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Image registration is the process of geometrically aligning one image to another image of the same scene taken from different viewpoints at different times or by different sensors. It is an important image processing procedure in remote sensing and has been studied by remote sensing image processing professionals for several decades. Nevertheless, it is still difficult to find an accurate, robust, and automatic image registration method, and most existing image registration methods are designed for a particular application. High-resolution remote sensing images have made it more convenient for professionals to study the Earth; however, they also create new challenges when traditional processing methods are used. In terms of image registration, a number of problems exist in the registration of high-resolution images: (1) the increased relief displacements, introduced by increasing the spatial resolution and lowering the altitude of the sensors, cause obvious geometric distortion in local areas where elevation variation exists; (2) precisely locating control points in high-resolution images is not as simple as in moderate-resolution images; (3) a large number of control points are required for a precise registration, which is a tedious and time-consuming process; and (4) high data volume often affects the processing speed in the image registration. Thus, the demand for an image registration approach that can reduce the above problems is growing. This study proposes a new image registration technique, which is based on the combination of feature-based matching (FBM) and area-based matching (ABM). A wavelet-based feature extraction technique and a normalized cross-correlation matching and relaxation-based image matching techniques are employed in this new method. Two pairs of data sets, one pair of IKONOS panchromatic images from different times and the other pair of images consisting of an IKONOS panchromatic image and a QuickBird multispectral image, are used to evaluate the proposed image registration algorithm. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can select sufficient control points semi-automatically to reduce the local distortions caused by local height variation, resulting in improved image registration results.  相似文献   

针对SIFT算法在生成特征向量和进行特征匹配过程中存在的计算量较大、容易产生误匹配等不足,提出一种优化的SIFT配准算法。优化算法首先引入拉普拉斯算子对图像边缘进行锐化处理,结合图像单元信息投影熵原理提取分块图像特征;再依据投影熵矢量欧氏距离最小揣度进行特征匹配;最后利用改进的随机抽样一致性算法删除误匹配。改进算法应用于全景图像拼接中。实验表明,与原始SIFT配准算法相比,优化算法能够有效提高算法效率,减少错误匹配,取得了较好的匹配效果。  相似文献   

针对单模态图像包含的信息存在局限性的问题,提出了一种基于形状上下文和HOG(histogram of oriented gradient)特征的红外和可见光图像配准方法.在混合高斯模型前景检测的基础上,通过提出的形状上下文和HOG特征结合的方法实现轮廓特征匹配,再利用TPS(thin plate spline)转换模型将匹配延伸到整个形状,并使用正则化和缩放特性迭代重组对应关系及估计转换降低估计误差.最后,采用RANSAC(random sample consensus)算法去除错误匹配点.与已有的形状上下文方法相比,此方法结合了边缘和轮廓特征信息,降低了误差,鲁棒性更好.  相似文献   

We describe a pipeline for structure-from-motion (SfM) with mixed camera types, namely omnidirectional and perspective cameras. For the steps of this pipeline, we propose new approaches or adapt the existing perspective camera methods to make the pipeline effective and automatic. We model our cameras of different types with the sphere camera model. To match feature points, we describe a preprocessing algorithm which significantly increases scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) matching performance for hybrid image pairs. With this approach, automatic point matching between omnidirectional and perspective images is achieved. We robustly estimate the hybrid fundamental matrix with the obtained point correspondences. We introduce the normalization matrices for lifted coordinates so that normalization and denormalization can be performed linearly for omnidirectional images. We evaluate the alternatives of estimating camera poses in hybrid pairs. A weighting strategy is proposed for iterative linear triangulation which improves the structure estimation accuracy. Following the addition of multiple perspective and omnidirectional images to the structure, we perform sparse bundle adjustment on the estimated structure by adapting it to use the sphere camera model. Demonstrations of the end-to-end multi-view SfM pipeline with the real images of mixed camera types are presented.  相似文献   

