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介绍了对氰化系统氰渣压滤机进行反洗改造和在实际生产中的应用情况,重点对反洗水量及反洗时间进行了分析和说明.  相似文献   

针对电解铝生产管理过程中存在的问题,开发一种新型管理系统,即上位计算机采用无线通信方式轮流给多台控制仪发送配料单,然后轮流接收各个控制仪的计量结果并进行统一管理.控制仪借助于格雷码编码器记忆每个电解槽的位置,避免手工输入槽号的繁琐和错误.实际应用表明,新型电解铝生产管理系统明显提高了生产效率和管理水平.  相似文献   

为了弥补现有CAD方法无法预知设计的设备是否适合某些工作环境的不足,缩短设计周期和减少设计费用,提出了实现矿山设备虚拟现实系统的基本过程和方法,为开发矿山设备虚拟现实系统提供了一种基本开发模式.结合实际情况,以一种破碎机为研究对象,使用MultiGen Creator转换并优化原有的三维CAD模型,最终生成VR数据模型,以Vega和Visual C 作为软件平台,实现了矿山设备虚拟现实系统.这一系统具有通用性和可移植性,适用于各种产品.  相似文献   

采矿区的稳定以及因塌陷而产生的地质灾害是人们目前急需解决的问题.采用离散元法对含不连续面岩体的采矿区进行了模拟计算,并以此来评价采空区的稳定,以及可能因塌陷而导致的地面影响范围,模拟计算结果与实际情况吻合较好,误差11.7%,这为以后进行类似的分析和评价提供了一种新的方法.  相似文献   

在综合分析影响乌鲁木齐城市可持续发展因子基础上,探讨了干旱区城市可持续发展因子变化趋势.利用乌鲁木齐市区气象观测站1951~2001年51年的降水、气温、相对湿度等长期连续气象观测资料及有关统计年鉴数据,采用Matlab、EXCEL、Erdas、Arcgis等软件进行数据分析处理,通过一般趋势分析、神经网络方法进行预测,得出了乌鲁木齐21年来的变化特征和未来的变化趋势.  相似文献   

巍峨的长白山,沃野千里。沿山脉西行有一座七顶山,山下坐落着一个村庄,风景秀丽。在北方姗姗来迟的春天里,满山的冰凌花顶着尚未消融的冰雪绽放,翠绿的山川透着芬芳,沁人心  相似文献   

<正>有好多天,一休和尚独坐参禅,默然不语。师父看出了其中的玄机,微笑着领他走出了寺门。寺外,一片大好的春光。放眼望去,天地间弥漫着清新的气息,还有半绿的草芽、飞翔的小鸟和静静流淌的小河……  相似文献   

寂寞甚至厌恶的情绪充斥着整个灵魂,狠狠地捶了一下桌子,嘭!居然连随意发泄制造出来的声音也在这漆黑的午夜显得格外沉闷,真扫兴!呆呆地看着电脑屏幕上一闪一闪的提示符,连手指都无力抬起。看了看墙上的时钟,凌晨两点四十八分。电脑里放的是许美娴的《内疚》,歌中的伤感,害得我接二连三地抽了十来张的纸巾。想到曾经的我、现在的我,眼泪不知不觉已滑落到嘴角……  相似文献   

在霍州矿务局煤化公司的曹村井口菜市场,有家只有两间门面的普通小饭店,别看它小,但每天前来就餐的职工却是络绎不绝。做店主的夫妻俩热诚服务,凭信誉待客,人和业兴生意旺,这就是该公司下岗职工史和平自强自立苦心经营的“惠美”饭店。饭店月平均销售额可达6000余元,成为那一带下岗职工艰苦创业的一个闪光点。  相似文献   

<正>Developing ecological lighting source The world is facing the big problem of energy shortage today and the contradiction between economy development and environmental protection is worsened.Therefore,people are more likely to choose an ecological light source that is more energy efficient and environmental friendly.The choice provides great opportunity for the development of rare earth optical material industry in China.The concept of green lighting positions rare earth luminescent material as a leading player in illumination market.The light source of both rare earth luminescent lamp and LED lamp is ecological and energy saving.This is why  相似文献   

正Galaxy Magnet announced its financial results for the first half of 2014 on August 14.For the first six months ended on 30 June 2014,Galaxy Magnet achieved operation income of RMB 182.3 million,up8.40% over the same period of 2013,and the net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company of 34.02 million yuan,increasing 35.49% over the same period of last year.Stable performance increase was led by development of new customers and application market of magnets.  相似文献   

<正>China has rich rare earth resources.Output of rare earth and steel in China ranks the top first in the world.However,there is still certain distance between the steel produced in China and developed countries from the point of varieties and quality.China still has to import some types of steel.Improving the quality should be emphasiZed in future development of steel industry in China.Rare earth can be used to upgrade traditional steel  相似文献   

正November 21~30,2014Due to weak demand from downstream industries,transactions of rare earth in Chinese domestic market were inactive.It was difficult to sell any rare earth products except for dysprosium oxide and terbium oxide.Suppliers lost confidence in recent market.Demand for rare earth products was soft.Consumers continued to take a wait-and-see attitude.Rare earth export market remained slow.  相似文献   

分析了近年来国内外稀散金属产业的生产、应用、资源与市场状况.铟锡氧化物靶材、砷化镓晶片、锗红外材料、铼高温合金和硒在电解锰及玻璃的应用等已成为稀散金属的主要应用领域.稀散金属的产量快速增长达到历史高位而导致了市场的失衡.以GaInP_2/GaAs/Ge,CIGS和CdTe为代表的非硅系太阳能电池是稀散金属的新兴应用领域,将给稀散金属带来日益增长的需求.  相似文献   

<正>Rare earth luminescent material is one of the most important application sectors of rare earths.China enjoys the exceptional advantage to develop rare earth luminescent material for its abundant rare earth resources.After several decades'endeavor,China's rare earth luminescent material industry,headed by rare earth phosphor for lamp and LED and high efficient rare earth energy-saving light source,has been gradually developed into a scale industry.China has become a major production base of rare earth phosphor for lamps and rare earth  相似文献   

正June 1~10,2014Rare earth market remained weak.Quoted price of rare earth products was similar to that in May.There was no sign of recovery in downstream market.The market of NdFeB magnetic materials and phosphor was depressed.Catalyst,polishing powder and ceramic industries remained inactive.Demand from downstream industry was soft.Consumers purchased on their needs.Suppliers had strong intention to sell.Prices of rare earth products  相似文献   

<正>Chinese rare earth-related listed companies have published their 2013 annual reports.It can be understood from their reports that production and operation activities of Chinese rare earth-related companies were still heavily affected by macro economy and industrial policies.They basically followed the steps of national economy.In 2013,world economy recovered slowly but the economy  相似文献   

正1.Status of rare earth polishing powder Rare earth polishing powder with high content of cerium oxide began to replace iron oxide for glass polishing and became one of the key materials in glass polishing process since 1940.Compared with traditional iron oxide,rare earth polishing powder has many advantages,such as fast polishing rate,high polishing quality and long service life.It can achieve good surface quality and improve operation conditions.For example,in lens polishing,the polishing work that cerium  相似文献   

正Pyrometallurgy Laboratory of Baotou Research Institute of Rare Earths had independently developed a new preparation technology of rare earth alloy for NdFeB.The alloy can remarkably enhance the coercivity of NdFeB magnet but also evidently reduce the production cost of the magnet.The new master alloy was prepared in the kA pilot-scale electrolytic cell by the independent technology.The rare earth master alloy can be used as the raw material for NdFeB.Compared  相似文献   

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