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<正>在这个现实主义横流的时代谈理想,似乎颇有些曲高和寡的意味。但我们需要看到,能在某个领域做出骄人成绩的,往往具备理想主义这一特质。我们监理行业也不例外。如果没有理想和激情,对行业不能充满热爱,没有百折不挠的毅力,缺乏强烈的社会责任感和创新改革的精神,要想取得成就无异于天方夜谭。梳理浙江江南工程管理股份有限公司(以下简称江南管理)发展的历程,我们可以发现,正是理想主义的融入,让这家既非央企也非垄断行业的监理企业在多次的体制和服务模式的创新后,连年高速发展,成为了我国监理行业的佼佼者。  相似文献   

薛颖  王世福 《华中建筑》2014,(10):29-32
广州作为近代岭南的政治中心,城市建设的发展变化与执政者的理想主义密切相关。孙中山和孙科对于广州城市的理想愿景与建设方略影响了广州港口、"模范住宅区"和近代公园的建设,从而引起城市空间物质和精神方面的变化,对城市发展产生深远的影响。但是受到历史条件的限制,许多对于近代广州城市的理想更多地表现为物质形态,并未能全面深刻地推动社会发展。该文试图探讨孙中山和孙科对于近代广州城市建设的贡献以及理想主义的局限性,探究局限性的根源。  相似文献   

都城作为多功能的人居环境,其营建受到“理想主义”与“现实主义”的双重影响。文章认为《周礼·考工记》中“匠人营国”具有“理想城”性质,其空间结构蕴涵着“宇宙图式”,可能是王莽时期以西汉都城长安为蓝本,揉入当时的宇宙观念而描绘的都城布局的理想蓝图。  相似文献   

西方现代城市规划中理性规划的发展脉络   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
丁宇 《规划师》2005,21(1):104-107
1理性规划的萌芽阶段(19世纪初期)19世纪初,空想社会主义的出现,仿佛从一开始就使现代城市规划理论带上了浓厚的理想主义色彩,英国人文主义者托马斯·莫尔就期望用某种理想的城市结构解决当时的社会矛盾。在当时资本主义迅猛发展的时期,各种从未有过的社会问题伴随着城市的集聚、成长而出现,所以从一开始,面对着恶劣的社会问题,思想者们就理所当然地运用了设计城市的方法来解决问题。但阶级的局限性和强烈的理想主义色彩,注定了他们方案的最后失败。因为在当时,城市规划中很少真正有理性的痕迹,思想者们更多的是把自己对城市的理想建立在一…  相似文献   

韦亚平  赵民 《城市规划》2003,27(8):49-55
结合关于近期建设规划的讨论 ,对现代规划理论发展中的理想主义与理性主义的理念作了综述。指出 ,在现代城市规划理论的发展中 ,理想主义理念与理性主义理念从未缺失过 ,而且理想主义理念是第一位的 ;而当前规划中理论与实践的背离是源于方法论问题。提出 ,在规划研究中要本着理想主义追求某种“终极蓝图” ,本着理性主义寻求“空间现象背后的约束条件” ;而在规划实践中 ,要本着理性主义努力去发现“新的空间约束条件” ,并本着理想主义精神力图推进制订、修改那些能使“约束条件获得改进”的正式或非正式的规则。  相似文献   

解决问题的三种思路 解决我国小城镇存在的这些问题,从城乡规划的角度来看,有三种基本思路: 一是理想导向--理想主义.优点是:充满改造社会的使命感和激情;具有明确的目标,怀有强烈的同情心,体现人本主义.缺点:容易犯超越实际的"乌托邦"式错误;以城里人的要求来规划建设小城镇;片面强调政府的作用,忽视了农民自主创新、主动创业的积极性.  相似文献   

韩云 《城市建筑》2014,(4):23-23
由于立足于空间环境的传统城市规划,对于物质要素与社会要素之间建立起来的联系所进行的思考常常过于简单,因而在现实中不能真正有效地实现其理想,它必须立足于现实主义而不是理想主义。  相似文献   

乌托邦主义是卡尔对理想主义的评价,借以批判理想主义是一种不切实际的空想。从卡尔开始,现实主义者们在对理想主义的全面批判基础上建立起来了现实主义国关理论,但是理想主义思想是有其合理的一面的。  相似文献   

职业生涯规划又叫职业生涯设计,是人力资源部门工作的重要模块之一。大多数人对这项工作的价值认识得不够,认为:"不就是帮助员工树立远大的理想吗?理想主义教育对于80后、90后员工早已失效了,规划也好,设计也好,最终都是对牛弹琴。"  相似文献   

职业生涯规划又叫职业生涯设计,是人力资源部门工作的重要模块之一。大多数人对这项工作的价值认识得不够,认为:"不就是帮助员工树立远大的理想吗?理想主义教育对于80后、90后员工早已失效了,规划也好,设计也好,最终都是对牛弹琴。"  相似文献   

