CHEN Shilong,CAO Ruirui,BI Guihong,RONG Junxiang,LI Xingwang.Single-end current direction transient protection based on morphology for UHVDC transmission line[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2016,36(1):
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陈仕龙, 曹蕊蕊, 毕贵红, 荣俊香, 李兴旺
昆明理工大学 电力工程学院,云南 昆明 650500
关键词:  特高压输电  直流输电  线路边界  暂态保护  多分辨形态梯度  形态谱
Single-end current direction transient protection based on morphology for UHVDC transmission line
CHEN Shilong, CAO Ruirui, BI Guihong, RONG Junxiang, LI Xingwang
Department of Electrical Power Engineering,Kunming University of Science and Technology,Kunming 650500,China
A kind of single-end current direction transient protection based on morphology is proposed for UHVDC transmission line. It judges whether the fault occurs in the out-zone of own side according to the traveling wave direction of fault current;if not,it further judges whether the fault occurs in the in-zone of own side or the out-zone of opposite side according to the decay characteristics of line and line boundary vs. the high frequency signal. Combined with MMG(Multi-resolution Morphological Gradient) transform,the fault transient signal acquired by the rectifier-side protection is used to extract the polarity of current signal at the catastrophe point,based on which,the principle and criterion of current direction element are proposed. The morphological spectrums of the transient signal acquired by the rectifier-side protection are calculated,normalized and converted into frequency domain,which are then used to judge whether the fault occurs in the out-zone of opposite side or the in-zone of own side by comparison. The simulative results show the proposed method can identify the in-zone,out-zone faults of own side and the out-zone fault of opposite side accurately,realizing the protection of whole UHVDC transmission line.
Key words:  UHV power transmission  DC power transmission  line boundary  transient protection  multi-resolution morphological gradient  morphological spectrum

