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张洪迪  刘海宁 《浙江造纸》2003,27(4):48-49,10
本文从环境因素识别、评价的实用性出发,总结了造纸企业环境因素的识别方法及是非判断法评价重要环境因素的基本准则。  相似文献   

色彩作为视觉因素的重要形式语言在职业装设计中起着重要的标识作用.文章阐述了职业装色彩的视觉感应涉及到环境因素、功能要求、文化心态、民俗习惯等诸方面因素.  相似文献   

对于黏附性藻细胞来说,疏水性能对其细胞生长起着重要的作用.本实验采用烃-水两相法测定盐藻疏水性的大小.本文研究了不同生长期盐藻的疏水性变化,同时探讨了光照、pH、NaCl浓度及Fe3 等环境因素对盐藻疏水性的影响及机理.  相似文献   

人的衰老的过程主要受遗传基因和环境因素的影响,而在诸多环境因素中,营养与衰老的关系表现得最密切。研究证实,合理的饮食结构,尤其是抗氧化营养素的摄入,对保持青春、延缓衰老有着重要的作用。以下果蔬在一定程度上就具有延缓衰老、延年益寿的作用,关键是要经常吃才能奏效:1.猕猴桃(奇异果):  相似文献   

<正>众所周知,环境因素是近视眼发病的重要原因,但科学界对于环境因素致病的具体作用机理,虽然已经研究了长达一个多世纪,但却一直没有比较官方和确切的答案。生活经验和传统观点告诉我们,与近视眼有关的环境因素很多,包括视近活动、户外活动,饮食习惯、甚至性格特点等,其中讨论比较多的主要是视近作业与户外活动。  相似文献   

随着世界人口的老龄化,社会对老年人的健康问题越来越重视。虽然遗传因素在许多慢性疾病发生上具有决定性的意义,但是环境因素的作用也不可忽视,适量的运动是保持健康的最为重要一种环境因素,缺乏体力活动也可以诱导慢性疾病的发生。文献调查显示,运动可通过减少脂肪组织、改善脂类和碳水化合物代谢,在维持能量平衡方面起重要的作用,从而减少慢性疾病发生的危险因素.  相似文献   

为了分析企业基于ISO 14001环境管理体系的环境因素识别范围,为环境管理体系建立及运行奠定坚实基础,本文在查阅现有文献的基础上,结合勘察设计企业案例首先分析了环境因素的定义及意义,其次分析了环境因素的标准要求及识别范围,最后分析了环境因素识别步骤及评价方法,旨在正确识别各种环境因素并对其进行有效控制,减少影响环境的不利因素,为企业开展环境管理工作提供科学参考。  相似文献   

世界卫生组织认为,人类癌症80~90%是由环境因素引起.而环境因素中,由化学物质引起的癌症占90%左右.东方营养学认为,人体是活的自然物,合成的化学物质进入人体后,必然会引起人体正常  相似文献   

阿拉伯胶因具有良好的乳化性能,而被广泛应用于食品工业中.本文通过综述阿拉伯胶的结构特征及其测试方法,介绍其良好乳化性能与微观结构的内在关联,并展示外界环境因素对阿拉伯胶乳化性能的重要影响,将帮助人们更好地认识阿拉伯胶,并促进其在食品工业中的应用.  相似文献   

水产品营养价值优良,是我国居民日常膳食中优质蛋白质的重要来源,其品质优劣状况与国民整体健康水平紧密关联.但在实际贮藏环节,水产品极易因温度波动、微生物滋生等环境因素而腐败变质,造成不同程度的资源浪费、环境污染及经济损失.从蛋白质、油脂、微生物角度出发,本文首先总结了水产品贮藏期间品质特性变化规律.在此基础上从理化、感官...  相似文献   

