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根据学生的个性特点生成合适的学习序列是智能教学系统实现的关键,也是系统智能性的重要体现。其难点在于既要考虑知识点之间的逻辑联系,又要适应学生个性化的学习特点。提出了基于知识点之间内在关系指导下的学习序列生成算法,讨论了学生学习水平和用户个性的建模和计算以及对学习序列的调整和优化的方法。采用学习窗口作为活动组织的单元,以适应具有不同学习能力的学生,采用学习模式描述知识内容的组织方式及对应学习方式的不同。原型系统的应用表明了所提方法的有效性,系统具有较强的适应性,能够满足学生的个性化学习需求。  相似文献   

在智能教学系统中,知识模型是专家模型的核心,是实现智能教学的一个关键问题。本文讨论知识点及其相互关系的形式表示,提出基于LOM的知识点模型与学习控制策略。知识点被设计、封装为学习对象,提高了学习内容的可重用性、可管理性、可定制性与互操作性。LOM的语义描述能力,使得系统本身具有一定程度的知识理解能力。以知识点LOM模型为结点的知识网络是语义网络,其语义计算能力便于知识的发现与关联。将专家知识网络动态映射为学生知识网络,实现了个性化学习。  相似文献   

强化学习当前越来越多地应用于多智能体系统。在强化学习中,奖励信号起引导智能体学习的作用,然而多智能体系统任务复杂,可能只在任务结束时才能获得环境的反馈,导致奖励稀疏,大幅降底算法的收敛速度和效率。为解决稀疏奖励问题,提出一种基于理性好奇心的多智能体强化学习方法。受内在动机理论的启发,将好奇心思想扩展到多智能体中,并给出理性好奇心奖励机制,利用分解求和的网络结构将不同排列的联合状态编码到同一特征表示,减少联合状态的探索空间,将网络的预测误差作为内在奖励,引导智能体去研究新颖且有用的效用状态。在此基础上,引入双值函数网络对Q值进行评估,采用最小化算子计算目标值,缓解Q值的过估计偏差和方差,并采用均值优化策略提高样本利用。在追捕任务和合作导航任务的环境中进行实验评估,结果表明,在最困难的追捕任务中,该方法相较于基线算法,胜率提高15%左右,所需时间步降低20%左右,在合作导航任务中也具有较快的收敛速度。  相似文献   

Internet上个性化智能导航学习   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍在Internet上实现的一个远程学习系统,根据学生的个体需求动态组织学习材料,并把教师的教学经验融入学习导航过程中,为学生提供个性化智能导航学习环境。在知识构建模型、智能导航原理、智能学习过程、系统实现等方面作了深入的探讨。  相似文献   

智能教学系统中的知识树增长模型   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
智能教学系统(intelligent tutoring system,ITS),作为人工智能学科的重要研究应用领域,是21世纪人类社会数字化教育的必然发展方向,迄今研究逾30年。现有一些ITS系统由于知识表示以及推理方法的领域相关特性,系统构建与系统运用、系统模块之间动态有机联系不强,进而导致学生模型弱化等问题,限制了系统在进行个别化教学过程中的智能性和推广运用。在此从系统的知识表示入手,基于SC文法的知识表示体系和知识树映射方法,提出了一个动态、实时、自适应、交互式知识树增长模型(augment knowledge-tree model,AKTM)。模型包括基于SC文法的知识点表示方法、知识树结构以及知识树映射、知识树学生模型、知识点学习循环等内容,贯穿于ITS系统4大传统模块之中,并在内容和功能上与之完全集成。通过知识点层次多维属性标注和索引,实现了知识存储、处理、调用和维护动态、一体化过程。通过知识点学习循环,实现个别化、动态、自适应智能教/学过程。同时通过模型在多媒体ITS系统中的实例化设计和运用,实现了动态教/学、领域无关、人机交互、自适应、个别化等智能特点。  相似文献   