针对高分辨率遥感图像中提取的特征点数目过大且易存在误匹配点的问题,提出了一种粗配准和精配准相结合的高分辨率遥感图像配准算法.首先对图像降采样处理后,提取大尺度空间下的SIFT特征点,求得仿射变换模型完成图像粗配准;然后对图像进行分块,利用SIFT方法对每幅子块图像提取特征点,并找到对应子块图像之间的匹配点对;之后利用特征点构建Delaunay三角网,计算每对子块图像之间的三角形相似度,构成相似矩阵,从中挑选相似度大的三角形对以构成精确匹配点对;最后利用得到的精确匹配点对实现最终的图像配准.该算法能够减少提取的特征点数且剔除更多的错误匹配点,从而进一步提高精确匹配点率.实验结果表明了算法的有效性.  相似文献   

一种基于结构特征边缘的多传感器图像配准方法   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
图像配准是多传感器图像融合等处理的前提. 本文以包含人造目标的合成孔径雷达(Synthetic aperture radar, SAR)图像和可见光图像为处理对象, 提出了一种基于结构特征边缘的多传感器图像配准方法. 该方法提取人造目标在两类图像中表现的共性特征---结构特征边缘, 并基于边缘匹配构造虚拟角点, 采用基于特征一致的粗配准方法和基于虚拟角点的精配准方法, 对待配准图像实现由粗到精的自动配准. 实验结果表明, 本文方法能够取得较高的配准精度.  相似文献   

李映  崔杨杨  韩晓宇 《自动化学报》2012,38(12):1968-1974
以具有典型人造目标的可见光和SAR (Synthetic aperture radar)图像为研究对象,提出一种自适应多尺度快速Beamlet变换方法提取人造目标在可见光和SAR图像的共有特征---线特征, 并基于线特征构造控制点,设计了一种基于控制点特征的匹配度函数,采用基于特征一致的粗配准和基于控制点的精确配准方法,对待配准图像实现由粗到精的自动配准. 实验表明,在可见光和SAR图像存在较大灰度差异、旋转和平移的情况下,该算法仍然能够精确配准图像.  相似文献   

Automatic range image registration and matching is an attractive but unresolved problem in both the machine vision and pattern recognition literature. Since automatic range image registration and matching is inherently a very difficult problem, the algorithms developed are becoming more and more complicated. In this paper, we propose a novel practical algorithm for automatic free-form surface matching. This method directly manipulates the possible point matches established by the traditional ICP criterion based on both the collinearity and closeness constraints without any feature extraction, image pre-processing, or motion estimation from outliers corrupted data. A comparative study based on a large number of real range images has shown the accuracy and robustness of the novel algorithm.  相似文献   

以全色、多光谱图像中的桥梁目标为研究对象,采用具有尺度不变特征的SIFT算法,对图像进行特征点的提取与匹配,利用Delaunay三角网格对两幅图像特征点进行修正,通过投影变换将两幅图像变换到同一坐标系下进行配准,并利用均方根误差和相关系数进行配准评价;实验结果表明该方法可以减少图像的配准时间,配准精度达到亚像素级。  相似文献   

水对光的吸收和散射效应降低了水下图像的质量,水下图像的可视范围受到限制,复杂水下场景下的鲁棒性和精确性问题使得特征提取与匹配成为一项具有挑战性的任务。为了更好地配准水下图像,提出了一种改进CNN-RANSAC的水下图像特征配准方法,首先通过基于深度卷积神经网络的水下图像增强方法对水下图像进行增强预处理,通过水下图像分类数据集迁移学习训练VGGNet-16网络框架,利用修改后的网络框架进行特征提取,生成鲁棒的多尺度特征描述符与特征点,经过特征粗匹配与动态内点选择,使用改进的RANSAC方法剔除误匹配点。在大量水下图像数据集上进行了充分的特征提取和特征匹配实验,与基于SIFT和SURF的配准方法相比,该方法能够检测到更多的特征点,实现了匹配正确率的大幅度提高。  相似文献   

与普通场景图像相比,无人机影像中纹理信息较丰富,局部特征与目标对象“一对多”的对应问题更加严重,经典SURF算法不适用于无人机影像的特征点匹配.为此,提出一种辅以空间约束的SURF特征点匹配方法,并应用于无人机影像拼接.该方法对基准影像整体提取SURF特征点,对目标影像分块提取SURF特征点,在特征点双向匹配过程中使用两特征点对进行空间约束,实现目标影像子图像与基准影像的特征点匹配;根据特征点对计算目标影像初始变换参数,估计目标影像特征点的匹配点在基准影像上的点位,对匹配点搜索空间进行约束,提高匹配速度与精度;利用点疏密度空间约束,得到均匀分布的特征点对.最后,利用所获取的特征点对实现无人机影像的配准与拼接,通过人工选取均匀分布的特征点对验证拼接精度.实验结果表明,采用本文方法提取的特征点能够得到较好的无人机影像拼接效果.  相似文献   

