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邢爱伟 《陶瓷》2011,(18):41-41
2008年,即便国际金融危机席卷全球,中国经济依然快速发展,高歌猛进。但在经济快速发展的背后,却萌生了一系列问题:喝杯牛奶中毒了,睡个午觉楼倒了,坐趟高铁追尾了,买个家具甲醛超标了……一系列的安全事故,加深了人们对生活环境的担忧。  相似文献   

清乾隆年间(公元一七四四年),在洛阳老城密密麻麻的青砖青瓦民房中,出现了一组规模宏伟的建筑群,它占地一万五千多平方米,面对洛河,气势非凡。该建筑群挺过了改朝换代的天翻地覆,经历了解放战争的枪林弹雨,闯过了九死一生的“文革”焚火,挣扎着苟活到了今天,成了洛阳屈指可数的还有几许原汁原味的建筑群。正国为如此,它成了洛阳市内“全国重点保护单位”。如今,该古建筑群被作为洛阳民俗博物馆,向世人展示中原大地清代古建筑的特色,也展示河洛地区多姿多彩的民俗文化。  相似文献   

汪凌云 《中国橡胶》1993,(20):11-12
1987年以来,跃进橡胶厂进行了卓有成效的技术改造,兴建了8000多m^2的成型大楼,淘汰了一些老设备,改建了2000m^2的制帮车间,新装了五条生产线,并对公用工程进行了填平补齐,从而为九十年代的经济发展奠定了物质基础,使企业长期保持兴旺发达。该厂的经验归纳起来有如下几点:  相似文献   

曾听过这样一则故事,一位服装店老板收了两个徒弟。大徒弟聪明能干,师傅教的一点就通、一看就会,很快掌握了裁剪、缝纫等全套技术;小徒弟心灵手巧,但有点不安分,常常对服装设计提出一些奇思异想,弄得师傅哭笑不得。几年后两个徒弟都出师了,大徒弟自己开了个服装店,小徒弟则去了大城市打工,一直没有音讯。又过了若干年,大徒弟的手艺超过了师傅,成了小有名气的服装师傅,服装店生意也比较稳定。  相似文献   

针对纯碱包装过程中,碱尘颗粒小,易飞扬,易吸潮,结疤等特点。布袋除尘器运行周期短,故障率高,包装环境恶劣的实际情况,本文提出了一些改造办法,稳定了除尘器的运行,改善了工作环境。  相似文献   

乔自然 《陶瓷》2011,(14):14-14
近年来,电子商务的应用给中小企业带来了明显的业务增长。据相关统计资料显示,开展电子商务的中小企业中,59.48%的企业增加了客户,51.61%的企业实现了销售量增长,49.80%的企业扩展了销售区域,45.97%的企业实现了品牌提升,46.57%的企业降低了营销成本。  相似文献   

为顺利实现2009年“战危机,再创新,增活力,快发展”的工作目标,双星青岛轮胎总公司以“质量倒推管理、成本倒推管理、计划倒推管理”为管理主线,深化管理,大胆创新。通过倒推管理的实施,实现了轮胎100%称质量以及100%外观检测的“双百检验”,减少了生产费用支出,理顺了生产计划,提高了全员节能降耗的意识,实现了企业在逆境中的快速发展。  相似文献   

为了满足日益严格的安全环保要求,寻求更加经济高效的脱硫工艺,在塔河油田四号联合站设计时,进一步优化了稠油脱硫工艺。结合油田特性,反复论证,创新应用了“双塔合一”负压气提稳定脱硫工艺,经过近一年生产运行,效果显著,脱硫率>85%。该工艺进一步提高了H2S的脱除率,减少了气提气用量,同时降低了原油饱和蒸汽压,增加了轻烃产量,更能适应稠油处理、储运外销的需要,填补了国内稠油负压气提稳定脱硫技术应用的空缺。  相似文献   

介绍、分析了GK270N密炼机冷却系统存在的缺陷和问题,对缺陷提出了针对性的整改措施,合理设置了密炼机的出水温度,节约了能源,提高了炼胶生产效率,稳定了混炼胶质量。  相似文献   