大数据环境下的个性化学习模型研究是大规模网络学习环境下的研究热点,本文针对传统的智能组卷策略存在数据训练不足、个性化特点不突出、题库试题知识点分布不均匀等问题,将大数据运用于组卷之中,提出了基于知识点权重与错误率关联的个性化训练模型,优化了抽题的法则并使得个性化特点更精确,在一定程度上有利于学生对薄弱点和盲点的深入理解与消化.本文采用将每章节题目的知识点转化为树形进行管理的方法,并在知识点树中加入知识点错误率元素,来优化基于知识点的抽题结果,研究出适合个人学习情况的个性化模拟练习策略.最后将此新研究模型应用于教学教育系统进行实验研究,研究表明对此关键点的改进更有利于普遍提升学生的整体成绩.  相似文献   

目前,多智能体强化学习算法大多采用集中训练分布执行的方法,且在同构多智能体系统中取得了良好的效果。但是,由不同角色构成的异构多智能体系统往往存在信用分配问题,导致智能体很难学习到有效的合作策略。针对上述问题,提出了一种基于多智能体强化学习的端到端合作的自适应奖励方法,该方法能够促进智能体之间合作策略的生成。首先,提出了一种批正则化网络,该网络采用图神经网络对异构多智能体合作关系进行建模,利用注意力机制对关键信息进行权重计算,使用批正则化方法对生成的特征向量进行有效融合,使算法向正确的学习方向进行优化和反向传播,进而有效提升异构多智能体合作策略生成的性能;其次,基于演员-评论家方法,提出了一种双层优化的自适应奖励网络,将稀疏奖励转化为连续奖励,引导智能体根据场上形势生成合作策略。通过实验对比了当前主流的多智能体强化学习算法,结果表明,所提算法在“合作-博弈”场景中取得了显著效果,通过对策略-奖励-行为相关性的可视化分析,进一步验证了所提算法的有效性。  相似文献   

基于Web和数据挖掘技术的智能教学系统研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
传统的智能网络教学系统在适应性和个性化方面存在严重缺陷.基于Web和数据挖掘技术构建了一个智能教学系统的模型,该模型采用人工神经网络、聚类分析等关键技术,获取学生对知识点的理解程度,并对学生学习特征分类,根据学生的不同特征和兴趣点,提供不同的教学策略和教学内容,更有利于实现系统的个性化教学.  相似文献   

曹伟 《计算机仿真》2010,27(3):302-305
针对知识库是教学系统的核心,是实现系统智能化的关键。为了提高网络教学系统的决策和诊断能力,满足自适应学习的需要,设计了一个基于层次结构的语义网络和产生式的二级知识表示模型,提出了广度优先的知识点剪枝算法和深度优先的知识点遍历算法,对所学习知识点进行选取及对相应的知识网络遍历,并通过采用知识点学习的智能导航算法仿真学生在系统中自适应学习的全过程。实验结果表明,知识模型的设计有助于实现网络教学资源动态组织和教学策略的动态调整,能够更好地为学生提供个性化的学习参考需要,为系统决策分析提供参考依据。  相似文献   

基于Web的智能化学习系统的设计与实现   总被引:3,自引:7,他引:3  
采用智能化技术实现远程学习是当前远程教育的一个核心问题。针对目前智能化远程学习系统中存在的技术问题,对知识模型进行了重新设计,改善了整个智能答疑系统的响应速度,提高了整个系统的智能化,同时在整个系统中,把个性化学习和群体的协作性学习紧密的结合在一起。结合《计算机基础》课程,对系统进行了实现。通过试运行,系统在智能化程度、响应速度和学习效率上取得了令人满意的效果。  相似文献   

将语义网络用于表征人体经络系统中复杂概念之间的关系,构建经络知识库,为建立智能化人机交互提供基础;同时将语义网络引入到系统用户界面设计,为信息用户提供智能引导,使系统能够根据用户的真实需求,为用户提供主动地、有针对性的个性化导航服务,提高用户的学习效率。  相似文献   