The effects of environmental factors on the structural features and physico‐chemical properties of starch (from various botanical sources) have been investigated over many decades. A close study of published data on the effects of environmental factors, especially growth temperature, reveals discrepancies with regard to its effects on the composition and properties of the major components of starch, namely amylose and amylopectin. These discrepancies can in part be explained on the basis of the different experimental protocols used by the various investigators to provide environmental variation although it is clear that environmental factors do influence the deposition and composition of starch granules. However, the effects of environmental conditions on the physical properties of starches are more easily reproduced and are consequently better understood. This review is an up to date survey of current knowledge in this area and draws extensively on the authors' own research.  相似文献   

烟碱依赖和祛烟碱依赖研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
烟草依赖有多种因素,如心理因素,环境因素和生理因素等,其中的物质基础是烟草中的烟碱与脑中烟碱受体的相互作用。目前对烟碱依赖的治疗方法包括药物治疗如烟碱替代疗法的烟碱贴剂、口胶、鼻喷雾剂和吸入剂等,采用乙酰胆碱受体(nAChR)抑制剂药物治疗,心理治疗、针灸和中药治疗等,这些方法表现出不同程度的祛烟瘾效果。本文就烟碱依赖和祛烟碱依赖的研究进展做一综述。  相似文献   

大豆是人类生活中重要的粮食作物和油料作物。萌芽是提升大豆营养品质和食用价值的重要手段。但大豆萌芽常受多种因素的影响,从而影响萌芽进程和萌芽品质,因此研究大豆萌芽的影响因素,对于指导萌芽大豆生产具有重要意义。本文综述了近年来有关影响大豆萌芽的内源因素(品种、生长状况、储存状况)及主要非生物环境因素(温度、光照、水分、盐分等)的研究进展,并对研究领域内存在的忽视作用机制研究等主要问题进行剖析,对未来研究趋势进行展望,以期为萌芽大豆的品质提升研究提供理论依据和支撑。  相似文献   

综述气升式外环流反应器的特性参数及其主要影响因素,介绍气升式外环流反应器在生物及环境领域的应用研究进展,并提出今后研究工作的方向。  相似文献   

由于工业生产条件和成本的限制,发酵过程中酿酒酵母会经受多种不同环境胁迫因子的影响。研究不良环境中酿酒酵母的耐性机制,旨在为提高产品质量、降低生产成本以及相应的基因改良提供理论依据。文中主要综述了酿酒酵母耐受高渗、氧化和乙醇等胁迫因素的机理以及海藻糖对酵母细胞的保护作用。  相似文献   

Male infertility is now a major reproductive health problem because of an increasing number of environmental pollutants and chemicals, which eventually result in gene mutations. Genetic alterations caused by environmental factors account for a significant percentage of male infertility. Microarray technology is a powerful tool capable of measuring simultaneously the expression of thousands of genes expressed in a single sample. Eventually, advances in genetic technology will allow for the diagnosis of patients with male infertility due to congenital reasons or environmental factors. Since its introduction in 1994, microarray technology has made significant advances in the identification and characterization of novel or known genes possibly correlated with male infertility in mice, as well as in humans. This provides a rational basis for the application of microarray to establishing molecular signatures for the diagnosis and gene therapy targets of male infertility. In this review, the differential gene expression patterns characterized by microarray in germ and somatic cells at different steps of development or in response to stimuli, as well as a number of novel or known genes identified to be associated with male infertility in mice and humans, are addressed. Moreover, issues pertaining to measurement reproducibility are highlighted for the application of microarray data to male infertility.  相似文献   

以我国主要产烟区4种典型植烟土壤(红壤、水稻土、黄壤、褐土)为试材,采用一次平衡法研究了外加铅、镉在植烟土壤中的吸附-解吸行为,并利用保留因子对铅、镉在4种土壤中的环境风险进行了评估。结果显示:4种植烟土壤对铅、镉的吸附存在很大差异,褐土对铅、镉的吸附能力最强,其次是黄壤,水稻土和红壤的吸附能力则较弱。除褐土对镉的吸附外,4种植烟土壤对铅、镉的吸附均可用Lang-muir及Freundlich方程拟合。在竞争吸附条件下,铅、镉的平均分配系数均下降,下降率分别为14%~34%和8%~25%,铅的存在明显抑制了土壤对镉的吸附,镉对铅的影响较小,铅、镉吸附量在水稻土和红壤中下降幅度更大。随土壤中铅、镉含量的增加,环境风险呈几何级数增加,4种土壤中,两元素在水稻土和红壤中的潜在环境风险更大。  相似文献   

