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"达尼"(DALI)可能不是进入中国市场最早的丹麦音箱品牌,但经过中国总代理和各级经销商多年来的努力,说"达尼"已成为中国市场最主流的丹麦音箱品牌之一.  相似文献   

随着中国计算机市场的迅速发展,市场竞争愈演愈烈。适应这一形势的变化,消费者、厂商、经销商们也越来越不能满足于仅仅了解各产品在市场上的一般情况。他们迫切需要了解各品牌产品在目前市场上的竞争能力如何,在不断变化的市场中未来将处于何种位置。中国有句古语:“江山倍有人才出,各领风骚数百年。”面对瞬息万变的市场,大家关心各品牌的未来位置是各有道理的: 一、消费者。电脑购买者,他们希望购入名牌,因为这在质量、售后服务各方面将有很好的保障。但他们担心是否会买进已走入“暮年的名牌”,希望自己今天买入的名牌在未来也会是名牌,而不要买入将被淘汰的名牌…… 二、厂商。厂商们从对各品牌产品未来竞争能力的评判中,可对自己产品开发、销售、广告宣传等多方面的工作进行反思检查,对自己的经营方略进行完善和调整,同时较为稳定详细的了解对手的情况…… 三、经销商。经销商们考虑的问题则更为现实,他们要根据未来市场竞争能力的判断,来确定作谁的代理,进销谁的货。如果大批购进未来竞争能力大幅度降低的产品,对经销商来说将意味着损失甚至破产…… 为满足广大读者的要求,我们特委托慧聪公司在中国计算机产品未来竞争能力评价方面进行专项研究。 1995年开始,《PC COMPUTING》每期都将刊出慧聪公  相似文献   

我们现在所处的时代,正是产品日益同质化、利润被不断摊薄的时代,此起彼伏的价格战宣告着微利时代无可避免地到来了.而微利时代使厂商和代理商们面临更多挑战,同时也创造了更多的机会.以显示器市场来说,恰好包含了产品同质化、微利的挑战和代理商的困惑等微利时代的典型特征.此时,中国最大的渠道经销商神州数码携"商家品牌"概念坚定的迈入显示器自有品牌的行列.  相似文献   

随着中国计算机市场的迅速发展,市场竞争愈演愈烈。适应这一形势的变化,消费者、厂商、经销商们,也越来越不能满足于仅仅了解各产品在市场上的一般情况。他们迫切需要了解,各品牌产品在目前市场上的竞争能力如何,在不断变化的市场中未来将处于何种位置。中国有句古语:“江山倍有人才出,各领风骚数百年。”面对瞬息万变的市场,大家关心各品牌的未来位置是各有道理的: 一、消费者。电脑购买者,他们希望购入名牌机,因为名牌机在质量、售后服务各方面将有很好的保障。但他们担心是否会买进已走入“暮年”的名牌,希望自己今天买入的名牌在未来也会是名牌,而不要买入将被淘汰的名牌…… 二、厂商。厂商们从对各品牌产品未来竞争能力的评判中,可对自己产品开发、销售、广告宣传等多方面的工作进行反思检查,对自己的经营方略进行完善和调整,同时较为稳定详细地了解对手的情况…… 三、经销商。经销商们考虑的问题则更为现实,他们要根据未来市场竞争能力的判断,来确定做谁的代理,进销谁的货。如果大批购进未来竞争能力大幅度降低的产品,对经销商来说将意味着损失甚至破产…… 为满足广大读者的要求,我们特委托慧聪公司在中国计算机产品未来竞争能力评价方面进行专项研究。 1995年开始,《PC COMPUT  相似文献   

一、我国移动互联网发展现状 作为三星安防系统的中国独家总代理,广州市伟吴科技电子有限公司多年来与三星建立了紧密的合作关系,是专业销售安防和视频产品、并提供系统集成解决方案的公司.目前经营的产品系列主要包括三星安防系统、三星无缝液晶视频墙产品、ANYVISION安防视频管理系统等。依托三星强大的品牌知名度和研发制造能力,凭借伟昊与全国各地一流省级代理经销商所建立起来的优质流通代理体系和服务体系,  相似文献   

"品质 定位、铸就华人量测仪器第一品牌" 2004年全球经济开始复苏,世界电子测试仪器市场呈缓慢增长的趋势,众多跨国公司纷纷把测试仪器部门对外售卖.在这种情况下,作为华人量测仪器领导品牌之一的固纬电子却独树一帜,加紧脚步,布局测试仪器中端产品的全球市场.为此,本刊记者近日在中电会展传播有限公司与巨流传媒<电子质量>举办的第三届国际测试测量研讨会上,采访了固纬电子实业股份有限公司通讯研发事业处协理廖岳儒先生,就业界关心的问题进行了交流.  相似文献   

