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This study investigated the categories of spatial characteristics of traditional houses in Anhui, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang provinces of China by applying syntactic theories and conducting a comparative analysis of their different layout configurations. Six houses in the three provinces were selected as measurement samples, and statistical analysis of their spatial variables was conducted through SPSS 22. Results showed that the correlation of depth and integration in the Zhejiang and Jiangsu samples are negative, whereas the samples in Anhui show no correlation. These results further indicated that spaces with high rates of utilization in Zhejiang and Jiangsu dwellings are located at low depths in the spatial configurations, whereas the samples from Anhui show opposite findings. Different housing spatial structures reflect various habitation behavioral patterns in this area. Zhejiang and Jiangsu residents interact more closely with outside spaces in their daily lives, whereas Anhui residents have very limited interaction with outside spaces, thereby reflecting two different modes of living behavior, namely, extroversion and introversion.  相似文献   

This study deals with the architectural properties of traditional Siverek houses, which are important in the larger corpus of Southeastern Anatolian houses. The historical city center of Siverek has partly preserved its authentic character with its monumental buildings and traditional houses. Despite the considerable number of traditional courtyard houses in Siverek, no detailed survey has been conducted on them. In this work, these traditional houses in the historical Siverek City center are identified and documented for the first time. Their plans, façades, and structural systems are examined in detail, and the structural elements are comprehensively analyzed. We document the architectural features of these traditional Siverek houses and introduce the cultural heritage of the city. These details provide information for proper decision-making regarding the preparation of restitution and restoration projects and selecting materials and techniques that suit the structures to be restored.  相似文献   

贺晓燕 《华中建筑》2012,(12):156-158
门,作为一种重要的建筑构件,在中国建筑文化中扮演着重要的角色。它的形态早在古代就伴随着空间理论而形成。传统民居空间深受中国传统天人合一思想的影响和与自然和谐共生的居住理念,传统民居的门也反映出中国文化千百年的延续与演进。追溯门的历史,从“门堂之制”中找到传统民居“门文化”与中国传统文化的重要关系。从门的类型、布局与朝向、形制、装饰、细部构件等方面研究,分析了中国传统思想模式对传统建筑“门文化”的影响,探讨了“门”作为一种入口形态被赋予的社会等级、传统文化、美学等方面的社会意义。  相似文献   

Joglo and Limasan are traditional Javanese architecture structures and the most preferred vernacular dwellings in Java. These houses spread to other areas through Central Java and the Yogyakarta Province of Indonesia. Given the local characteristics, the architecture of these structures is not merely identical in some aspects but is also based on the people and the natural environment.This study examines how environmental synchronization related to vernacular sustainability can be achieved based on the regional diversity between Joglo and Limasan in Central Java for contemporary custom. The architectural features of form, size, orientation, materials, and openings from samples of 10 areas in rural Central Java are compared to discover their distinctive sustainability methods. This study aims to prove the capability of the Javanese to synchronize their house in various ways. The reasons behind such synchronization are explored from both natural and social aspects to gain an enhanced understanding of the disparity in vernacul ararchitecture in relation with the environment. Results indicate that within the same category, houses in each area show their indigenous architecture as result of synchronization with the local nature and the social circumstances of the people.  相似文献   

The authenticity of architectural heritage is interpreted differently in diverse cultural traditions. Can this inspire the conservation and contemporary regeneration of architectural heritage to adapt to the changing needs of modern life and society, rather than static exhibits in museums? This research focuses on Ganlan (pile-built timber construction) architecture to demonstrate how adaptive conservation and regeneration can keep traditional construction systems living and sustainable. Ganlan, a vernacular architectural archetype in the humid subtropical regions of Asia, has the following common features: free plans with an assembling frame structure, open and interactive envelopes to cope with the hot and damp climate, and stilts to deal with the rugged terrain. This research employed a threefold method of field investigation, topological deformation, and experimental design in examining Lianghekou, a historic Tujia village in Western Hubei, China. The findings reveal that Tujia people build their stilt houses with adaptable features to meet the changing functional requirements and variable topographies. These traditions can be transmitted into the contemporary design, as our experimental design illustrates. The self-adaptability and topological deformation of Ganlan architectural heritage demonstrate a unique perspective of understanding authenticity, and contribute toward innovative application in the conservation and regeneration of vernacular architecture.  相似文献   

