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"海绵城市"是应对当前快速城镇化过程中严重的生态环境问题而提出的一种新思路。古代人类在长期水资源管理及与各种水灾害斗争过程中,积累了朴素的具有生态价值的经验,表现为城乡聚落选址、城市水资源管理、城市形态等方面的适应性景观,集中体现了海绵城市的思想,对城市景观设计具有重要的启示意义。本文介绍了近几十年国内外学术界对古代城市水适应性景观经验的探索,其中对中东地区、古希腊、古罗马、古玛雅文明等研究的成果最为丰富,引水、蓄水设施是大多数研究的关注重点。水适应性景观的内容和形式受降水、地形特点等因素影响。当前,传统城市水景观的研究已从传统的防洪、抗旱等单要素研究转向综合研究,探讨水景观的复杂结构和复合功能。随着现代水利技术的发展,古代城市水景观遗产正日渐破坏消失,面对危机四伏的水生态和水环境,如何借鉴古代城市水适应性景观经验,推进"海绵城市"建设理论和实践的完善和发展,是当代景观设计的重要课题。  相似文献   

二战后,日本从一个贫困国家发展成为一个经济高度发达的繁荣国家。为适应60 a来不断变化的社会经济形势,随着大规模江河防洪、水资源开发与环保工程建设,日本的水管理也有了飞速发展。日本的经验值得发展中国家借鉴,尤其对于亚洲季风国家,因为他们正在积极研究制订防洪措施,开展水资源开发与保护项目。  相似文献   

英国开展了一个重大研究项目——"供水系统如何适应变化的气候",主要内容包括:①影响干旱、水资源和淡水环境的气候变化的不确定性;②现有预测需水量的方法所固有的不确定性;③在极度不确定性情况下采用定性方法进行供水规划,并将该项目研究成果以《水资源管理》杂志专刊——"气候变化下供水系统的适应与恢复能力"的形式出版发布。对出版该专刊的原由及意义作了详细说明,并对其中几篇重点文章进行了介绍,指出应采用多学科和跨学科的方法来研究如何提高供水系统对不确定变化气候的适应和恢复能力。  相似文献   

3一些国家的先进经验值得我们借鉴 发达国家和地区在保护水生态、管理水资源方面,非常重视运用形式多样的宣传教育来提高公众的参与程度,依靠全社会的力量来共同实现对水生态保护与水资源管理的目标,他们的许多有效做法和经验值得我们学习借鉴。  相似文献   

建立现代水资源管理系统初探   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
水资源管理工作正逐步进入一个对水的资源管理和需水定向管理的新阶段,管理的内容有了很大扩展,必须尽快建立一个与管理内容和形式相适应的现代水资源管理体系.明确现代水资源管理的目标、内容和原则,研究确立建立现代水资源管理系统的对策措施,全面提高水资源管理水平.  相似文献   

对新加坡而言,水资源关乎国家存亡。为降低对进口水的依赖,该国规划实施了高效的水资源供求管理措施。除扩大集水区外,其水管理策略结合海水淡化及运用先进技术制造新生水。新加坡的水资源管理取得成功的经验,给我国城市水管理提供了良好的借鉴.  相似文献   

城市河流是人类生活和城市景观的重要载体,具有防洪排涝、工农业水资源配置等多方面功能。针对河流岸边带及湿地净化两种城市河流景观构建技术的原理、类型、应用实例进行了初步分析,为城市河流治理提供经验借鉴。  相似文献   

正2016年8月26—27日,第十四届中国水论坛在吉林省长春市召开,来自全国高校、科研机构及相关企事业单位的600多名专家、学者参加了会议。本届论坛的主题是"面向未来的水安全与可持续发展",重点探讨变化环境下水文水资源响应、水资源调度与管理、生态水文、地下水科学与管理、水文预报与水文模型、水文过程、极端气候与水文循环、农业水资源、河湖连通与防洪减灾、遥感水文与国际河流、水污染与水环境等议题。  相似文献   

新加坡水资源匮乏,但其先进的水务技术和管理手段,特别是水管理领域的理念和经验,为缺水城市提供经验借鉴。总结了新加坡水管理5个特点和3项水资源管理战略对策,并以北京市为例进行了适用性分析,最后提出新加坡水管理战略对策与经验,对缺水城市在强化水资源管理、加强精细化管理、技术创新和管理创新、公众教育和宣传、水管理战略对策与经验等方面提供了很好的启示。  相似文献   

城市水景观研究是一个新课题,目前出现了跌水景观、叠水景观、亲水景观、滨水景观等概念。城市水景观是与水有关的城市生态景观的集合体,目前包括湖、池、溪涧与峡、泉、河、水景园、堤岛、石岸等。研究水景观之间的不同特点,以可持续发展的先进理念设计城市水景观,优先考虑当地的水资源条件和水资源承载能力,重视水的节约、保护、涵养和再生,对水体采取有效的防腐防污处理措施,对于加强城市水景观建设、提高旅游品位是十分有益的。  相似文献   

