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Copper‐Catalyzed Asymmetric Conjugate Addition of Dimethylzinc to Acyl‐N‐methylimidazole Michael Acceptors: Scope,Limitations and Iterative Reactions
Authors:Sammy Drissi‐Amraoui,Thibault E. Schmid,Jimmy Lauberteaux,Christophe Cré  visy,Olivier Baslé  ,Renata Marcia de   Figueiredo,Sté  phanie Halbert,Hé    ne Gé  rard,Marc Mauduit,Jean‐Marc Campagne
Abstract:An efficient copper‐catalyzed enantioselective conjugate addition of dimethylzinc to unsaturated 2‐acyl‐N‐methylimidazoles has been achieved using a chiral bidentate hydroxyalkyl‐NHC ligand. The reactions proceed with excellent regioselectivity (1,4 vs. 1,6 and 1,8) in extended conjugated systems to afford the 1,4‐adducts in high enantioselectivities. This regioselectivity could be ascertained by DFT studies highlighting the crucial role of the imidazole ring. Thanks to the development of efficient protocols to regenerate the unsaturated 2‐acyl‐N‐methylimidazole moiety, an iterative process has been developed ultimately leading to 3,5,7 all‐syn or anti‐anti polydeoxypropionate stereodiads.

Keywords:acyl-N-methylimidazole  asymmetric conjugate addition  copper  1,3-deoxypropionates  iterative process
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