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氢能是可再生二次能源,具有无碳无毒、单位质量能量密度高及来源丰富等特点。中国是全球最大的能源生产国和消费国,为了应对气候变暖,减少温室气体排放,实现2060年"碳中和"目标,氢能是很好的无碳能源载体。基于"碳中和"情景,提出"零碳排放"模式下的氢能物质能量转换流程。本文通过制氢、储运、终端应用三个环节,结合储能、燃料电池、氢气内燃机、长距离输送、加氢站、发电和建筑用能七个应用场景,对氢能未来的发展趋势进行了展望。研究发现,氢能的应用存在技术或成本方面的不足。展望2060年,电能是中国能源体系构架的核心能源,氢能是有益的补充能源,建议从技术创新和成本平价两方面入手,实现基于"碳中和"的氢能应用场景。  相似文献   

光伏作为大力发展的零碳能源之一,是“双碳”目标达成的主力军,有必要对生态光伏模式进行研究。在总结分析光伏阵列对气象、土壤和植被的影响,光伏电站区域的固碳增汇效益和生态系统服务价值估算研究现状的基础上,从成本约束下的生态-经济效益最大化和固碳效益最优化角度,提出了生态光伏的概念和内涵;基于脆弱区域特征,融合生态系统过程模型和InVEST效益核算模型,构建基于“双碳”目标的脆弱区域生态光伏模式。研究结果可为光伏发电与脆弱区域生态修复双重效益核算,开发路径识别,行业标准出台提供参考。  相似文献   

全球氢能已进入产业化快速发展新阶段,欧美日韩等20多个主要经济体已将发展氢能提升到国家战略层面,相继制定发展规划、路线图以及相关扶持政策,加快产业化发展进程。本文分析总结了日本、德国、韩国、美国、澳大利亚等国家氢能发展战略,提炼了深度脱碳、保障能源安全和实现经济增长3个发展氢能核心驱动力;基于碳中和目标成为国际共识以及全球地缘政治的扰动分析了氢能发展定位、氢源结构过渡、多元应用场景、产业发展阶段4个方面的趋势。主要国家统筹考虑资源禀赋、技术和产业基础、市场需求等多方面因素,因地制宜推动氢能技术攻关与产业化发展,对我国氢能产业高质量具有重要参考价值。本文从加强国家层面氢能战略引导、加大关键核心技术攻关力度和加速多元化场景示范应用3个方面提出了贯彻落实《氢能产业发展中长期发展规划(2021—2035年)》的建议。  相似文献   

周波 《上海节能》2023,(6):769-774
氢能作为一种来源丰富、应用广泛、绿色清洁的二次能源,对构建清洁低碳、安全高效的能源体系意义重大。在“双碳”目标、氢能中长期规划等积极政策引领下,脱碳加氢和清洁高效是能源革命的大趋势,各地纷纷出台氢能产业发展规划及实施方案,国内加氢站建设进入了快速发展期。氢能产业政策编制质量直接关系到我国氢能产业高质量的健康发展,我国各地政府纷纷出台了加氢站管理文件。通过对各地管理办法的介绍及解读,总结其中共性及差异,挖掘典型城市氢能产业发展规划的政策特征,为今后此类管理工作提供参考。  相似文献   

刘丹  刘强 《中国能源》2023,(9):37-48
本文对氢能发展的能量效益与技术经济成本进行了分析,探讨了氢能发展的优劣势。在此基础上,本文认为氢能产业的发展路径应包括:(1)扩大应用范围,并通过需求增长拉动相应基础设施建设的发展,多使用低成本能源制氢;(2)继续突破关键性产业技术,实现技术成本的下降,主要在制氢环节和燃料电池环节;(3)寻找更能承担较高成本的用氢领域,主要是应急电力保障;(4)发展载氢液体燃料解决综合能源消耗尤其是在储存和运输中能耗过高的问题,建议使用褐煤、煤层气等廉价化石能源来源的氢与碳捕捉、生物碳相结合的制取路线。  相似文献   

氢能作为一种清洁的可再生能源,对世界经济的可持续发展具有重要的战略意义。制氢和燃料电池技术是实现氢能和电能相互转换的关键技术,我国已将氢能和燃料电池列为战略性能源技术,大型的能源电力企业也正在推动氢能和燃料电池技术的应用和发展。将氢能和电能联系在一起,介绍了氢电耦合在高弹性电网中的可应用场景,并从多模式、多场景进行投资收益分析,阐述了氢能推广的商业价值及未来的应用前景。  相似文献   

