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我国自80年代初由冶金部引进炸药混装车技术以来,一直仅限于矿山使用。葛洲坝集团公司在三峡工程施工中,针对水电工程的特点进行了炸药混装车应用技术的研究,在全国首次将其应用于水电工程中。目前,这项技术已大规模应用于三峡主体工程施工中,并经7000多吨制药爆破实践证明具有巨大的技术优势和经济效益,得到了各方人士的高度评价。  相似文献   

运用炸药混装车技术开采堆石坝级配料   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
葛洲坝集团公司成功地将乳化炸药混装车技术引入三峡水电工程的土石方开挖中,取得了良好的效益,在国内还未曾有人将该技术应用于堆石坝级配料开采。本文结合清江水布垭工程爆破试验,对运用混装车技术开采堆石料进行了研究。事实证明:把混装车技术引入堆石坝级配料开采可大大提高开采强度,降低工程成本;增加细颗粒石料,优化堆石料级配;爆破效果良好,安全可靠。  相似文献   

段明  李爱武 《工程爆破》1998,4(2):30-32,46
车制乳化炸药虽有众多优点,但其致命问题是重量威力偏低。葛洲坝股份有限公司爆破工程公司对车制乳化炸药开展了以提高重量威力为重点兼顾经济效益和生产工艺的优化研究,于1995年8月获得成功。经过优化研究的车制乳化炸药与混装车相得益彰,确立了混装车技术在水电工程爆破中的优势地位。  相似文献   

顾志刚 《爆破》1996,13(3):87-90
本文通过介绍炸药混装车技术在三峡工程的应用情况,分析了这一先进的爆破技术在水电工程中的实用性和可行性问题,并对其发展前景进行了探讨。  相似文献   

赵昱东 《爆破》1998,15(2):49-54
炸药混装车在露天矿山的应用与发展和矿用炸药的研制及应用密切相关,经历了粒状铵油炸药压气式混装车和螺旋式混装车,浆状炸药混装车,乳化炸药混装车和多功能炸药混装车研制过程,本文阐述了各类型混装车的结构特点,技术性能,应用效果,并提出今后发展混装车的几点建议。  相似文献   

朱矿乳化炸药现场混装车应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖青松  万红彬  刘斌 《爆破》2009,26(4):74-77
介绍了现场乳化炸药混装车在露天大型铁矿的成功应用,总结了现场爆破施工技术参数、应用优势和质量安全控制技术措施,可为国内众多大型矿山应用混装车技术提供借鉴经验.  相似文献   

BCJ系列乳化炸药现场混装车的研制与应用   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
BCJ系列乳化炸药现场混装车是北京矿冶研究总院近年来陆续研制开发成功的现场混装乳化炸药新技术,广泛适合于各种中小直径炮孔爆破作业.该系列混装车采用的乳胶基质及其敏化技术,不同于露天大直径(φ>150 mm)现场乳化炸药混装车.文中概要介绍了BCJ系列乳化炸药现场混装车的新型敏化体系、高粘度乳胶基质长距离低阻力输送技术、连续敏化技术、系统在线自动控制技术,并通过隧道爆破和采石场爆破实例,给出了BCJ系列乳化炸药现场混装车的典型使用效果.  相似文献   

炸药现场混装技术在大型露天煤矿抛掷爆破中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭占江  马平 《工程爆破》2009,15(4):82-85
结合炸药现场混装技术在黑岱沟露天煤矿抛掷爆破中的应用实践,介绍了适于大型露天矿山使用的乳胶基质地面站、铵油炸药地面站生产技术,多功能装药车系统结构及现场混装炸药的性能。通过分析现场爆破效果、经济与社会效益,阐述了该项技术的应用优势,为大型露天矿山爆破施工提供了经验。  相似文献   

2008年底,我院星宇惠龙公司与双鸭山建龙矿业公司,就BCJ-5型乳化炸药装药车及现场混装技术签订了技术转让协议。2009年3~4月,星宇惠龙公司派出2名技术人员现场指导装药车调试及井下上向深孔装药爆破工作。在双方领导的大力支持下,调试人员针对乳胶基质制备及配送、装药车的参数调整、上向垂直深孔炸药现场混装作业等技术难题展开攻关,最终实现了地下铁矿上向深孔现场混装乳化炸药技术的重大突破。  相似文献   

我国是工业炸药的生产和使用大国,连续多年的产量都超过了400万t,同时工业炸药作为典型的危险物品,与公共安全息息相关,是社会治安管理的重点监管对象。工业炸药现场混装车技术彻底改变了传统商品炸药的生产、供营和使用模式,本质安全性高是其最突出的特点。大力推广应用现场混装车技术无论是对于提高工业炸药的安全生产管理水平,还是对于提升社会治安管理水平,都具有重要意义,因此受到国家法规政策的鼓励。分析了工业炸药现场混装技术的优势,尤其是对于公共安全的有利作用,研究了现行管理模式存在的弊端,提出为促进工业炸药现场混装技术在我国顺利推广,贯彻创新驱动发展战略,通过体制机制创新,建立由公安机关对工业炸药现场混装技术进行统一管理的更有利的监管模式。鼓励有条件的爆破公司购买和使用现场混装车,大幅度减少工业炸药固定生产点、库房和成品炸药运输等危险源。  相似文献   