成都市景观格局时空变化及驱动因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
快速城镇化深刻影响着城市热岛效应、大气环境、生态质量等诸多方面,是目前城市生态学和景观地理学研究的热点。采用中高分辨率遥感影像,利用Fragstats软件计算景观指数,分别从全市域和中心城区两个尺度研究了2000~2010年成都市景观格局时空变化特征,并对中心城区扩张导致的新旧城区景观格局变化及破碎度进行了对比,最后结合社会经济和城市发展政策因素,分析了成都城市景观格局变化的驱动力。研究结果表明:2000~2010年期间,成都市的景观特征发生了较大变化,建设用地保持较快的增长速度,其比例由5.65%上升至10.39%;耕地面积比例由61.41%下降至53.90%,但仍然是成都全市域的优势生态系统,比例维持在50%以上;中心城区城镇化景观变化更加明显,建设用地面积比例增加了13.41%,是中心城区的优势景观类型,耕地比例相应减少24.14%。人口规模的增加、产业结构调整以及城市发展政策的变化是导致景观格局变化的主要因素。  相似文献   

以河北省围场县为例,选取其中水利风景资源优异的13条支沟及水库塘坝作为评价对象,采用模糊数学方法进行水利风景资源评价,以主观感受及客观衡量相结合,综合考虑研究区内景观资源的特点,确定模糊数学评价所需要的评价指标、权重、评分标准及隶属度,通过多层次计算得到评价对象的综合得分,从而确定其级别分类。获得了研究区不同水利风景资源的景源级别,使景观评价的客观性有所提高。  相似文献   

城市建设中,常常需要建设不同规模、类型的人工水系。在城市中建设人工水系需协同解决水循环、水质保障、水源与退水、水景观打造及极端情况应急预案等多方面问题。以北京未来科技城环形水系设计为例,采用传统水工设计技术与生态水工学、景观生态学相结合的方法,对环形水系的水循环体系、水质保障工程、水源与退水措施与水景观打造进行了综合设计研究,提出了概念性设计方案,解决了城市复杂约束条件下人工生态水系设计问题,为城市生态人工设计提供了借鉴。研究认为:城市复杂环境下人工生态水系设计需基于传统水工设计技术,有机融入生态水工学及景观生态学方法进行;水循环、水质、水源与退水、景观与生态成为城市人工水系设计的基本内容。  相似文献   

为了定量研究韩江流域的面源污染情况以及景观格局对污染的影响,建立了流域水文水质模型,并采用多元线性回归、冗余分析方法,探索景观指标与污染物质量浓度变化量的关系。结果表明:西部宁江流域地区的总氮质量浓度较高,最大值为3.91 mg/L;东部汀江流域地区总磷质量浓度较高,最大值为2.15 mg/L;流域总体水质呈恶化趋势;景观指标能解释81.7%的面源污染变化,且景观的面积越大,其组成格局可能比空间格局对水质的影响更大;林地的面积百分比与面源污染负相关,农田、城镇、草地景观则相反;城镇或农田等人类景观的斑块密度、形状指数等空间格局指标与污染物质量浓度负相关;旱地相比水田对面源污染的贡献更大;在研究区采用退草还林、农业结构调整等管理措施分别能够削减1.82%和4.63%的总氮负荷以及1.16%和7.31%的总磷负荷。  相似文献   

论景观建筑风景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对古今景观认识程度,以及传统景观与现代景观对比,分析了景观对当今人类生活的重要影响以及发展前景。  相似文献   

Landscape memory and ecological memory are relatively new concepts developed independently in geomorphology and ecology. Eco‐geomorphology strives to enrich the concept of landscape memory with that of ecological memory, as ecosystems build inherent parts of landscapes and are controlled by geomorphological factors. This integration is illustrated by a small‐scale eco‐geomorphological case study of links between ecosystems and their hydrogeomorphological template, in the floodplain of a medium size Hungarian River. Despite that the river is channelized by 1835 and most of the study area is under intensive agricultural cultivation, the seminatural vegetation along the various reaches shows significant variations according to geomorphological background variables: detrended correspondence analysis yields results of p = 0.002 significance. Our results prove that geomorphological patterns in floodplains, defined by landscape memory, and the related vegetation patterns, as manifestations of ecological memory, jointly determine the face of floodplain landscapes. The integration of ecological memory into the definition of landscape memory may help meet the challenges of eco‐geomorphology and facilitate a holistic understanding of landscapes, and thus be instrumental for reconstructing past environments—both in theory (scientific research) and practice (rehabilitation projects). Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rivers networks represent hierarchical dendritic habitats within terrestrial landscapes and differences in connectivity and land use influence dispersal, and consequently biodiversity patterns. We, therefore, measured variation in water chemistry and fish abundance and related these to a number of landscape characteristics (e.g., wetland, urban, wooded, and agricultural) in the River Klarälven and its 30 permanently flowing tributaries. We hypothesized that these environmental attributes would differ between tributary and main stem habitat and that these differences would be driven by landscape attributes including land use. We found considerable intertributary variation in temperature and nutrient levels, and between the tributaries and the main stem. Generally, water temperature was lower in the tributaries, whereas nutrient levels were higher in the tributaries. The lower water temperature has implications for coldwater fishes, and we found two fishes, burbot and lamprey, associated with coldwater tributaries. We also found an inverse relationship between water quality and anthropogenic land use. Protecting tributaries with low anthropogenic impact will likely become increasingly important with ongoing global warming as they can function as thermal refugia for coldwater fishes. Hence, this study underscores the need to evaluate water courses at regional scales to identify spatial refuges and ensure connectivity.  相似文献   