2020年是氢能发展加速之年.中国国家主席习近平在第75届联合国大会期间提出,中国二氧化碳排放力争于2030年前达到峰值,努力争取2060年前实现碳中和.应对气候变化的脱碳愿景逐步成为氢能大规模部署的最重要驱动力.但我国目前在碳中和战略下氢能产业发展目标和路径尚不明确,本文应用情景分析方法和长期能源替代规划(LEAP)模型的计算,对我国交通、工业、建筑与发电等领域的氢能进行需求分析测算,研究结果表明,为实现2060年碳中和目标,我国氢气的年需求量将从目前的3342万吨增加至1.3亿吨左右,在终端能源体系中占比达20%.随着深度脱碳需求的增加和低碳清洁氢经济性的提升,氢能在工业、交通、建筑与发电等领域逐步渗透,氢能供给结构从化石能源为主的非低碳氢逐步过渡到以可再生能源为主的清洁氢,并将提供80%氢能需求.2060年,低碳清洁氢供氢体系二氧化碳减排量约17亿吨/年,约占当前我国能源活动二氧化碳总排放量的17%.  相似文献   

  目的  氢能和储能是实现“碳达峰、碳中和”目标的重要手段,并且其产业化正步入快速发展时期。氢能与储能的产业与技术创新具有多方面的交叉与融合。文章旨在通过梳理氢能和储能的应用场景与关键技术,为其耦合发展提供建议。  方法  具体阐述了氢能的储能角色在构建新型电力系统中发挥的作用及其在交通、建筑、工业等领域中促进碳减排的定位,分析了氢能与储能的共性关键技术,并提出推动其耦合发展的建议。  结果  新能源通过氢能和储能的形式渗透至电力、交通、建筑、工业等领域进行深度脱碳,但是其产业技术的瓶颈还需要持续突破。  结论  氢能与储能的共性关键技术可以进行协同研发攻关,其产业化仍需要酝酿。在推动工程示范的过程中应该积极积累经验,掌握核心技术,避免盲目和重复建设。  相似文献   

苏铭 《中国能源》2022,(4):13-20
中国提出碳达峰碳中和目标意义重大,能源低碳转型是实现这一目标的关键。从能源转型总体目标看,中国有望以较低的人均能源消费支撑现代化强国目标的实现,非化石能源及发电将在一次能源及电源结构中占据主导地位,在终端用能结构中电气化比重将大幅提升,但天然气、供热热源以及氢能等能源转型发展方面的重点问题,仍需要在实践中逐步明晰路线。能源低碳转型发展是一项长期的艰巨任务,必须统筹好转型时期能源发展和安全的关系,妥善解决化石能源有序退出的问题,推动可再生能源低成本大规模开发利用,构建适应能源供需格局变化的能源输配体系。为此,建议建立健全能源低碳转型的目标引导机制和协同推进机制,建立全社会分工协作的低碳能源科技创新体系,深化能源价格形成机制和市场体系改革。  相似文献   

范松  任庚坡 《上海节能》2023,(6):708-716
数据中心是承载数据存储、计算和分析的重要基础设施,已经成为经济数字化发展的重要基石,随着新一代信息技术革命的推进,数据中心的建设浪潮也随之兴起。在全球推行节能降碳的背景下,数据中心的能源消耗和绿色发展问题逐渐引起了各个国家的高度关注。对比研究了欧美发达国家和我国数据中心绿色发展的相关政策与发展现状,分析了我国数据中心产业在绿色发展上所面临的挑战与困难,尤其是在能源利用水平、整体产业布局等方面进行了重点分析,并从我国实际情况出发,提出了对策建议。一是要深挖节能潜力,推广先进节能技术应用,新建数据中心应严格把控各个环节,小规模已有数据中心应开展节能诊断,分类实施节能降碳改造。二是加强执法监察,提升能效约束作用,通过节能专项执法监察,形成数据中心的黑白名单,淘汰“小老散旧”数据中心,加大产业结构的调整力度。三是多措并举持续发力,推动“东数西算”全面建设,从统筹布局、顶层设计、法规政策、技术创新等多个方面努力,协调东西部资源,形成全国一体化大数据中心体系。  相似文献   