近年来,民族村寨以其鲜明的建筑、文化与艺术特 征吸引了大量游客前往游赏和体验。分析游客在民族村寨的空 间选择偏好,了解其行为规律及特征,有利于科学地规划和管 理民族村寨的自然和人文资源,保护传统景观文化价值,促进 当地旅游发展。以能够提供较高精度空间定位信息的GPS数据 作为基础数据,利用离散选择模型分析了游客在桃坪羌寨游览 时的空间选择偏好与传统建筑风貌、民俗宗教文化、场地空间 类型、空间可达程度(穿越、直达、高差)及空间可视程度等景 观空间特征之间的关系。研究发现,游客偏好于选择具有羌族 民俗文化特色、易于到达且游览线路明确的空间;景观可视度 对游客选择偏好影响程度不高,这与桃坪羌寨的建筑布局、街 巷结构和景观特征密切相关。基于对游客村寨空间选择偏好的 认知,提出了民族村寨空间与居民生活一体化保护、标识系统 和解说设计提升,以及游线设计立体多元化等规划策略。  相似文献   

王永胜  张定青 《华中建筑》2010,28(4):132-135
通过西安市三学街历史街区保护与更新的规划设计案例,探讨了对历史街区和传统建筑进行保护和更新的过程中,要想挖掘传统文化及建筑空间的内涵,就必须在延续城市文脉、保护历史街区空间格局与传统建筑风貌的同时,提升现代居住生活品质,为城市增添活力,从而使历史街区在传统回归中具有新的生命力。  相似文献   

空间的实践   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文章对非常建筑在上海青浦和嘉定的若干建筑与城市设计案例进行了介绍和分析,提出限定空间和建筑和城市之间关系的构成是贯穿这些项目的主线,而传统的空间模式往往是设计工作的参考和起点。文章重点讨论了独立住宅与院落、城市肌理与尺度以及街道空间建筑化三个问题。  相似文献   

王炎松  王甜 《华中建筑》2012,(1):195-197
该文首先对安徽南屏"上叶十六家"整体空间特征进行初步研究。梳理了皖南古村落自主营建宅区、宅院的生成和组织过程。总结出血缘关系、自然环境和街巷空间三个因素,对皖南古村落空间布局的影响。然后以"倚南别墅"为例研究了"上叶十六家"单体建筑空间特征。建筑的空间结构不仅受到自然因素的影响和制约,同时也是哲学思想和社会意识形态的重要产物。因此,我们应看到皖南民居建筑形式背后的文化内涵,进一步探究其对今天建筑设计的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This paper presents various aspects, which characterise the traditional architecture in the town of Florina, north-western Greece, and can be related to bioclimatic and environmental architecture. The study is based on the documentation and the analysis of the architectural and bioclimatic aspects of a sample of forty (40) remaining houses of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. The analysis of the architectural aspects concerns the building typology, the form, the materials and the construction techniques, whereas the analysis of bioclimatic aspects involves the thermal behaviour of the building shell, the thermal and the visual comfort conditions. The aim of the study is to document and assess, both qualitatively and quantitatively, all the afore-mentioned aspects in order to draw conclusions concerning the principles, which characterised this architecture and can be integrated to the refurbishment of existing buildings or the design of new ones in traditional surroundings.  相似文献   

陈纲  牟健 《城市建筑》2014,(5):121-123
历经千年被传承保护下来的胶东海草房民居是胶东人民勤劳智慧的结晶,本文选择山东胶东沿海一带现存的海草房民居为研究对象,首先谈及海草房民居特点及保护意义,在分析其保护和发展所面临的具体问题的基础上,分别从建筑形式的继承、建筑功能的拓展、空间环境品质的提升、建造材料的再生四个方面提出保护和发展策略.  相似文献   

江文婷  胡振宇 《住宅科技》2011,31(10):42-45
通过对浙江温州永嘉县楠溪江中游的古村落民居生态适应性的研究,重新总结了传统村落在处理人和自然关系方面的生态理念和技术经验,阐述了中国传统民居对当代生态建筑设计的指导意义,并提出仿效传统民居的当代生态建筑设计方法。  相似文献   

杨顺平 《山西建筑》2009,35(7):46-47
以福建传统民居为例,介绍了风水理论在传统民居中的运用情况,从建筑空间和材料两方面阐述了关于福建传统建筑的生态精神,揭示了福建传统民居的建筑特点,从而证实了可持续发展的必然性。  相似文献   