Flocculation is prerequisite for bulk sedimentation of yeast during brewery fermentation. Although single yeast cells gradually sediment in green beer, this sedimentation rate is too slow without formation of large yeast flocs. The present review concerns the major determinants of yeast flocculation and sedimentation in brewery fermentations. Flocculation characteristics of yeast are strongly strain‐dependent and largely defined by which FLO genes are functional in each strain. In addition to the genetic background, several environmental factors affect flocculation. These can be, somewhat arbitrarily, classified as physiological factors, such as the calcium availability, pH, temperature and ethanol and oxygen concentrations in the medium or physical factors, such as cell surface hydrophobicity, cell surface charge and the presence of appropriate hydrodynamic conditions for the formation of large flocs. Once yeast flocs are formed, their size, shape and density and the properties of the surrounding medium affect the rate at which the flocs sediment. Higher gravity worts usually result in green beers with higher viscosity and density, which both retard sedimentation. Moreover, environmental factors during yeast handling before fermentation, e.g., propagation, storage and cropping, influence the flocculation potential of yeast in subsequent fermentation. Premature yeast flocculation (PYF) and the role of PYF factors are discussed. In conclusion, some potential options available to adjust yeast flocculation are described.  相似文献   

Lactobacillus panis是酱香型白酒酿造过程中主要产乳酸微生物。然而,不同环境因子对L.panis乳酸合成及乳酸合成途径关键基因的表达尚未有相关研究。作者分析了温度、乳酸、乙醇及葡萄糖4种不同的发酵过程相关的典型环境因子对L.panis乳酸产量的影响。结果表明,不同环境条件能够显著调节L.panis的生长和乳酸产量,且乳酸和乙醇是酿造过程中其乳酸合成的关键影响因素。当添加10.0 g/L乳酸后,L.panis的乳酸产量最高,达到12.3 g/L;当添加体积分数4.0%乙醇后,L.panis的乳酸产量最低,仅为7.2 g/L。使用实时荧光定量PCR方法对不同条件下L.panis乳酸合成相关基因的表达进行分析,结果表明添加乳酸能够显著上调包括编码L-乳酸脱氢酶和D-乳酸脱氢酶的ldhL和ldhD在内的乳酸合成基因的表达。然而,添加乙醇会导致L.panis乳酸合成相关基因的整体显著下调。分析调控乳酸合成的关键环境因素,对于白酒酿造过程中乳酸和酿造微生物群落调控及白酒质量控制具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The Athabasca River in Alberta, Canada, flows north through an area undergoing extensive bitumen resource extraction and processing before discharging its water and sediments into the Athabasca Delta and Lake Athabasca. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have been identified as an environmental concern in the region. We analyzed environmental data collected by the Regional Aquatics Monitoring Program and government agencies to determine whether temporal trends exist in the concentration of sediment PAHs in the Athabasca River Delta. We then determined what environmental factors related to the trends in sediment PAH concentrations. Total PAH concentrations in the sediment of the Athabasca River Delta increased between 1999 and 2009 at a rate of 0.05 mg/kg/yr ± 0.02 s.e. Annual bitumen production and mined sand volume, extent of landscape disturbance, and particulate emissions were correlated with sediment PAH concentrations as were total organic carbon in sediment and discharge of the Clearwater River, a major tributary of the Athabasca River. Within four tributaries of the Athabasca River, only the Clearwater River showed a significant correlation between discharge and sediment PAH concentration at their river mouths. Carefully designed studies are required to further investigate which factors best explain variability in sediment PAH concentrations.  相似文献   

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