This study primarily focused on investigating energy conservation and carbon reduction performance assessment indexes as policy-making references for screening energy conservation and carbon reduction industries. Based on the perspectives of the value chain, the study classified these industries into energy supply, conversion, and utilization types. The upstream energy supply function was associated with the supply of energy sources; the midstream conversion function, with the conversion of energy sources into energy forms such as electricity or thermal energy; and the downstream utilization function, with the production of the function(s) required by users through electrical power or thermal energy. From the viewpoints of energy conservation and carbon reduction, this study divided the assessment indexes into five categories: energy supply efficiency, conversion efficiency, utilization efficiency, consumption, and carbon emission. This study first explained the investigation of energy conservation and carbon reduction indexes and then constructed an energy conservation and carbon reduction performance assessment model. Finally, as an example, a fuel cell-powered motorcycle developed by the hydrogen power and fuel cell industry was considered in order to estimate actual energy conservation and carbon reduction performance. Biomass fermentation was used to produce the hydrogen supply. The results indicated that this model could both estimate energy consumption and CO2 emission and analyze major energy conservation and carbon reduction sources for these industries.  相似文献   

Reduction in greenhouse effect gases emission is a major source of concern nowadays. Internal combustion engines, as the most widely used power generation mean for transportation, represent a large share of such gases, which motivates active research efforts for alternative solutions. In this regard, PEM fuel cells represent a promising prospect and are thoroughly investigated, whether experimentally or through numerical simulation. The present work presents a simulation of the power potential of a PEM fuel cell, which is integrated to the full power electric traction chain of a medium size car. The cell potential is modelled by taking into account the different types of polarization. The driving performances of the vehicle and its hydrogen consumption are evaluated through a simple mathematical model and an application is performed for the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) standard driving cycle. A preliminary sizing of the proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) membrane area for the chosen vehicle is presented, along with that of a hydrogen storage tank for a typical autonomy. The main goal of the simulation is to estimate CO2 indirect emissions due to the production of the needed hydrogen for the cycle via an electrolyser, compared with the case of a gasoline fueled vehicle. This is performed solely on a ‘fuel tank to wheel’ basis in order to have comparable figures. The results indicate that the environmental advantage of hydrogen cars is quite questionable if hydrogen is produced using carbon‐based energy sources. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Targeting the net-zero emission (NZE) by 2050, the hydrogen industry is drastically developing in recent years. However, the technologies of hydrogen upstream production, midstream transportation and storage, and downstream utilization are facing obstacles. In this paper, the development of hydrogen industry from the production, transportation and storage, and sustainable economic development perspectives were reviewed. The current challenges and future outlooks were summarized consequently. In the upstream, blue hydrogen is dominating the current hydrogen supply, and an implementation of carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) can raise its cost by 30%. To achieve an economic feasibility, green hydrogen needs to reduce its cost by 75% to approximately 2 $/kg at the large scale. The research progress in the midterm sector is still in a preliminary stage, where experimental and theoretical investigations need to be conducted in addressing the impact of embrittlement, contamination, and flammability so that they could provide a solid support for material selection and large-scale feasibility studies. In the downstream utilization, blue hydrogen will be used in producing value-added chemicals in the short-term. Over the long-term, green hydrogen will dominate the market owing to its high energy intensity and zero carbon intensity which provides a promising option for energy storage. Technologies in the hydrogen industry require a comprehensive understanding of their economic and environmental benefits over the whole life cycle in supporting operators and policymakers.  相似文献   

以光伏系统、氢燃料电池、电解槽、储氢罐构建的热电联供微电网为研究对象,制定初始投资成本等年值以及年运行成本最小的优化目标,提出热电联供微电网热负荷满足率评价指标,针对系统运行的基本约束设计微电网控制综合策略,并以某地历史源荷数据为参考,建立满足工程应用的数学模型,采用粒子群优化算法进行求解,得到氢气储能的孤岛型微电网热电需求基本方案。从应用层面论证氢气储能替代电池储能的可行性,并进行微电网系统容量优化配置,可满足居民负荷供能需求,提高系统运行经济性,预期具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