上海晟恺集成电子科技有限公司(integ r8 custom Solutions)于2012年4月14日在上海银星皇冠假日酒店举办了一场面向全国经销商伙伴的技术交流会,并全面展示了旗下代理品牌,包括挪威Proiection designavielo投影机、美国Runco投影机、美国Triad音响、美国StraightWire忠实线、美国Panamorph变形镜头、美国Screen Innovations投影幕等系列产品。此次会议邀请了众多行业界的精英与优秀的经销商来交流各自的技术知识与成功经验,相关媒体和中国智能家居产业联盟秘代表也莅临会场。  相似文献   

今年是英国Wharfedale(乐富豪)建厂75周年,该品牌之中国总代理"沃夫德尔公司"将于12月初广州"白天鹅音响展"结束后,在深圳"IAG乡村俱乐部"和"聚豪高尔夫俱乐部"召开Audiolab、Quad、Wharfedale全国经销商大会,届时除经销商年会及市场讨论总结外,另有多项互动活动,以加强厂  相似文献   

耳机品牌这两年如雨后春笋般纷纷冒出头来,整个耳机市场可以用“百花齐放”来形容:既有的耳机品牌加快新产品上市的数量与速度,而原来根本不做耳机的音响品牌也推出耳机,纷纷来竞逐这块极为肥沃的市场大饼。加拿大的传统音箱品牌PSB进入内地音响圈子已经有不短的时间,推出过许多叫好又叫座的音箱产品。现在PSB也推出耳机了,笔者在2014年9月初参观广州东方宾馆耳机展时,就看到了PSB推出的M4U 1和M4U 2两款头戴式耳机,今次通过代理将M4U 1请到了编辑部。  相似文献   

本刊记者 《视听技术》2009,(10):109-109
<正> 9月4日,2009年SWT沃夫德尔星级经销商大会在深圳市郊风景秀丽优美的IAG乡村俱乐部举行,来自全国的30余名星级经销商代表参加了此次会议。会议首先由IAG国际音响集团董事邱英杰先生致开幕辞,之后IAG集团市场及产品发展总监袁思俊先生向经销商代表们介绍了IAG旗下的核心品牌推广计划及各品牌在全球市场上的成绩与综合发展方向。  相似文献   

用遗传算法求解基于高阶累积量的盲均衡问题   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
将遗传算法引入盲均衡技术领域,详细分析了如何用遗传算法求解基于高阶累积量盲均衡问题,并给出了一种求解算法的具体步骤。该算法不用基于领域知识的规则,具有很强的通用性与鲁棒性。通过计算机仿真验证了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

The capacity region of frame-synchronous and frame-asynchronous, discrete, two-user multiple-access channels with finite memory is obtained. Frame synchronism refers to the ability of the transmitters to send their code words in unison. The absence of frame synchronism in memoryless multiple-access channels is known to result in the removal of the convex hull operation from the expression of the capacity region. It is shown that when the channel has memory, frame asynchronism rules out nonstationary inputs to achieve any point in the capacity region, thereby allowing only coding strategies that involve cooperation in the frequency domain but not in the time domain. This restriction drastically reduces the capacity region of some multiple-access channels with memory, and in particular the total capacity of the channel, which is invariant to frame asynchronism for memoryless channels  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the problem of recoding binary data into ternary sequences for synchronous baseband data transmission systems. Our major objective is the shaping of the power spectral density of the channel process in order to combat the effects of intersymbol interference caused by the low-frequency cut-off of the channel. This motivates our interest in designing codes whose channel process has small Power in the low frequency range. Based on the MacLaurin expansion of the power density function, we use as a design heuristic the normalized second derivative Δ of the latter. To make computationally manageable the expression of Δ, we restrict ourselves to a class of codes whose autocorrelation sequence contains a finite number of nonzero terms, and present a corresponding code design algorithm. As examples, we exhibit two new codes which in many respects improve over the spectra of corresponding well-known codes.  相似文献   

孙旭  陈星弼 《微电子学》2018,48(6):830-833
提出了一种新型RC-IGBT,在背面阳极处设置了填充重掺杂P型多晶硅的深槽和FOC浮空电极。器件正向导通时,利用重掺杂P型多晶硅与N型衬底的接触电势差,将槽间的N型衬底部分耗尽,增强了阳极PN结的短路电阻,在较短背面阳极尺寸的条件下实现了RC-IGBT在开启过程中不出现电压折回现象。在器件反向开启过程中,空穴电流经过FOC浮空电极流入P型多晶硅,降低了多晶硅与N型衬底之间的势垒,提高了反向二极管的开启速度,降低了开启过程中二极管的过充电压。仿真结果表明,提出的新型RC-IGBT完全消除了电压折回现象,反向电流的均匀性得到了提高。相比于传统RC-IGBT,该新型RC-IGBT的元胞背面尺寸减小了88.89%,关断损耗降低了26.37%,反并联二极管的反向恢复电荷降低了13.12%。  相似文献   