Given the increasingly notable segmentation of underground space by existing subway tunnels, it is difficult to effectively and adequately develop and utilize underground space in busy parts of a city. This study presents a combined construction technology that has been developed for use in underground spaces; it includes a deformation buffer layer, a special grouting technique, jump excavation by compartment, back-pressure portal frame technology, a reinforcement technique, and the technology of a steel portioning drum or plate. These technologies have been successfully used in practical engineering. The combined construction technology presented in this paper provides a new method of solving key technical problems in underground spaces in effectively used cross-subway tunnels. As this technology has achieved significant economic and social benefits, it has valuable future applications.  相似文献   

基于价值工程的施工管理技术创新   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
价值工程作为一门新兴管理技术,自20世纪40年代后期产生以来,已被大量运用于生产管理活动之中,特别是在工程建设领域得到广泛的运用,积累了丰富的经验。文章正是以价值工程理论为基础,着重探讨了其在施工管理过程中的应用,以求进一步推动我国施工管理技术的创新和发展。  相似文献   

Genetic Engineering Technology has made possible the manipulation of genetic information and has been described as the new revolution in science. It is responsible for the development of new industrial applications and areas of basic research. In the pharmaceutical field, alone, it has applications to the production of natural and synthetic drugs (proteins/enzymes) at levels that cannot be achieved by conventional methods. It can be applied diagnostically to detect disease or the potentiality of disease. Not only is it being used to improve industrial processes for the production of current market drugs, but will also generate novel drugs for the future. There is also the potential that this technology will correct defective genes in humans with genetic diseases. In addition, this technology has numerous applications for agricultural, chemical and other industries. Genetic engineering is not a single technique but represents a collection of interrelated techniques, including recombinant DNA technologies. The principles of genetic engineering will be highlighted in this review.  相似文献   

Observability and traceability of developed software are crucial to its success in software engineering. Observability is the ability to comprehend a system’s internal state from the outside. Monitoring is used to determine what causes system problems and why. Logs are among the most critical technology to guarantee observability and traceability. Logs are frequently used to investigate software events. In current log technologies, software events are processed independently of each other. Consequently, current logging technologies do not reveal relationships. However, system events do not occur independently of one another. With this perspective, our research has produced a new log design pattern that displays the relationships between events. In the design we have developed, the hash mechanism of blockchain technology enables the display of the logs’ relationships. The created design pattern was compared to blockchain technology, demonstrating its performance through scenarios. It has been determined that the recommended log design pattern outperforms blockchain technology in terms of time and space for software engineering observability and traceability. In this context, it is anticipated that the log design pattern we provide will strengthen the methods used to monitor software projects and ensure the traceability of relationships.  相似文献   

三维可视化技术在岩土工程中的应用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由于三维可视化技术是将空间数据信息转换成三维图形,对大量数据处理具有高效性和直观性,该技术在岩土工程领域中已经得到了广泛的应用。主要介绍可视化技术在岩体的三维建模、三维数值模拟分析及岩体结构的三维网络模拟研究中应用。从而证明了可视化技术在岩土工程中的应用研究中具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   


Genetic Engineering Technology has made possible the manipulation of genetic information and has been described as the new revolution in science. It is responsible for the development of new industrial applications and areas of basic research. In the pharmaceutical field, alone, it has applications to the production of natural and synthetic drugs (proteins/enzymes) at levels that cannot be achieved by conventional methods. It can be applied diagnostically to detect disease or the potentiality of disease. Not only is it being used to improve industrial processes for the production of current market drugs, but will also generate novel drugs for the future. There is also the potential that this technology will correct defective genes in humans with genetic diseases. In addition, this technology has numerous applications for agricultural, chemical and other industries. Genetic engineering is not a single technique but represents a collection of interrelated techniques, including recombinant DNA technologies. The principles of genetic engineering will be highlighted in this review.  相似文献   

Engineering informatics is an emerging engineering discipline integrating information technology or informatics with a variety of engineering disciplines. It is an interdisciplinary scientific subject focusing on applying advanced information and communications technology (ICT) to a variety of engineering disciplines. Rapid advances in industrial information integration methods have spurred the growth of new techniques that can be used for probing industrial information integration including engineering informatics. These techniques include business process management (BPM), enterprise architecture (EA), enterprise application integration (EAI), service-oriented architecture (SOA), and others. Practical applications may require a combination of these techniques that have originated from different disciplines. These techniques have the potential to contribute to engineering informatics. For integrating complex engineering systems, both formal methods and systems methods are crucial. In this paper, we briefl review the state of the art of engineering informatics as it interfacing with industrial information integration.  相似文献   

绿色再制造工程的发展现状和未来展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
再制造工程是废旧机电产品高技术修复改造的产业化,是循环经济和节能环保产业的重要技术支撑。中国的再制造工程经历了产业萌生、科学论证和政府推进三个阶段。中国特色的再制造主要基于尺寸恢复和性能提升,并以先进的寿命评估技术、纳米表面工程和自动化表面工程技术为支撑,其重要特征是再制造产品的质量和性能不低于原型新品,成本为新品的50%、节能60%、节材70%,显著改善环保。具有中国特色的再制造模式已逐渐形成,并取得了重要成果。  相似文献   

论述了我国大功率交交(AC-AC)变频调速技术的研究和国产化装备的研制工程,丰富并完善了大功率交流调速理论,形成了自主创新的核心技术,解决了大功率交流调速装备的多项关键技术,推动国产交流调速装备步人国际先进行列,立足工程,取得显著的经济效益和社会效益;并介绍了我国第一套7.5 MvA三电平IGCT交直交(AC-DC-AC)变频调速系统的研制,该变频器结构紧凑、性能良好、运行可靠,达到国际先进水平.  相似文献   

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