Establishing an industrial park-integrated energy system (IN-IES) is an effective way to reduce carbon emission, reduce energy supply cost and improve system flexibility. However, the modeling of hydrogen storage in traditional IN-IES is relatively rough. In order to solve this problem, an IN-IES with hydrogen energy industry chain (HEIC) is proposed in this paper. Hydrogen production, transportation, and storage technologies are applied in HEIC. Firstly, a novel long-term hydrogen storage model considering different time steps is presented. Secondly, hydrogen compressor models considering different pressure ratios are further employed. On this basis, the impact of the HEIC on the planning and operation results of IN-IES is studied. Finally, the superiority and the effectiveness of the proposed model and planning method are verified by simulation cases.  相似文献   

The data center needs more and more electricity due to the explosive growth of IT servers and it could cause electricity power shortage and huge carbon emission. It is an attractive and promising solution to power the data center with hydrogen energy source. The present work aims to conduct an economic analysis on the hydrogen-powered data center. Configurations of hydrogen-powered and traditional data centers are compared and the differences focus on backup power system, converter/inverter, fuel cell subsystem, carbon emission, hydrogen and electricity consumptions. Economic analysis is conducted to evaluate the feasibility to power the data center with hydrogen energy source. Results show that electricity price increasing rate and hydrogen cost are the main factors to influence economic feasibility of hydrogen-powered data center. When the electricity price keeps constant in the coming two decades, the critical hydrogen price is about 2.8 U.S. dollar per kilogram. If the electricity price could increase 5% annually due to explosive growth of electric vehicles and economy, critical hydrogen price will become 6.4 U.S. dollar per kilogram. Hydrogen sources and transportation determine the hydrogen price together. Hydrogen production cost varies greatly with hydrogen sources and production technologies. Hydrogen transport cost is greatly influenced by distances and H2 consumptions to consumers. It could be summarized that the hydrogen-powered data center is economic if hydrogen could be produced from natural gas or H2-rich industrial waste streams in chemical plant and data center could not be built too far away from hydrogen sources. In addition, large-scale hydrogen-powered data center is more likely to be economic. Solar hydrogen powered data center has entered into a critical stage in the economic feasibility. Solar hydrogen production cost has restrained the H2 utilization in data center power systems now, since it could be competitive only when more strict carbon emission regulation is employed, hydrogen production cost reduces greatly and electricity price is increasing greatly in the future. However, it could be expected solar hydrogen-powered system will be adopted as the power source of data centers in the next few years.  相似文献   

Hydrogen has been recognized as the most promising future energy carrier. At present, industrial hydrogen production processes are not independent of traditional energy resources, which could easily cause secondary pollution. China has abundant wind energy resources. The total installed capacity of wind power doubled every year in the last five years, and reached 26 000 MW by the end of 2009, but over 9880 MW wind turbines were not integrated into grid because of the peak shaving restraint. In this paper, wind power is directly used in water-electrolytic process by some technical improvements, to design non-grid-connected wind power/water-electrolytic hydrogen production system. The system all works properly, based on not only the wind/grid complementary power supply but also the independent supply of simulation wind power. The large-scale fluctuation of current density has little impact on current efficiency and gas quality, and only affects gas output. The new system can break through the bottlenecks of wind power utilization, and explore a diversified development way of large-scale wind power, which will contribute to the development of green economy and low carbon economy in China.  相似文献   

Hydrogen energy utilization is expected due to its environmental and energy efficiencies. However, many issues remain to be solved in the social implementation of hydrogen energy through water electrolysis. This analyzes and compares the energy consumption and GHG emissions of fossil fuel-derived hydrogen and gasoline energy systems over their entire life cycle. The results demonstrate that for similar vehicle weights, the hydrogen energy system consumes 1.8 MJ/km less energy and emits 0.15 kg-CO 2 eq./km fewer GHG emissions than those of the gasoline energy system. Hydrogen derived from fossil fuels may contribute to future energy systems due to its stable energy supply and economic efficiency. Lowering the power source carbon content also improved the environmental and energy efficiencies of hydrogen energy derived from fossil fuels.  相似文献   

甘肃省的新能源发电目前尚以廉价的资源性输出为主,寻找优质的用电负荷和发展更高等级的用电产业是新能源发电发展的出路。对甘肃省新能源发电转化为氢能,在可开发资源总量、发电量、电价成本以及和汽油的竞争能力等方面进行了系列研究和必要的计算分析,得出的结论是:甘肃省利用新能源发电发展、壮大氢能制取和应用产业链具有得天独厚的优势,同时具有和其他制取方式相比的领先地位以及和汽油相比的竞争优势。  相似文献   

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