It is shown that an MOS weak-inversion differential pair can be linearized considerably by replacing the tail current source with a MOSFET biased in the weak-inversion triode region. Calculations show that the transconductance can be kept constant to within +5%/-0% for input voltages up to 130 mV. This linearized differential pair is used in a third-order transconductance-C bandpass filter with 18 Hz and 142 Hz cutoff frequencies, which draws 4.9 nA from a 1.8-V supply. Its dynamic range is 62 dB and its active area is 0.5 mm2  相似文献   

A silicon-lens coupled bow-tie InGaAs-based diode with broken symmetry is demonstrated for terahertz imaging applications below 1 THz at room temperature. Transient features and the dynamic range of the bow-tie InGaAs-based sensor are explored experimentally, proving the possibility to use the device in real-time imaging systems. Response time is found to be less than 7 ns, responsivity of 0.1 mA/W, and noise equivalent power of 5.8 nW/radicHz.  相似文献   

一种给批量汉字加注带有声调拼音的方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
由于汉字存在着多音字的情况,所以给汉字加注带有声调的拼音带来了困难.为了解决这一问题,设计了单字与词语相结合的加注方法.首先构建了带有声调的拼音字典和词典,拼音字典中同一个多音字的拼音按照使用频率进行排放,并且对词典中的词语按照最后一个字进行了索引;然后设计了基于整词二分的二层索引结构,实现了改进的最大逆向分词算法;最后设计了三种实验方案,进行了对比实验.实验结果表明,在没有使用该方法前它的错误率为11%,使用后错误率下降为0.09%.  相似文献   

In this paper, the quasicrystalline model and the differential evolution strategy are applied to analyze the effective electromagnetic properties of composite materials with aligned nonspherical inclusions. The relationship between the effective wave number, volume concentration, direction of wave propagation vector, and aspect ratio of the inclusion particle are numerically studied. It is found that composite materials with small inclusion particles behave like uniaxial material. In addition, we observed general effective anisotropy in composite materials with larger inclusion particles.  相似文献   

Feedback with carry shift registers synthesis with the Euclidean algorithm   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Feedback with carry shift registers (FCSR) were introduced by Klapper and Goresky (1994). They are very similar to classical linear feedback shift registers (LFSR) used in many pseudorandom generators. The main difference is the fact that the elementary additions are not additions modulo 2 but with propagation of carries. The mathematical models for LFSR are equivalently linear recurring sequences over GF(2) or rational series in the set GF(2)[[x]]. For FCSR, the "good" model is the one of rational 2-adic numbers. It is well known, that the series generated by a LFSR can be synthesized by either the Berlekamp-Massey algorithm for binary linear recurring sequences or the extended Euclidean algorithm in the set GF(2)[x] of binary polynomials. Klapper and Goresky (1997) give an algorithm for the FCSR synthesis. This algorithm is similar to those of Berlekamp-Massey and is based on De Weger and Mahler's rational approximation theory. In this correspondence, we prove that it is possible to synthesize the FCSR with the extended Euclidean algorithm in the ring /spl Zopf/ of integers. This algorithm is clearly equivalent to the previous one, however, it is simpler to understand, to implement, and to prove. Our algorithm is still valid in the case of g-adic integers where g is a positive integer. We also give a near-adaptative version of this algorithm.  相似文献   

Current identity-based (ID) cryptosystem lacks the mechanisms of two-party authentication and user's private key distribution. Some ID-based signcryption schemes and ID-based authenticated key agreement protocols have been presented, but they cannot solve the problem completely. A novel ID-based authentication scheme based on ID-based encrypfion (IBE) and fingerprint hashing method is proposed to solve the difficulties in the IBE scheme, which includes message receiver authenticating the sender, the trusted authority (TA) authenticating the users and transmitting the private key to them. Furthermore, the scheme extends the application of fingerprint authentication from terminal to network and protects against fingerprint data fabrication. The fingerprint authentication method consists of two factors. This method combines a token key, for example, the USB key, with the user's fingerprint hash by mixing a pseudo-random number with the fingerprint feature. The security and experimental efficiency meet the requirements of practical applications.  相似文献   

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