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试析江南园林山池空间感知   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山池空间是江南园林空间的重要组成部分,本利用建筑空间感知理论中的正、负空间和空间领域的概念,分析山池空间的感知。  相似文献   

桃坪羌寨文化空间纹路初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾笑 《山西建筑》2010,36(8):16-17
对桃坪羌寨文化空间进行了研究,了解了当地居民的生活方式,对文化空间的使用历史进行把握,对其发展脉络进行归纳和提炼,探寻灾后重建中所应遵循的文化空间纹路。  相似文献   

空间句法是关于空间的计算语言,这种语言可以深入解释建筑与城市的空间本质与功能,“空间”是句法研究所关注的本质,是一个多维概念。该文概要评述句法研究中所涉及的各类相关空间的含义,重点探讨作为句法理论基石的“认知空间”、作为句法对现实空间抽象表达的“符号空间”以及作为句法模型计算基础的“拓扑空间”,以求对空间句法研究所涉及的“空间”全面而深刻的认识与理解。  相似文献   

通过对建筑"Y"空间的释义和分类,探讨了建筑内部该类空间的形态、功能和空间意义。其间,列举并分析了当代几个著名建筑师的代表建筑作品,以期能对建筑设计,乃至城市设计提供借鉴价值。  相似文献   

冯果川 《新建筑》2008,(1):41-45
通过建筑师的视角对蔡明亮导演的电影《洞》进行解读,以实体空间和镜头空间的双重视角观察影片中物和空间的叙事。物和空间的表演取代了演员的表演,讲述了一个细腻的情感故事。通过这个分析练习,建筑师可以洞察电影空间和建筑空间的关联,更有趣的是,了解到日常生活中人物的性格、情感是怎样投射到物和空间上的,相反,人物的性格和情感又是如何被物和空间所形塑的,以及人与人是怎样通过物和空间而不是语言和表情来进行交流的。  相似文献   

李立 《新建筑》2011,(4):96-97
结合近十年的建筑实践之路,对九城都市的公司定位、设计方法以及社会理想等多个层面进行简要评述,并分析其建筑作品体现的"城市性"特性,意在相对真实地呈现一个年轻设计公司在当下中国"空间城市化"宏观背景中的坚持与努力。  相似文献   

亨利·列斐伏尔研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
亨利·列斐伏尔是20世纪重要的思想理论家。本文通过对其主要思想的介绍和评论,试图阐明列斐伏尔关于日常生活批判和空间理论对建筑学和城市规划等学科的影响,揭示出现存的与空间相关的理论研究所存在的问题和局限性。  相似文献   

在建筑设计中,建筑师更多关注的是建筑的内部空间设计,而忽略了外部空间.在解读了外部空间概念的同时指出了外部空间设计的重要型及其方法.  相似文献   

汪原 《建筑师》2005,(5):42-50
亨利·列斐优尔是20世纪重要的思想理论家。本文通过对其主要思想的介绍和评论,试图阐明列斐伏尔关于日常生活批判和空间理论对建筑学和城市规划等学科的影响,揭示出现存的与空间相关的理论研究所存在的问题和局限性。  相似文献   

With the increase of population in big cities, urban industrial districts are constantly seeking new development to realize the conversion from single-functional to multifunctional systems, to equip the city with diverse public spaces. The Port of Houston operates at the dynamic confluence of industry, transportation, and ecological systems, and has been a major driver of Houston’s economic growth over the last century. However, behind the prosperous economic growth, the port suffers from the isolation with the surrounding communities. Based on the “2045 Port Houston Master Plan,” the Landscape Planning and Design for the Port of Houston project focuses on urban space activation and ecological environment restoration through landscape planning and design methods, while facing the challenges of ecological environment, urban spatial pattern repositioning, and other urban issues. The project is expected to build an economically, socially, and ecologically healthy industrial waterfront zone. Port Houston, beyond its primary function as an economic driver, becomes a more visible and substantial force in urban governance of advancing the region’s activation and resilience.  相似文献   

Offering an alternative planning and design strategy of renewals of low-density urban villages, this research estimates potentials of increasing a city’s accommodation capacity of low-skilled labor force through economic approaches like the Game Theories. A design idea of creating an “arrival city” is proposed in the prototypical study on the renewal of the Ganjiazhai Community, a typical urban village in Xi’an City, Shaanxi Province. Developing spatial patterns through a series of evidence-based deductions and estimations, this research forms a node-axis framework of urban planning and design that allows for an adaptive combination of spatial modules and encourages spatial sharing, which might shine a reference for future planning and design of urban villages in Chinese cities.  相似文献   

空间容量是城市开发建设运营中增 值产生和分配的主要载体,不同的城市更新 途径指向了不同增值分配方式下的空间容量 增长。在中国城市实施城市更新行动进程 中,面对既有的巨大规模的城市空间容量, 如何在实施可行和容量限制的双向约束条件 下,有效提升城市的空间运营,推动城市的 高质量发展,是中国城市更新中面临的关键 问题之一。本文梳理了土地开发运营增值分 配制度中的容量生成路径,分析了城市更新 在宏观层面空间容量的增长限制与中微观层 面空间容量的生成倾向并存的客观现象,并 结合北京的更新案例测算,定量分析不同增 值分配途径下的空间容量生成,指出在空间 增量客观存在的背景下,应积极完善政策制 度以降低更新成本、提高空间运营增值及确 保公共利益。  相似文献   

