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辛思甜  聂龙辉 《材料导报》2023,(11):217-229
甲醛(HCHO)是主要室内污染物之一,脱除室内空气中超标的甲醛对人体健康至关重要。本文对甲醛脱除技术(物理吸附法、化学吸附法、热催化氧化法、光催化法、等离子法等)进行了归纳总结,介绍了这些甲醛脱除方法的技术原理、研究现状,及其在空气净化器中的应用。其中,吸附法因方法简单、成本低而应用最广,但它存在易吸附饱和、需要再生或定期更换吸附剂的问题,发展超大吸附量且易再生的吸附材料是该技术未来的发展方向;热催化氧化法研究最多,其中负载型贵金属催化剂室温甲醛脱除效率最高,应用较多,但因价格昂贵而限制了它的实际应用,制备高效、耐用、低成本的催化剂是其应用的关键;等离子体法对各种挥发性有机物(VOCs)都有较高的脱除效率,因此,特别适用于甲醛与其他多种挥发性有机物(VOCs)共存且浓度较高的场合(如家具厂等),但它还存在产生O3、CO等副产物而产生的潜在二次污染问题,要消除这些副产物还需要额外的催化床层;光催化法对低浓度甲醛具有较高的脱除效率,适用于阳光充足、甲醛浓度较低的场合(如阳光充足的密闭玻璃房),发展高效、稳定、可见光响应的光催化材料是该技术未来的发展方向。后两者因设备要...  相似文献   

钢厂副产煤气是钢铁企业产生的二次能源,但是由于其中含有化学稳定性高的COS和CS2,二次利用困难,部分钢铁企业会将其直接高空排放,这样不仅造成了能源浪费,还造成了环境污染.因此,研究者们开发了多种技术用于脱除COS和CS2,其中水解法脱除废气中的COS和CS2是应用较为广泛的脱硫技术.然而,目前水解催化剂的使用温度相对较高,而钢厂副产煤气具有温度低、热值低、二氧化碳及氧含量高等特点.因此,近十年来研究者们研发了多种低温水解催化剂,用于COS和CS2的单独催化水解,甚至两种气体的协同催化水解.这些催化剂的成功研发不仅使得水解催化剂的使用温度大幅度降低,而且保持了其较高的水解效率.COS和CS2单独低温水解催化剂主要包括金属氧化物基催化剂、活性炭基催化剂以及类水滑石基催化剂.其中,金属氧化物基水解催化剂主要以γ-Al2 O3和TiO2为载体,并且以TiO2作为载体能更好地抑制水解催化剂中毒;活性炭基水解催化剂可通过调控其活性成分与含量以及提高活性炭载体自身品质来增强其低温水解性能;而类水滑石基水解催化剂则是通过调整其层板金属的组成、制备方法及条件使得其具有优异的低温水解性能.此外,由于活性炭具有特殊的物理化学特性,COS和CS2的协同水解催化剂主要是以活性炭基低温水解催化剂为主.本文归纳了COS和CS2低温水解催化剂的研究进展,分别对COS和CS2的单独水解催化剂和协同水解催化剂及其催化水解机理进行了介绍,分析了低温水解催化剂研发所面临的问题并提出未来可尝试的研究方向,以期开发更多COS和CS2协同水解的低温催化剂,更重要的是,为今后钢铁行业副产煤气中COS和CS2协同水解低温催化剂的研究方向及工业化应用提供参考.  相似文献   

填充型渗透蒸发膜的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
综述了填充型渗透蒸发膜的最新研究进展 ,提出了填充型渗透蒸发膜的分类方法 ,简要叙述了各类填充膜的制备过程 ,并对填充膜在水中有机物脱除、有机物脱水、有机物之间的分离等领域的应用进行了介绍 .  相似文献   

填充型渗透蒸发膜的材料选择和制备   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
填充型渗透蒸发膜将填充剂的高吸附容量和膜过程的连续性的优势有效集成.以创造出适宜的膜结构形态并赋予膜以新颖和期望的理化特性,从而提高膜的渗透通量、选择性和力学强度等,因而在有机物脱水、水中有机物脱除和有机物-有机物分离等领域具有良好的应用前景。文中从膜的分类,膜材料的选择以及膜的制备方法三个方面对填充型渗透蒸发膜进行简要评述。  相似文献   