对于传统的图像匹配算法存在特征信息少、错误匹配率高的问题,提出了一种基于改进的SURF算子和通过透视变换模型的图像配准算法。首先对传统的SURF描述符进行改进来进行特征点检测,然后用FLANN(Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors)搜索算法对检测出的角点进行粗匹配,再采用随机抽样一致(Random Samples Consensus,RANSAC)算法来消除粗匹配中误匹配的特征点对,最后将保留下来的精确匹配角点通过透视变换模型对图像进行配准。实验表明,该方法在光照、平移和模糊、旋转和尺度、视角变化具有更优的性能,提高了SURF算法的配准精度。  相似文献   

提出一种基于Laplace变换的图像配准算法. 首先利用经典的角点检测算法提取待匹配图像的特征点或角点; 其次利用相位相关法估算出两幅图像的重叠区域, 以缩小匹配范围; 然后对角点邻域模板区域施行Laplace变换; 最后利用基于改进的SSIM (结构相似性)作为相似性度量准则建立特征点之间的匹配关系. 实验结果表明, 该方法可以很好的完成特征点匹配, 匹配点对充足且具有很高的准确率, 而且对亮度差异具有一定的鲁棒性, 从而保证图像配准精度.  相似文献   

针对高分辨遥感图像特征量较多的情况,提出一种基于SIFT与Contourlet变换相结合的图像配准算法。首先将图像进行Contourlet变换分解成低频和高频子带,对高频子带通过设定合适的阈值来提取图像边缘特征点,对低频子带进行SIFT特征点提取。将两者提取到的特征点分别匹配后得到粗匹配点对,利用随机抽样一致性(RANSAC)选择出精匹配点对,实现图像配准。实验表明:在多源遥感图像配准过程中,与基于非采样Contourlet变换(NSCT)和基于SIFT特征提取相比,该算法能够更准确地提取到特征点,具有更高的运算效率以及匹配率。  相似文献   

目的 虚拟结肠镜是一种采用CT或者MRI图像重建出结肠3维结构,通过漫游虚拟结肠来检测结肠组织,一般用于早期结直肠癌筛查。结肠配准能够有效提高息肉检测的效率和精确度,但由于仰卧和俯卧位下的结肠图像形变太大,现有的配准方案中特征点的提取没有考虑到较多特殊情况,因此需要寻找一个新的配准方案完成完整的结肠配准。方法 提出了一种新的结肠图像配准方法,能够完成不同体位获取的虚拟结肠图像之间的配准。首先提取可以反映结肠结构信息的皱襞特征,用模板匹配和特征匹配方法找出两幅结肠中匹配的皱襞对。然后将匹配对的中心点作为标记点,做基于标记点的非刚性粗配准,最后将两幅图做B样条配准完成细配准。这种方法能够将结肠内部较大的形变先矫正,使得两幅图之间的形变缩小到一定范围,然后利用传统配准方法能够完成配准。结果 在5套数据中,找到能够成功匹配的皱襞区域数量占所有分割出的皱襞区域总数量的62%左右,匹配错误率为4.7%左右。完成皱襞粗配准后,结肠形变明显趋于一致,灰度值相对误差减小,最终完成了结肠配准。结论 先进行皱襞匹配再做基于匹配好的皱襞的映射关系做结肠配准,能够将存在较大形变的两套结肠匹配起来。在之后的工作中需要量化特征点选取对配准结果的影响,同时在做配准评估时,单纯采用灰度差值不能很好完成评估,因为灰度特征只能一定程度反映整体差异,不能很好体现结构差异,需要添加其他评估标准辅助配准评估。  相似文献   

