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A MAC Protocol for New and Handoff Calls with Finite Population
Authors:Ma  Miao  Gunawan  Erry
Affiliation:(1) Institute for Infocomm. Research (I2R), 21 Heng Mui Keng Terrace, Singapore, 119613, Singapore;(2) School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 639798, Singapore
Abstract:A MAC protocol for new and handoff calls with a finite populationof users, rather than with an infinite user population as indynamic channel reservation scheme (DCRS), is considered. Similarto DCRS, we divide the wireless channels into shared channels andreserved channels. The handoff calls access any available channelwith probability of one, while the new calls access a sharedchannel with probability of one and access a reserved channel witha request probability. We propose three simpler formulae than thatused in the existing DCRS in setting the request probability. Inaddition, the handoff calls in our proposed protocol are allowedto queue in a finite buffer. To evaluate the system performance, amathematical model based on queuing theory, rather than asimulation method used in DCRS, is developed. It is a generalmodel that can be adopted for any types of request probabilitiesincluding DCRS. Suggestions of how to get the optimum values ofthe design parameters are also given.
Keywords:media access control  finite population  request probability  queue size  reserved channel
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