罗丹 《建筑与文化》2016,(4):139-141
以北京旧城公共空间的建设问题为切入点,讨论了旧城发展过程中空间形态的变化和历史风貌的丢失,新的社会经济背景下传统空间形式与现代生活的冲突以及公共空间监管机制的非系统化,指出公共空间更新是从单一的、物质形态的、孤立静态的保护方式向多层次的、文化内涵的、动态发展的保护转变的方法,符合历史文化名城保护的要求和旧城发展的方向。  相似文献   

地域性的空间认同以及人情味的 社区建设,一直是老城更新的追求理念之 一,在现阶段大部分城市向着存量规划以及 精细化设计迈进时,这一目标尤为突出。城市 更新中的事件空间理论,以活动为线索,串联 空间组织,可以有效增加更新片区的空间认同 感,但在我国城市更新工作中尚处于起步阶 段。现以重庆白象街旧城更新为例,以理论 和案例结合的分析路径探讨问题,包括城市 更新过程中事件空间理论运用的适应性,如 何挖掘与组织城市多样性的事件活动,以及 如何运用规划手段,激发市民对更新后片区 空间产生认同感,为城市更新和社区发展带 来新的生命力。  相似文献   

By analyzing master planning of the Overall Improvement Initiative for Tianhe Central Business District, Guangzhou, this paper focused on the overall improvement initiative driven by micro regeneration in the urban public realm. To deal with challenges such as a variety of issues, multiple stakeholders, and long time span in this initiative, the planning team came up with a systematic roadmap including three stages, i.e. fundamental principals, design strategies, and implementation measures. In response, they built a goal-oriented Holistic Quintuple-Value System, drew Three Urban Public Realm Maps on urban governance, and launched the pilot action projects based on the “Influence-Complexity Matrix”. Additionally, the team valued public participation and feedback, and played diverse roles, e.g., consultant and organizer for public participation events, promoter for communication of communities, and propellant for project implementation. The Initiative has been reviewed and legalized in 2019, wherein, the implemented ones by stage since 2020, not only enhance the regional governance in Guangzhou, but offer references to urban governance and space quality improvement of the built areas in downtown metropolis of the same kind.  相似文献   

在城市发展过程中出现的大量的立 交桥下区域,已成为城市的“失落空间”及城 市双修阶段城市更新改造的重点区域。本文 首先梳理了城市进程中的失落空间以及更新 方式,然后以杨公桥立交为案例对重庆市立 交桥下失落空间非正规发展状况进行实证研 究,分析使用者行为需求和空间运行机制, 探索当下规划政策应对的盲区,并对此类空 间的更新策略与治理手段提出具体建议。  相似文献   

Observation and representation are the fundamental and core processes and methods in landscape design. By transforming a historical industrial site into an urban cultural park for citizens’ recreational needs, the Jinhua Memorial Park in the Suining City demonstrates how landscape designers observe and represent in post-industrial renewal practice. Designers continuously deepen their understanding of the site through a process from site observation and perception, research and exploration to systematic analyses. During this process, designers were inspired by the industrial production process and textile products, and then applied such concepts in spatial arrangement and prototype for physical renovation. As the skeleton of spatial arrangement, the main road of the campus connects various functional spaces and landscape nodes of the park. Five design strategies, including in-situ preservation, transposition retention, material reuse, appearance protection, and spiritual revitalization, are applied to protect and reorganize the industrial heritages to recall the past prosperous scenes. Landscape design approaches, intuitive or implicit, are adopted to tie up the past, present, and future of the site while making a park that meets the needs of all kinds of users.  相似文献   

传统商业街区汇集了传统文化与地域特色的精髓,见证了城市的发展历程,是城市历史文化积淀的一个重要组成部分。本文以深圳的东门老街为研究对象,运用空间句法的理论从空间形态和空间结构两个方面来解读东门的空间特征,归纳出问题产生的根源,提出适合东门老街的保护与更新策略的建议,以期对中国传统商业街建设提供一条可持续发展的道路,以利社会、文化、经济效益的更大程度提升。  相似文献   

Tetris Square is a commercial plaza located in a corner of a large mixed-use development in Tianhe District, Guangzhou. Designers treated the site as an urban public space rather than a commercial place simply for children play, with focus on younger users and core families. Landscape architects attempt to respond to a series of community demands with a smarter proposal. Instead of a direct use of finished play equipment, designers create many flexible spaces for diverse play experience, and “hide” a grove by integrating it into the play facilities, which introduces an urban oasis attracting more visitors to the square. This does not follow the conventional design principle of commercial spaces which is to plant as few trees as possible for a maximum storefront display. The grid modules of squares make facility fabrication and installation much easier, helping save the costs and ensure the construction quality. Assembled precast concrete outdoor furniture was used extensively in the whole complex. Landscape architects designed only two basic precast concrete modules, which could be assembled into more than twenty combinations. Now Tetris Square is an urban playground for children and their parents, as well as a public space for other residents in adjacent communities. The project provides children with fun and happiness through user-friendly and naturalized design, encouraging children’s cognitive learning from the external world, and simulating their imagination and creativity in play.  相似文献   

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