壳寡糖对胰岛β细胞的保护及其体内抗氧化作用的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了体外研究酶解法制备的壳寡糖(COS)对胰岛β细胞的保护作用,并进一步探讨COS对链脲佐菌素(STZ)诱导的糖尿病(DM)大鼠胰腺的保护及其抗氧化保护机制.通过壳聚糖酶降解壳聚糖制备得到水溶性、低分子量的COS,在细胞水平上,通过形态学观察、四氮唑蓝(MTT)比色法、DNA凝胶电泳、彗星电泳等方法研究不同浓度的COS对链脲佐菌素损伤胰岛β细胞的保护和抑制细胞凋亡的作用;进行了体内实验,通过一般状态观察和病理组织学检查研究了COS对链脲佐菌素诱导的DM大鼠的胰腺保护作用,并对血清中谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-PX)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、丙二醛(MDA)浓度、总抗氧化能力(T-AOC)进行了测定.结果表明,COS可以抑制链脲佐菌素诱导的胰岛β细胞凋亡,对受损的胰岛β细胞有显著的保护作用;COS各剂量组对DM大鼠总抗氧化能力和SOD活力均有显著改善,MDA浓度与STZ损伤组比较均有极显著差异;胰腺组织学检查表明COS能减轻胰岛萎缩、数量减少、胰岛细胞丢失、核固缩等胰岛细胞退行性改变症状.  相似文献   

煤加压气化废水的综合治理及零排放是工业废水处理的难点,也是广大学者研究的热点。活性焦对煤加压气化废水中高浓度、难降解有机物有一定的吸附和脱除作用,已经得到国内学者的实验性证实。本文阐述了煤加压气化废水的特点、处理方法及活性焦的相关基础知识。重点阐述了活性焦在煤加压气化废水深度处理段的工程应用。  相似文献   

0 引言 活性碳纤维(AcF)作为吸附剂对脱除常存在于地下水和地表水中的有毒无机物及有机物有很大潜力。尽常并不期望的高浓度钒可以出现在工业过程和核能工业之中,但从废水中脱除钒的确实可行的方法还没有报导。  相似文献   

便携式气质联用仪测定空气中挥发性有机物的方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对监测实际需要,对美国INFICON公司生产的HAPSITE便携式GC-MS内标标准曲线法和半定量法定量分析空气中的挥发性有机物做了初步研究.结果表明:内标标准曲线法能快速、有效地对大气中的37种挥发性有机物进行定性和定量,精确度和准确度都很高,明显优于半定量方法,因此在环境监测领域特别是应急监测工作中应被推荐为定量分析空气中挥发性有机物的首选方法.  相似文献   

硫化氢是一种应用非常广泛的特种气体,制备高纯度的硫化氢具有重要的经济效益和环境效益。硫化氢中含有的微量二氧化硫对硫化氢下游产品的开发应用产生严重的不利影响,必须予以脱除。介绍了还原法、吸附法等二氧化硫脱除技术的原理、特点以及研究现状。  相似文献   

聚合物乳液中的残留单体不仅带来环境污染,而且具有强烈的刺激性气味和不同程度的毒性,对使用者的健康造成损害,一定程度上限制了其应用,因此脱除聚合物乳液中的残留单体是聚合物工业中一项重要的措施。脱除残留单体的方法有很多,包括物理方法、化学方法和化学-物理法。文中概述了脱除聚合物乳液中残留单体的各种方法,并就各自的优缺点作了详细的分析,希望为相关研究及工业生产提供借鉴。  相似文献   

一种新的膜材料——聚苯硫醚   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
综述了聚苯硫醚 (polyphenylenesulfide简称PPS)的结构、性能和在制膜中的应用 .PPS是一种可在高温下连续使用 ,并拥有可与含氟材料相匹敌的耐酸、碱和有机溶剂的新型高分子工程材料 .用对二氯苯和硫化钠在合适的溶剂中经催化反应生成PPS ,目前已能规模化生产 .由于PPS具有多方面的优良性能 ,可用PPS或改性PPS通过熔融法或相转化法制备中空纤维膜、平板膜或管式膜 ,用于超滤、反渗透、渗透汽化、离子交换膜等 .  相似文献   

