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The choice of timing and methods in the surgical treatment of thoracic bone injuries in combined closed thoracic injuries during acute and early periods of traumatic disease]
Authors:GG Roshchin  VV Burluka  NI Tutchenko  VN Denisenko  IP Shlapak  NN Baramiia
Affiliation:Nauchno-prakticheskoe ob'edinenie skoro? meditsinsko? pomoshchi i meditsiny katastrof, g. Kiev, Ukrainskaia voenno-meditsinskaia akademiia, g. Kiev.
Abstract:Clinico-statistical analysis of the treatment results of 624 injured persons for the period from 1990 till 1995 year was conducted. In 509 (81.6%) of them the combined closed thoracic trauma was revealed, in 15 (18.4%)--the isolated closed affection of the skull, thorax, abdomen and extremities have occurred. The anatomic-functional model of the injury severity and prognosis outcome estimation was elaborated, an optimal timing and surgical treatment methods of the thoracic cage bones injury was substantiated, what have promoted to lower lethality from 50%--in injured persons, operated on without taking into account the trauma severity and prognosis outcome, to 31.6%--in operated on in the postponed order.
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