采用调查研究和统计分析方法,对民勤县石羊河流域重点治理工程及其效益得以显现的关键技术管理措施和效果进行调查研究。结果表明,指标层层细化、"三水"联合调度、轮次定额配水、推行差别水价政策、推广节水技术、调整农业种植结构、落实责任等措施,是实现水资源严格管理和高效利用的有效措施;责任制度落实、层层监督检查是水资源精细化管理的有效行政推动措施;乡(镇)水资源管理办公室是水源配置方案有效落实的重要组织保障措施;采用计量监控、监测设施设备是水资源管理的有效管控手段;依据水权和农产品动态趋势,适时调整农业种植结构,逐步形成以水定布局、节水高效的动态种植结构模式,是巩固水资源管理成果、推动水资源持续利用效益再上台阶的有效途径;以滴灌为主的高新高效技术推广和设施农牧业的高效发展是干旱缺水区缓减水资源供需矛盾、持续高效利用有限水资源和巩固流域生态修复成果、促进生态环境趋于良性循环的战略措施。  相似文献   

Marsh-breeding birds are valuable components of healthy ecosystems and are useful indicators of successful wetland restorations. The occurrence of these species, however, is influenced by the surrounding landscape. To aid decision-makers, we used data from the Great Lakes Marsh Monitoring Program of Birds Canada at 521 sites across four time periods (2000–2001, 2005–2006, 2010–2011, 2015–2016) throughout southern Ontario, Canada, to quantify how initial occupancy and subsequent local extinction or colonization of 13 marsh-breeding bird indicator species (or species groups) was influenced by the composition of, and concurrent changes in, surrounding remotely-sensed land cover within 200–6,400 m. For six species (46 %) initial occupancy was higher or extinction was lower where surrounding wetland/open water land cover was higher. By contrast, initial occupancy was lower, extinction was higher, and/or colonization was lower: 1) where surrounding anthropogenic (predominantly urban) land cover was higher (four species, 31 %), 2) in Great Lakes coastal compared to inland landscapes (five species, 38 %), and 3) where loss of surrounding wetland/open water land cover increased, depending on whether surrounding wetland/open water land cover was initially low or high (seven species, 54 %). We recommend that decision-makers consider the influence of the surrounding landscape during conservation planning and when measuring success of wetland restorations based on marsh-breeding bird indicator species, particularly in Great Lakes coastal landscapes and landscapes with high urban land cover and/or low wetland/open water land cover.  相似文献   

Since agriculture development would be affected by climate change, the reservoir operation for agricultural irrigation should be adjusted. However, there are to date few literatures addressing how to design adaptive operating rules for an irrigation reservoir. This study aims to analyze the adaption of fixed operating rules and to derive adaptive operating rules under climate change. The deterministic optimization model is established with the solving method of two-dimensional dynamic programming (TDDP), and its optimal trajectory is supplied to derive reservoir operating rules at time intervals of crop growth periods. Then, two alternative operating rules, including fixed operating rules based on historical data and adaptive operating rules based on climate change data, are extracted using the fitting method with the multiple linear regression model. The alteration of reservoir inflow under climate change is calculated by the Budyko formula. A case study of the China’s Dongwushi Reservoir shows that: (1) fixed operating rules are unable to adapt climate change in the future scenario. Thus, adaptive operating rules should be established, (2) adaptive operating rules can reduce profits loss resulting from climate change, and improve field soil water storages, and (3) precipitation reduction by 7%/40a is the major cause for agricultural profits loss, whereas, the decrement of agricultural profits is less than that of precipitation, which indicates agricultural crops have the resilience to resist the adverse influence from precipitation decrease. These findings are helpful for adaptive operation of irrigation reservoirs under climate change.  相似文献   

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