2013年,石油石化企业物资采购管理在继续巩固完善中稳步向前。这一年,四大油公司物资采购人因共同的组织而聚首,在集中统一的物资供应管理体制下,紧密围绕开源节流,降本增效,加大了规范招标采购和招标管理的力度,不断创新采购模式,实现了成本节约、创造了供应链价值,提升了采购管理水平。在此,本刊着眼采购管理工作的实际,梳理了2013年的采购热词,并一窥2014年的采购管理发展脉络。  相似文献   

Dryer design requires food properties, drying rate and mass-heat transfer coefficients. These values change continuously during drying due to changes in food fractions, particularly the water fraction. The high energy demand and costs allied to inefficient devices, creates a great need for new processing equipment. Along these guide-lines, several heat pump drying research projects were established at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. The heat pump dryer provides high quality final product as its drying conditions can be controlled. Its efficiency and non-polluting operation come from closed air-refrigerant circuits and from its ability to fully recover the latent heat of moist air as it exits the drying chamber. Most of the above features are quite the opposite of the conventional dryer characteristics. Several experiments were made on heat pump drying of fruits and roots at temperatures from -22.5 to 40°C to obtain data and correlations on thermophysical properties, specific enthalpy and rehydration. Also, tests were done on drying rate, moisture content, drying constant, effective mass diffusivity and heat and mass transfer equations. The next important phase is the development of a simulation model to predict the performance and characteristics of the heat pump dryer plant. The objectives of the present work are to develop and lo test a heat pump dryer simulation model. The simulation provides results on the characteristics of both plant and components which are integrated by heat and mass transfer equations. The program has menus with click-on icons, input and output pop-up dialogue boxes. The usual commands such as, file-open, file-save, edit-delete are available in this program simply called Hpdryer. The model contains moist air psychrometric. natural and conventional refrigerant property libraries. Ammonia is a time-tested, self-alarming and natural refrigerant. It has been used extensively in the past, and it has better thermodynamic and transport properties than halocarbons. Safety is easily attained by design and its restrictive standards have helped increase its use in several countries. There are 36 ammonia installations in Norway and in the United Kingdom, including a drying plant. Ammonia has zero Odp, zero Gwp and the recent R&D has led to viable small-sale heat pump plants. Ammonia and dichlarodifluoromethane refrigerants were used in the test cases simulated by Hpdryer madel.  相似文献   

将木质素作为一种有机颗粒填料添加到热塑性塑料中,可解决造纸黑液资源化利用、石油原料日渐紧张以及环境污染加剧等严峻问题。而木质素与热塑性塑料之间相容性直接影响木质素在塑料工业中的应用与发展。首先简要概述了木质素结构与性质和木质素/热塑性塑料复合材料的性能分析,然后系统地阐述国内外研究木质素/热塑性塑料复合材料界面增容方法及其原理;增容方法按添加相容剂、改性木质素和改性塑料进行归类,并对3种增容方法进行比较分析;接着综述了木质素复合材料中增容方法的交叉复合使用;最后对未来木质素/热塑性塑料复合材料界面增容的研究方向以及思路进行了展望。  相似文献   

2,3,6-三甲基苯酚一步氧化制备2,3,5-三甲基-1,4-苯醌相对于传统的磺化-氧化法具有产品收率高、过程简单、条件温和以及环境友好等特点。本文针对2,3,6-三甲基苯酚一步氧化制备2,3,5-三甲基-1,4-苯醌的均相催化氧化和非均相催化氧化工艺进行了综述,对两种工艺的发展过程及研究现状进行了评价及总结。详细讨论了不同方法和路线在催化活性、选择性以及产品分离和催化剂回收等方面的优缺点,简要分析并总结了2,3,6-三甲基苯酚一步氧化研究的发展规律和最新动态,展望了以非均相催化反应机制为重点的微观机理研究和以提高催化剂循环稳定性、降低制备成本为重点的工业化探索两个潜在的发展方向。  相似文献   