大学生是未来兴国、强国的主力军,要肩负起时代赋予的使命,就需要有坚定的理想信念。红岩精神作为第一批被纳入中国共产党人精神谱系的伟大精神之一,是进行理想信念教育的重要资源。因此,要立足新时代背景,弘扬红岩精神在理想信念教育的重要作用。要与时俱进解读红岩精神内涵、挖掘其时代价值,实现红岩精神融入理想信念教育的科学性、生动性和长效性。  相似文献   

Imperial identity in Australia in the first half of this century was a complex affair, with ties to Britain intersecting nationalist sentiments. It was also strongly marked by class concerns. This paper examines certain imperial sentiments as expressed through the ideals of the early proponents of town planning in Sydney. Planning was seen as an adjunct to the strengthening of Empire through its concern with producing fitter and healthier urban inhabitants. How planning advocates proposed to go about this, and to what specific ends, reveals much about their ideals, their anxieties and their embrace of planning as an ideological reflex.  相似文献   

苗业 《新建筑》1999,(6):43-44
阐述了抄袭、模仿现象在中国现实社会存在的必然性,提出建筑师应提高自身素质,提高适应现实,驾驶现实的能力,以实现自己的创作理想。  相似文献   

The papers by Clive Forster and Andrew Beer achieve their intended purpose in identifying and, for the purposes of debate, contrasting two competing visions of the bases and ideals of university research. On the one hand, ‘basic’ research is portrayed as the province of the autonomous and self-motivated scholar, driven by curiosity and answerable only to disciplinary norms and peer evaluation, whose efforts expand knowledge for its own sake. On the other hand, there is the contracted researcher, who might happen to be employed in a university but whose research, based as it is upon whatever funding opportunities happen to present themselves, is oriented toward immediate applied relevance.  相似文献   

Identified by utopian writers from the seventeenth until the nineteenth centuries as one of the last territories on Earth capable of being a potential paradise, the islands of New Zealand became the setting for a number of utopian schemes subsequent to their European discovery. The European colonization of the country in the mid-nineteenth century embodied many of the progressive ideals expressed in post-Enlightenment utopian texts, but followed an expedient capitalist settlement process honed during 300 years of British colonization practice. Late Victorian utopian writers challenged colonial reality with alternative ideas on land tenure systems, technological progress, governance and urban planning models. This paper will explore the dialogue between the utopian text and the planted community, to better understand the utopian influences on the design of colonial cities in nineteenth century New Zealand.  相似文献   

Most apocalyptic films are considered dystopian based on their aesthetic terms, yet many of their narratives are structured in such a way to reveal our society's larger utopian desires—particularly in terms of our future relationship with nature, the role of the individual in society, and particular ideals of community life. This article traces several dominant themes found within this genre of cinema as related to contemporary urban design solutions and recent post-disaster strategies, in order to expose what collectively we may be hoping for, as well as still fear.  相似文献   

Philip Selznick’s first book—TVA and the Grass Roots: A Study in the Sociology of Formal Organization, 1949 TGR—tells the story of how the the ideals of the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) were thwarted by the reality of political pressures from its environment. Although TGR boasts one of the highest citations for a scholarly work in management, project management scholars do not cite it. Why has project management scholarship lost one of its founding classics? We investigate why TGR meets the criteria of a classic. We show that TGR’s focus on societal outcomes and ideals is an improvement on conventional project management’s focus on technical outputs and efficiency. Moreover, TGR contributes process theories—e.g., goal displacement and values depletion—for how major projects often fail. We conjecture that project management scholars ignore TGR because it represents uncomfortable knowledge. Project management discipline is in a crisis. We call for a humanist paradigm shift.  相似文献   

Few would argue with the proposition that land-use management is one of the most powerful tools in the context of planning, both in South Africa and internationally, with the potential to transform the urban landscape. Yet despite its potential, it has been neglected both in terms of academic enquiry and legislative reform. This has resulted in land-use management functioning as an undesirable and unwieldy tool that perpetuates the modernist ideals of land-use separation and sprawling suburbia, and most worryingly, the perpetuation of an urban form that is essentially anti-poor. This paper initiates a search for the appropriate criteria for a land-use management system in South Africa’s urban areas. We argue for a land-use management system that moves away from the traditional exclusive emphasis on zoning towards a more flexible system based on a tiered set of plans. This system must take into account and respond to the dynamics of the urban land market, both its formal and informal dimensions, and directly address the poor and their needs as the central focus of land-use management.  相似文献   

汪晓茜  俞琳 《新建筑》2011,(5):12-16
作为民国首都的南京是中国近代建筑师实现职业理想和施展专业技能的主要舞台。在民国南京短暂的辉煌岁月里,在此执业的近代建筑师中不少人肩负着设计师、政府机构职员、大学教授等多重身份,这种特殊性决定了他们将为中国近现代建筑体系的创立和完善发挥无可替代的作用。了解其面貌,可一窥中国现代建筑转型的特殊历程。  相似文献   

靳晨光  张长平 《山西建筑》2008,34(5):251-252
指出建立城镇廉租住房制度是我国建立社会保障的重要一环,在研究分析试点城市推行廉租住房制度的基础上,针对廉租住房存在的不同认识和模糊做法,剖析现行廉住房制度的不足,提出了具体的解决方案,并对廉租住房的未来发展提出了建议.  相似文献   

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