to determine associations between the incidence of serious thoracic injury and the human, vehicle and environmental characteristics of the crashes. Recommendations are made with regards to the appropriate assessment of potential thoracic injury in dynamic rollover occupant protection crash test protocols.
Keywords:Rollover   Thorax   Injury   Occupant protection   Dynamic protocol
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