Chlorophyll pigments present in canola seed, meal and crude and degummed oils were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with a fluorescence detector. Chlorophylls a and b, low levels of pheophytin a, and occasionally traces of pheophorbide and its methyl ester were present in canola seed. Meals and oils contained magnesium-deficient chlorophyll pigments such as pheophorbide a, methylpheophorbide a, pheophytins a and b, and pyropheophytins a and b but not chlorophyll a or b. The amounts of chlorophyll pigments were oil > seed >> meal. Both crude and degummed oils contained pheophytin a and pyropheophytin a as main components, but the ratio of pyropheophytin a to pheophytin a was markedly higher in degummed oils. No pheophorbides were detected in degummed oils. These results suggest that oil processing steps such as extraction and degumming affect the composition of chlorophyll pigments. Publication No. 678 Canadian Grain Commission.  相似文献   


Dryer design requires food properties, drying rate and mass-heat transfer coefficients. These values change continuously during drying due to changes in food fractions, particularly the water fraction. The high energy demand and costs allied to inefficient devices, creates a great need for new processing equipment. Along these guide-lines, several heat pump drying research projects were established at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. The heat pump dryer provides high quality final product as its drying conditions can be controlled. Its efficiency and non-polluting operation come from closed air-refrigerant circuits and from its ability to fully recover the latent heat of moist air as it exits the drying chamber. Most of the above features are quite the opposite of the conventional dryer characteristics. Several experiments were made on heat pump drying of fruits and roots at temperatures from -22.5 to 40°C to obtain data and correlations on thermophysical properties, specific enthalpy and rehydration. Also, tests were done on drying rate, moisture content, drying constant, effective mass diffusivity and heat and mass transfer equations. The next important phase is the development of a simulation model to predict the performance and characteristics of the heat pump dryer plant. The objectives of the present work are to develop and lo test a heat pump dryer simulation model. The simulation provides results on the characteristics of both plant and components which are integrated by heat and mass transfer equations. The program has menus with click-on icons, input and output pop-up dialogue boxes. The usual commands such as, file-open, file-save, edit-delete are available in this program simply called Hpdryer. The model contains moist air psychrometric. natural and conventional refrigerant property libraries. Ammonia is a time-tested, self-alarming and natural refrigerant. It has been used extensively in the past, and it has better thermodynamic and transport properties than halocarbons. Safety is easily attained by design and its restrictive standards have helped increase its use in several countries. There are 36 ammonia installations in Norway and in the United Kingdom, including a drying plant. Ammonia has zero Odp, zero Gwp and the recent R&D has led to viable small-sale heat pump plants. Ammonia and dichlarodifluoromethane refrigerants were used in the test cases simulated by Hpdryer madel.  相似文献   

振动丝法测定常压和加压下液体的黏度和密度   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
马沛生  周清  杨长生  夏淑倩 《化工学报》2004,55(10):1608-1613
介绍了自行研制的高温高压振动丝黏度密度仪的构造和测定原理,并以正戊烷作为实验流体对仪器的可靠性和准确性进行了测试.测定了环己烷在323.15~413.15 K温度范围内、正辛烷在313.15~393.15 K温度范围内、苯在303.15~445.15 K温度范围内压力分别为常压和6.10 MPa、正庚烷和异辛烷在298.15~403.15 K温度范围内压力分别为常压和5.10 MPa下的黏度与密度,并分别对不同压力下的黏度、密度数据进行了关联.  相似文献   