Patents are a type of intellectual property with ownership and monopolistic rights that are publicly accessible published documents, often with illustrations, registered by governments and international organizations. The registration allows people familiar with the domain to understand how to re-create the new and useful invention but restricts the manufacturing unless the owner licenses or enters into a legal agreement to sell ownership of the patent. Patents reward the costly research and development efforts of inventors while spreading new knowledge and accelerating innovation. This research uses artificial intelligence natural language processing, deep learning techniques and machine learning algorithms to extract the essential knowledge of patent documents within a given domain as a means to evaluate their worth and technical advantage. Manual patent abstraction is a time consuming, labor intensive, and subjective process which becomes cost and outcome ineffective as the size of the patent knowledge domain increases. This research develops an intelligent patent summarization methodology using artificial intelligence machine learning approaches to allow patent domains of extremely large sizes to be effectively and objectively summarized, especially for cases where the cost and time requirements of manual summarization is infeasible. The system learns to automatically summarize patent documents with natural language texts for any given technical domain. The machine learning solution identifies technical key terminologies (words, phrases, and sentences) in the context of the semantic relationships among training patents and corresponding summaries as the core of the summarization system. To ensure the high performance of the proposed methodology, ROUGE metrics are used to evaluate precision, recall, accuracy, and consistency of knowledge generated by the summarization system. The Smart machinery technologies domain, under the sub-domains of control intelligence, sensor intelligence and intelligent decision-making provide the case studies for the patent summarization system training. The cases use 1708 training pairs of patents and summaries while testing uses 30 randomly selected patents. The case implementation and verification have shown the summary reports achieve 90% and 84% average precision and recall ratios respectively.  相似文献   

专利作为一种包含大多数领域中最完整的设计信息,可以为设计者解决设计问题提供有价值的指导。针对现有的专利推荐方法难以有效地推荐跨领域专利的问题,提出一种基于深度学习的跨领域专利知识推荐方法,用于创新产品的概念设计。对产品功能和知识需求情境进行建模,将设计问题进行标准化表达,生成设计问题空间。提出一种半监督学习算法(TG-TCI)将专利功能信息按照功能基自动分类和标记,利用实体识别算法(BERT-BiLSTM-CRF)提取专利应用场景术语、技术术语,结合国际专利分类(IPC)信息以表示专利的功能、情境、技术和领域属性,从而生成专利知识空间。通过设计问题空间到专利知识空间的功能基和知识情境映射查找所需的跨领域专利,根据技术和领域属性对它们进行聚类和评估,选出特定的专利以激发设计者的创造力。以一个实际案例进行分析验证,证明了基于深度学习的专利知识推荐模型的可行性及有效性。  相似文献   

In this paper we will introduce the application of our newly patented double hierarchical Fuzzy-Genetic system (British patent 99-10539.7) to produce an intelligent autonomous outdoor agricultural mobile robot capable of learning and calibrating its controller online in a short time interval and implementing a life long learning strategy. The online and life long learning strategy allow the outdoor robots to increase their experience and adapt their controllers in the face of the changing and dynamic unstructured outdoor agricultural environments. Such characteristics permit prolonged periods of operation within dynamic agricultural environments, which is an essential feature for the realization of a platform vehicle for use in sustainable agriculture and organic farming.  相似文献   

《Advanced Robotics》2013,27(7-8):735-753
An advanced vehicle lateral guidance control technology is necessary in order to develop intelligent transportation and manufacturing systems with flexibility and immediate adaptability. PID control, optimal control, and fuzzy control have often been used for designing a vehicle lateral guidance controller; in addition automatic guidance methods by spline curve and inverse dynamics are also used in mobile robots (e.g. differential drive), but they are not sufficient to develop a highly intelligent vehicle lateral guidance controller which can adapt to varying environments, because they lack some behavior like learning ability and adaptability. In this paper, the possibility to apply neural networks for developing a vehicle lateral guidance controller is exposed. A new neuron activation function suitable for vehicle lateral guidance control is suggested, a feed-forward multilayer neural network (FMNN) with the suggested neuron activation function is proposed and a vehicle lateral guidance controller (VLGC) is developed by use of the FMNN. The VLGC can be applied to automobiles of different parameters and roads of various widths. It can be also applied to mobile robots. Its input variables are proposed to be defined as kind of relative quantities by using the road width, automotive parameter, automotive position, and orientation on the corner course as 90°. Its output variable is the automotive steering angle. Its teaching data are collected by automobile driving simulation, and its connection weights and threshold values are tuned through the error back-propagation algorithm. The training process and the result of neural network by different learning rate coefficients and momentum parameters are compared. Four VLGCs are generated through training by using different learning rate coefficients, momentum parameters, and repeat training times. Automated guided automobile simulations and mobile robot experiments for each VLGC are carried out. Good training result as well as automated guided simulation and experimental results are obtained.  相似文献   