岭南广府地区传统聚落中的生态智慧探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙杨栩  唐孝祥 《华中建筑》2012,(10):164-168
该文以岭南广府地区具有代表性的传统聚落为研究对象,以传统文化为背景,从环境、聚落、建筑等方面探析其中蕴含的生态智慧,揭示出广府地区传统聚落和谐务实的环境生态理想、适应地域的聚落生态格局、创造舒适的建筑生态措施,以期为当今岭南地区的建筑设计提供借鉴。  相似文献   

三千多年前的巴蜀一带就已经用茶作为贡品。在漫长的历史进程中,四川茶文化已经演变成独具特色的"茶馆文化"。茶,茶馆,在四川不仅是一种文化,也是一种生活。受潮湿多雾,日照时间短的气候影响,虽然在川西地区的城市里,依托于现代科技手段,越来越多的出现纯粹封闭在室内的茶馆,古镇中的茶馆仍然充分利用各种有利的环境条件,采用各种建筑形式,来使得茶馆的外部空间形态得以体现:有的是直接利用庭院或滨水区域、屋顶平台等室外空间;有的利用传统的檐廊、凉厅子等半室外空间;有的则是采用巴蜀地区一种独特的过渡空间形式——"无墙之室"来达到似内而外的空间效果。茶馆作为川西地区的一种具有代表性的建筑形态,也可以说是生活方式、地域文化,在传统建筑历史文化中有着无法估量的意义。对川西地区古镇中的这些茶馆外部空间特点的研究,既是回顾历史,也是对当代四川茶馆的外部空间设计提出参考和建议。  相似文献   

薛林平 《华中建筑》2008,26(6):114-124
明清和民国时期,宗族在祠堂中除了对祖先呈献一般的祭品外,往往还供奉演剧。所以,祠堂中常常建有戏场。浙江现存的传统祠堂戏场建筑就数以百计。祠堂戏场一般呈庭院式,戏台为其表演空间,正对中厅,两侧有看楼或厢廊。这些戏场建筑空间合理,装饰精美,有很高的历史、科学和艺术价值,是中华民族宝贵的建筑遗产。该文在实地调查的基础上,重点分析和研究浙江祠堂戏场建筑的文化背景、总体情况、建筑形式、典型实例、空间特征、艺术成就等。  相似文献   

王鹏 《世界建筑》2000,(5):24-27
1999年7月至10月,纽约现代博物馆举办了题为“非私密性住宅”的专题展览。在来自世界各地的26件参展作品中,既有出自享誉已久的大家之作,也有不为我们所熟悉的青年建筑师颇具新意的设计,针对现代社会背景的急剧变迁,参展作品分别从不同的角度对住宅的“私密性”作出新的诠释,有的设计注重室内空间的开放性和灵活性,以满足不同家庭类型的需要;另一些则刻意追求生活空间与办公室间的一体化,还有的将未来的住宅视为可  相似文献   

中国建筑师研究和借鉴传统民居 ,创作新型地域性建筑 ,已取得了令人瞩目的成就。近些年来 ,在结合自然环境的创作思路方面取得了新的进展。然而 ,仅仅从形式上追求地方特色和多元化是不够的 ,应当把传统民居中的环境处理视作与当代建筑融会的结合点 ,使之为创造未来可持续发展的全新的地域性建筑服务  相似文献   

昝映辉  杨眉 《规划师》2007,23(2):40-41
红墙客栈设计通过对川西传统民居的深入挖掘,建筑运用"店居结合"及"风雨廊"的处理手法.设计师在一系列转折、开合有致的仿古街道空间中,以"水"为纽带,串联各景观节点,结合古朴的铺地、小品、植物造景等营造出一个充满浪漫诗意的住区.  相似文献   

韩晓娟  刘煜  张奕飞 《华中建筑》2008,26(10):118-122
该文基于对陕西省关中地区农村的实地调研,分析了当地农宅在布局、舒适性、节能与环保等方面存在的主要问题;在此基础上,对关中地区的传统半坡房提出了改进设计方案,力图使其在保持传统性、地域性的同时,更加充分地考虑当地自然资源和气候特征。使建筑布局更加合理,同时将相变蓄能技术和被动式太阳房、太阳能光热转换等技术综合应用其中,为陕西农村住宅发展提出一条新的思路。  相似文献   

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