Hydrogen sulfide is a colorless and flammable gas under room temperature. Usually hydrogen sulfide is considered to be toxic; however, the recent research revealed that hydrogen sulfide in the cardiovascular system plays the role of a vascular dilator. The physiological role of hydrogen sulfide depends on its in vivo level. As such, the measurement of hydrogen sulfide with nano-quantity resolution becomes an important subject. Existing methods generally require bulky samples and are invasive and offline. It will be significantly helpful to measure hydrogen sulfide with a small amount of tissue in a noninvasive method The first attempt was to take a blood or serum sample with a trace amount to examine the interaction between hydrogen sulfide and carbon nanotube. The carbon nanotube is chosen because of a known fact that hydrogen sulfide can be adsorbed by activated carbon. The carbon nanotube is an excellent activated carbon in this regard. Fluorescence intensity of the carbon nanotube with and without immersion of it in a hydrogen sulfide medium was examined in the study. It was found that the intensities increase as the concentrations of hydrogen sulfide increase. Furthermore, the concentration of 10$muhboxM$hydrogen sulfide in water was successfully measured.  相似文献   

有机钴盐增进橡胶/镀铜钢丝粘合的新机理假设   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
添加适量有机钴盐,可增加橡胶/镀铜钢丝的TCAT抽出力。用SEM观察经角鲨烯模型试验处理过的镀铜钢丝,发现有机钴盐可使镀铜钢丝表面生成许多小颗粒。据此,本文提出了关于有机钴盐增粘机理的一种新的假设。  相似文献   

Deer antler is of interest to material scientists because it represents bone which can withstand applied stresses of over 300 MPa. In this work we demonstrate the presence of nanopores in this material by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, and gas adsorption and mercury intrusion experiments. It is also shown that organic material in the antler influences observed pore sizes. Different modal groups of pores were observed when organic lipid material was removed from the sample and the sample saturated with water. The dominant organic phase associated with the small pores is protein.  相似文献   

The gas which may be lethal to human body with short-term exposure in common industrial fields or workplaces in LAB may paralyze the olfactory sense and impose severe damages to central nervous system and lung. This study is concerned with the gas sensor which allows individuals to avoid the toxic gas that may be generated in the space with residues of organic wastes under 50 degrees C or above. This study investigates response and selectivity of the sensor to hydrogen sulfide gas with operating temperatures and catalysts. The thick-film semiconductor sensor for hydrogen sulfide gas detection was fabricated WO3/SnO2 prepared by sol-gel and precipitation methods. The nanosized SnO2 powder mixed with the various metal oxides (WO3, TiO2, and ZnO) and doped with transition metals (Au, Ru, Pd Ag and In). Particle sizes, specific surface areas and phases of sensor materials were investigated by SEM, BET and XRD analyses. The metal-WO3/SnO2 thick films were prepared by screen-printing method. The measured response to hydrogen sulfide gas is defined as the ratio (Ra/R,) of the resistance of WO3ISnO2 film in air to the resistance of WO3/SnO2 film in a hydrogen sulfide gas. It was shown that the highest response and selectivity of the sensor for hydrogen sulfide by doping with 1 wt% Ru and 10 wt% WO3 to SnO2 at the optimum operating temperature of 200 degrees C.  相似文献   

Engineered process for hydrogen generation from hydrogen sulfide ions in aqueous solution using solar energy with photocatalysis has been established. In order to design a complete closed loop of hydrogen production system, reacted sulfide ions have to be reduced to photocatalysis-active hydrogen sulfide ion. We focused on hydrothermal reaction of sulfur for reducing the reacted sulfide ions. But the oxidized sulfur species are occurred inevitably by the reaction. Thus alternative reducers are required to sulfur hydrothermal reaction for a complete closed loop of hydrogen production system. We studied sulfur–water–organic materials interaction, and particularly on the effective utilization of waste elemental sulfur. In this study, hydrothermal experiments of sulfur, water urea, and/or alcohols were carried out under atmospheric constituent condition and hypoxic condition at 200 °C. Experimental results show that maintaining solution in weak alkaline condition is important and alcohol compounds had a great role for reduction of sulfur. Elemental sulfur was completely reduced to hydrogen sulfide by the hydrothermal reaction of sulfur with urea and propanol under hypoxic condition. Those results indicate that it is possible to create sustainable sulfur cycle for hydrogen production system using hydrothermal reaction with organic compounds.  相似文献   