Biosorption may be simply defined as the removal of substances from solution by biological material. Such substances can be organic and inorganic, and in gaseous, soluble or insoluble forms. Biosorption is a physico‐chemical process and includes such mechanisms as absorption, adsorption, ion exchange, surface complexation and precipitation. Biosorption is a property of both living and dead organisms (and their components) and has been heralded as a promising biotechnology for pollutant removal from solution, and/or pollutant recovery, for a number of years, because of its efficiency, simplicity, analogous operation to conventional ion exchange technology, and availability of biomass. Most biosorption studies have carried out on microbial systems, chiefly bacteria, microalgae and fungi, and with toxic metals and radionuclides, including actinides like uranium and thorium. However, practically all biological material has an affinity for metal species and a considerable amount of other research exists with macroalgae (seaweeds) as well as plant and animal biomass, waste organic sludges, and many other wastes or derived bio‐products. While most biosorption research concerns metals and related substances, including radionuclides, the term is now applied to particulates and all manner of organic substances as well. However, despite continuing dramatic increases in published research on biosorption, there has been little or no exploitation in an industrial context. This article critically reviews aspects of biosorption research regarding the benefits, disadvantages, and future potential of biosorption as an industrial process, the rationale, scope and scientific value of biosorption research, and the significance of biosorption in other waste treatment processes and in the environment. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Chromogranin A (CgA), B (CgB), and C (CgC), the family members of the granin glycoproteins, are associated with diabetes. These proteins are abundantly expressed in neurons, endocrine, and neuroendocrine cells. They are also present in other areas of the body. Patients with diabetic retinopathy have higher levels of CgA, CgB, and CgC in the vitreous humor. In addition, type 1 diabetic patients have high CgA and low CgB levels in the circulating blood. Plasma CgA levels are increased in patients with hypertension, coronary heart disease, and heart failure. CgA is the precursor to several functional peptides, including catestatin, vasostatin-1, vasostatin-2, pancreastatin, chromofungin, and many others. Catestatin, vasostain-1, and vasostatin-2 suppress the expression of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 in human vascular endothelial cells. Catestatin and vasostatin-1 suppress oxidized low-density lipoprotein-induced foam cell formation in human macrophages. Catestatin and vasostatin-2, but not vasostatin-1, suppress the proliferation and these three peptides suppress the migration in human vascular smooth muscles. Chronic infusion of catestatin, vasostatin-1, or vasostatin-2 suppresses the development of atherosclerosis of the aorta in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice. Catestatin, vasostatin-1, vasostatin-2, and chromofungin protect ischemia/reperfusion-induced myocardial dysfunction in rats. Since pancreastatin inhibits insulin secretion from pancreatic β-cells, and regulates glucose metabolism in liver and adipose tissues, pancreastatin inhibitor peptide-8 (PSTi8) improves insulin resistance and glucose homeostasis. Catestatin stimulates therapeutic angiogenesis in the mouse hind limb ischemia model. Gene therapy with secretoneurin, a CgC-derived peptide, stimulates postischemic neovascularization in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice and streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice, and improves diabetic neuropathy in db/db mice. Therefore, CgA is a biomarker for atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension, and coronary heart disease. CgA- and CgC--derived polypeptides provide the therapeutic target for atherosclerosis and ischemia-induced tissue damages. PSTi8 is useful in the treatment of diabetes.  相似文献   

The social interactions of captive reindeer were observed for one year. The seasonal changes of agonistic behavior, the social rank order, social affinity during rest, social sniffing and licking, solitary sniffing and licking, hindleg-head contact, and other motor patterns involving head and antlers are described. Social sniffing and licking correlated more with sex than with social rank. Olfactory responses during encounters and tracking were investigated experimentally. Chemical communication is particularly important in sexual and maternal behavior and during encounters.  相似文献   

Previous results obtained in soybean-wheat rotations under no-tillage conditions showed reductions in the seedbank of the weed species Commelina benghalensis, but no alteration in the seedbank of Acanthospermum hispidum in areas infested with Brachiaria plantaginea. Analyses of the soluble fraction of B. plantaginea indicated the predominance of aconitic acid (AA) among the aliphatic acids and ferulic acid (FA) among the phenolic acids. Laboratory bioassays using C. benghalensis and A. hispidum were carried out to evaluate phytotoxic effects of pure organic acid solutions and dilute extracts of B. plantaginea on seed germination, root development, and fungal germination. Solutions of AA and FA were prepared at 0.25, 0.50, and 1.0 mM. Extracts of B. plantaginea were diluted to obtain concentrations of AA similar to those in the prepared solutions. Seeds were sown on 0.5% agar (containing AA, FA, or diluted extract) in plastic-covered receptacles and maintained in a germination chamber for 10 days. AA and FA solutions and the B. plantaginea extract reduced germination and root length, mainly of C. benghalensis. AA also stimulated the development of endophytic fungi (Fusarium solani), which had complementary adverse effects on C. benghalensis germination. FA and AA may play important roles in reducing the seedbank of some weed species, acting directly on germination and development and, indirectly, by stimulating endophytic fungi that alter germination.  相似文献   

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