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引用本文:唐慧超,洪泉. 美国风景园林师协会(ASLA)学生奖对国内风景园林专业学生竞赛的启示[J]. 风景园林, 2016, 0(11): 114-120. DOI: 10.14085/j.fjyl.2016.11.01160.07
作者姓名:唐慧超  洪泉
作者单位:浙江农林大学风景园林与建筑学院 临安311300
基金项目:浙江省教科规划研究课题(2016SCG316)以学科竞赛为依托的风景园林专业大学生实践创新能力培养模式研究Fund Item:Zhejiang Province Educational Science Planning Research(No.2016SCG316):Research on Cultivation Pattern of Practice and Innovation Ability of Students Majoring in Landscape Architecture Based on Student Competition
摘    要:介绍了美国风景园林师协会(ASLA)学生奖的奖项设置、评审机制,以及国内风景园林专业学生竞赛概况。对ASLA学生奖2005-2016年获奖作品的类型及其数量、来源院校、来源地、参赛形式、获奖学生的学历、综合设计类作品的主题进行统计分析,并与中国风景园林学会大学生设计竞赛进行对比。提出国内竞赛可参考ASLA学生奖,通过细化竞赛类别、明确评审标准、完善评审机制、加强赛后的网络展示等途径,来完善竞赛机制,推动风景园林高等教育的发展。

关 键 词:风景园林  大学生设计竞赛  机制  统计分析

Enlightenment of the ASLA Student Award to the Landscape Architecture Students Competition in China
Abstract:The article presented the prize setting, assessment mechanism of American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) Student Award, as wel as domestic landscape architecture student competition. For the award winning works of ASLA Student Awards from 2005 to 2016, the types and quantity, origin institutions, source countries , entry form, winning student education background, general design theme kind were statisticaly analyzed in the paper, And compared with the Chinese Society of landscape Architecture students design competition, we presented the domestic competition may refer ASLA student Awards, by refining the competition category, clear evaluation criteria, improving assessment mechanisms, strengthening the network work shows to improve the mechanism of competition, and promoting the development of the landscape architecture higher education.
Keywords:Landscape Architecture  Students Design Competition  Mechanism  Statistical Analysis
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