意象造型在产品设计中应用研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为设计出具有高附加值的产品,提出基于意象造型在工业设计中的应用研究。分析了意象作为我国传统美学核心,在文学、诗歌、绘画、雕塑等众多传统艺术创作表达中的审美性,并结合产品设计中需具备的实用性,论述了产品设计中融入意象造型方法,能够很好实现物质层面的实用性和精神层面审美性的有机统一。在此基础上,提出了在产品设计中可以借鉴传统艺术创作中意象表达的方法,来完善意象造型成为工业设计的一种有效方法。  相似文献   

In recent years, the stipulations fixed by regulatory bodies have become stringent to keep environmental pollution under control. Normally COD and BOD are the parameters monitored to determine the efficiency of any treatment system. But in many cases, industrial wastewater may contain sulfate along with other organic constituents. Sulfate, if present in the wastewater, will be converted to H2S under anaerobic conditions and this is hazardous. Subsequently, if the same wastewater is treated under aerobic conditions, a part of the air supplied will be utilized for oxidation of sulfide back to sulfate which leads to reduced efficiency of the aerobic treatment. The released wastewater with high sulfate levels will be going into the environment, which is undesirable. Methods are reported in the literature for the removal of sulfate and sulfide before and after anaerobic treatment respectively. Most of these methods are chemical which are either costly or impracticable. Therefore, a novel approach for removing sulfate or sulfide in the treatment scheme is required. In the present communication, studies are undertaken by designing an innovative stripper system where sulfide is removed to the extent of 60 to 70% before aerobic treatment. The parameters involved in design and operation of the stripper, such as airflow rate, liquid flow rate, liquid to air ratio, and pH profile, are optimized. It is a physical system in which air and waste water are passed as counter currents. The treated wastewater from the stripper, which contains less sulfide, may be post-treated in the aerobic system before final discharge. Hydrogen sulfide can be efficiently removed by coupling this type of stripper to existing anaerobic systems. The system can be efficiently used in existing treatment plants or in new designs to control sulfide (free sulfide generated in an anaerobic reactor in the case of wastewaters having high sulfate inhibits methanogenesis, resulting in reduced performance of the anaerobic process) generated in anaerobic reactors and to optimize the air and oxygen requirements in the aerobic system.  相似文献   

王英伍  杨皓  宁平  李凯  李山  黄彬 《材料导报》2017,31(15):50-59
从污泥基活性炭的制备及其在水和大气环境领域的应用两个部分进行了综述。主要总结了3种传统制备方法的原理;同时,对比了7种不同制备方法的优缺点和主要用途,汇总了通过添加农作物秸秆和矿物来提升污泥活性炭性质的相关研究。污泥基活性炭在环境领域的应用主要包括其对废水中有机染料、有机药物、小分子有机化合物和重金属的吸附以及其对硫化氢等工业废气和甲醛等室内废气的净化。另外,分别举例说明了不同来源污泥基活性炭的用途和性能。最后,总结分析了污泥基活性炭在研究中存在的问题以及今后的主要发展方向。  相似文献   

Ceramic‐sulfide solid electrolytes are a promising material system for enabling solid‐state batteries. However, one challenge that remains is the discrepancy in the reported electrochemical stability. Recent work has suggested that it may be due to the sensitivity of ceramic sulfides to mechanically induced stability. Small changes in ceramic‐sulfide microstructure, for example, have been shown to cause substantial differences in the electrochemical stability. In this work, a rigorous theoretical framework is constructed to enable the simulation of such mechanically induced stability for a generalized constraint mechanism. It is shown that the susceptibility for voltage widening in ceramic sulfides can be significantly influenced by the choice of different decay morphology models. This results in a less intrusive microstructure requirement for improved stability, which stems from the tendency of sulfides to decay via inclusions rather than homogeneously. This predicted decay morphology is experimentally confirmed. Li10GeP2S12 is stabilized by a thin amorphous shell, which prior models predict is too thin for stabilization. The generality of this framework is discussed in light of stabilization methods beyond microstructure, such as on the battery cell level. The relation of our picture to the observed lithium metal formation in ceramic sulfides is also discussed.  相似文献   

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