针对多智能体强化学习中因智能体之间的复杂关系所导致的学习效率低及收敛速度慢的问题, 提出基于两级注意力机制的方法MADDPG-Attention, 在MADDPG算法的Critic网络中增加了软硬两级注意力机制, 通过注意力机制学习智能体之间的可借鉴经验, 提升智能体之间的相互学习效率. 由于单层的软注意力机制会给完全不相关的智能体也赋予学习权重, 因此采用硬注意力判断两个智能体之间学习的必要性, 裁减无关信息的智能体, 再用软注意力判断两个智能体间学习的重要性, 按重要性分布来分配学习权重, 据此向有可用经验的智能体学习. 在多智能体粒子的合作导航环境上进行测试, 实验结果表明, MADDPG-Attention算法对复杂关系的理解更为清晰, 在3种环境的导航成功率都达到了90%以上, 有效提高了学习效率, 加快了收敛速度.  相似文献   

This work proposes an intelligent learning diagnosis system that supports a Web-based thematic learning model, which aims to cultivate learners’ ability of knowledge integration by giving the learners the opportunities to select the learning topics that they are interested, and gain knowledge on the specific topics by surfing on the Internet to search related learning courseware and discussing what they have learned with their colleagues. Based on the log files that record the learners’ past online learning behavior, an intelligent diagnosis system is used to give appropriate learning guidance to assist the learners in improving their study behaviors and grade online class participation for the instructor. The achievement of the learners’ final reports can also be predicted by the diagnosis system accurately. Our experimental results reveal that the proposed learning diagnosis system can efficiently help learners to expand their knowledge while surfing in cyberspace Web-based “theme-based learning” model.  相似文献   

在深度学习应用于新型冠状肺炎CT智能识别的研究中,大量研究人员通过构建深度神经网络训练模型,从而理解医学影像数据内容,辅助新冠肺炎诊断。提出AMDRC-Net架构,其中的残差结构,通过恒等映射解决了网络退化问题,与此同时,针对残差结构阻碍新特征探索的新问题,受到注意力机制等最新研究启发,研究了长短注意力引导机制。关注深度学习模型安全性问题,讨论基于梯度上升的对抗攻击方法;为了解决其单一性问题,通过长短注意力机制,增加有效对抗扰动的同时减少冗余扰动,紧接着,提出的对抗攻击算法A-IM-FGSM,将对抗攻击问题转化为自适应约束问题,即可微变换思想用于迭代攻击中,探究注意力引导机制与DNN对抗攻击的相互关系。最后进行的实验中,在新型冠状肺炎CT数据集上,通过AMDRC-Net进行模型训练,设计对比实验、可视化实验、对抗攻击实验。  相似文献   


The rapid development of current wisdom education has become the mainstream that leads the development of education informatization. The development of wisdom education relies on big data network resources to adapt to online teaching resources and online learning environment. Wisdom education can meet the needs of teachers, students, researchers, and the public areas under the support of the Internet of Things, cloud computing, big data, and ubiquitous networks. As a very important part of wisdom education, the wisdom education environment plays a fundamental role in wisdom education. In an intelligent learning environment, personalized learners need to build an efficient community intelligence education model, which acquires and stores the data produced by the learners touching the related physical elements in the intelligent situation through the sensing device. An intelligent learning environment is able to analyze and infer the data and adapt the present educational research according to the individual needs of learners’ program providing “intelligent” learning services. In addition, guided by the system model and design principles of the wisdom education environment, this paper put forward the initial design ideas of the wisdom education inquiry base in order to provide some guidance to the construction of the wisdom education environment. This paper introduces XML language to standardize the representation of learning situation model and illustrates it with a concrete example.


本文介绍了一个智能化的图象编程系统.文中论述了系统的设计原理,提出了采用加工单元的方法编程,加工单元先从三维模型中识别出来,然后自动选择刀具和安排加工单元加工顺序,最后自动选择刀具轨迹计算模块,使工艺过程设计和数控编程结合为一体.系统研究中应用了人工智能技术,提出了用概念模型、超级概念模型及规则表示知识,而规则只是对概念模型的一种属性约束.  相似文献   

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