Automatic registration of range images is a fundamental problem in 3D modeling of free-from objects. Various feature matching algorithms have been proposed for this purpose. However, these algorithms suffer from various limitations mainly related to their applicability, efficiency, robustness to resolution, and the discriminating capability of the used feature representation. We present a novel feature matching algorithm for automatic pairwise registration of range images which overcomes these limitations. Our algorithm uses a novel tensor representation which represents semi-local 3D surface patches of a range image by third order tensors. Multiple tensors are used to represent each range image. Tensors of two range images are matched to identify correspondences between them. Correspondences are verified and then used for pairwise registration of the range images. Experimental results show that our algorithm is accurate and efficient. Moreover, it is robust to the resolution of the range images, the number of tensors per view, the required amount of overlap, and noise. Comparisons with the spin image representation revealed that our representation has more discriminating capabilities and performs better at a low resolution of the range images. This work has been provisionally patented under Australian patent number 2004902436 and is sponsored by ARC grant number DP0344338.  相似文献   

蔡天旺  付胜 《测控技术》2021,40(7):40-45
电路板红外图像具有分辨率低、对比度低、信噪比低、视觉效果模糊的特点,目前的图像配准算法用于电路板红外图像配准时,运算时间长且匹配准确度低.针对电路板红外图像的特点,梳理了图像配准方面的国内外研究现状,分析了SIFT算法的基本原理,对原有的SIFT算法进行了修改.对特征点的提取方式进行了改进,减少了不必要的特征点;改进了特征点的描述符,降低了特征向量的维数;在特征点匹配的时候加入了分层阈值.对改进的算法进行了一系列的测试,针对三对电路板的红外图像进行配准,实验结果表明,相比于传统的SIFT算法,改进的SIFT算法在进行电路板红外图像配准的时候,匹配的准确率和运算时间得到了很大的提升,为电路板红外图像的配准提供了新的方法.  相似文献   

Image registration is a widely tackled research topic in the computer vision and the computer graphics fields. This problem aims to find an optimal transformation or correspondence between images acquired under different conditions. Recently, a new 3D image acquisition device based on the time-of-flight technology has appeared which obtains range images from real-time 3D video sequences. In this contribution, we aim to study the feasibility of using this new class of cameras to face the 3D model reconstruction procedure. Our proposal is two-fold. First, we introduce a novel image preprocessing pipeline in order to improve the quality of time-of-flight range images and a subsequent feature extraction method considering both 2D and 3D images. As second major objective, we propose an adaptation of the evolutionary bacterial foraging optimization algorithm, which has recently emerged as a very powerful technique for real parameter optimization and gained a high interest for distributed optimization and control, to tackle the range image registration problem. Finally, we analyse the performance of our proposal against other state-of-the-art evolutionary image registration methods.  相似文献   

基于SIFT图像特征匹配的多视角深度图配准算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为有效地解决多视角深度图配准问题,提出一种新的配准算法.首先给出一种深度图数据图像化方法,根据深度图包含的像素信息和网格顶点处的曲率值创建特征图像;然后通过对特征图像进行SIFT特征检测与匹配来获得特征点与匹配关系,从而得到原始深度图上的特征点与匹配关系;最后采用投票和预配准方法去除误匹配,实现递增式多视角深度图配准.模拟噪声实验和多个实际测量深度图的配准实验结果验证了该算法的鲁棒性和有效性.  相似文献   

For remote sensing image registration, we find that affine transformation is suitable to describe the mapping between images. Based on the scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT), affine-SIFT (ASIFT) is capable of detecting and matching scale- and affine-invariant features. Unlike the blob feature detected in SIFT and ASIFT, a scale-invariant edge-based matching operator is employed in our new method. To find the local features, we first extract edges with a multi-scale edge detector, then the distinctive features (we call these ‘feature from edge’ or FFE) with computed scale are detected, and finally a new matching scheme is introduced for image registration. The algorithm incorporates principal component analysis (PCA) to ease the computational burden, and its affine invariance is embedded by discrete sampling as ASIFT. We present our analysis based on multi-sensor, multi-temporal, and different viewpoint images. The operator shows the potential to become a robust alternative for point-feature-based registration of remote-sensing images as subpixel registration consistency is achieved. We also show that using the proposed edge-based scale- and affine-invariant algorithm (EBSA) results in a significant speedup and fewer false matching pairs compared to the original ASIFT operator.  相似文献   

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