韩 旭,孟佳珩.肌酸类运动营养品的研究现状及其对运动员的影响[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2020,11(21):7766-7770
Research progress of creatine sports nutrition and its effect on athletes
投稿时间:2020-02-23  修订日期:2020-04-16
中文关键词:  肌酸  运动营养品  生理作用  运动能力
英文关键词:creatine  sports nutrition  physiological effects  sports ability
韩 旭 黑龙江中医药大学体育教研部 
孟佳珩 黑龙江中医药大学体育教研部 
HAN Xu Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Physical Education Department 
MENG Jia-Heng Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Physical Education Department 
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全文下载次数: 262
      随着竞技体育的快速发展, 为了适应高强度、大运动量的训练和比赛, 运动员需要摄入营养补充剂来维持运动能力以及恢复身体状态。而肌酸作为一种天然存在的非蛋白氨基酸化合物, 可以转化为磷酸肌酸从而合成人体活动所必需的物质——ATP, 进而快速提升能量, 增加肌肉的爆发力和耐久力, 提高身体素质和运动成绩。目前, 肌酸已经成为在运动员和健身人群中使用最广泛的运动营养补充剂。本文结合近些年国内外关于肌酸类运动营养品应用的研究, 综述了肌酸的生理功能及其作用机制, 以期为肌酸类营养品在运动领域的应用提供一定的理论指导依据。
      With the rapid development of competitive sports, in order to adapt to the high-intensity, high-volume training and competition, athletes need to take nutritional supplements to maintain athletic ability and restore physical condition. Creatine, as a naturally occurring non-protein amino acid compound, can be converted into phosphocreatine to synthesize ATP, which is necessary for human activities, thus rapidly improving energy, increasing the explosive power and endurance of muscles, and improving physical fitness and performance. Creatine has become the most widely used dietary supplement for sports among athletes and fitness groups. Therefore, based on the research on the application of creatine sports nutrition at home and abroad in recent years, this paper summarized the physiological function and mechanism of creatine, in order to provide a theoretical basis for the application of creatine nutrition in the field of sports.
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