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独立院校的体育课程体系的改革是近来国家教育部的相关的文件的要求,而且独立学院体育课程体系的创新的具体的措施也都需要切实的结合独立学院的相关的特色来进行,这样才可以有效的发挥独立学院体育教育的多种的作用。而且这方面的改革也都是系统性的工程。本文作者结合自身多年的教育经验对相关方面的问题进行详细的讨论。  相似文献   

农作物的生产与人类的生活密切相关,粮食的产量在一定的自然条件下受到了很大的限制性,天气的各种变化,都会影响到农作物的生产。在经过了长期的自然选择与进化之后,植物对环境的胁迫能够产生相应的适应能力,这种能力称为植物的抗逆性。文章通过详细地阐明植物的抗逆性的含义与植物的抗逆性的分类的内容,从而在了解了植物的抗逆性生理的情况下,进一步提出提高植物抗逆性的措施。  相似文献   

公路的施工在现在面临的挑战是非常大的,主要是来自于车辆的行车速度在不断的提升,而且车辆的负荷也在增加,与是同时,车辆的数量也在逐渐的增多,这些因素都给公路的路基和路面带来了很大的影响。目前,公路的路基和路面的质量也在不断的提高,作为公路工程的基础,路基的质量会直接影响公路的使用效果,所以在进行公路施工的时候要对公路的路基的质量进行严格的控制。  相似文献   

建筑施工中,施工的质量是人们关注的重点,施工的质量对建筑工程以后的使用效果是有很大的影响的,为了更好的保证施工的质量,施工的单位在进行施工的时候一定要做到更加精心的进行施工,在施工管理方面也要进行更加专业的管理,工程的监理对工程的质量是有很大的影响的,同时也是对工程质量进行控制的保障。为了更好的进行建筑工程的施工,一定要对施工阶段工程监理工作特别的重视。  相似文献   

本季女装的设计灵感来自纽约的都市景色.摩天大楼和玻璃幕墙反射着耀眼的光芒,流动的空气、温暖的阳光、蔚蓝的天空,海滩的浪漫元素——海浪、沙滩、岩石、云朵……本季女装系列强调时尚女性的优美造型,散发都市的摩登风情,体现清新优雅的风格. 从晨曦到黄昏渐变的冷色调:澄蓝的天空、碧绿的海洋,金色的贝壳,昏黄的暮色,粉红的霞光.优美的轮廓,立体的剪裁,轻柔的面料——帝国腰线的设计,衬托女性的柔美气质,充满自然的气息.  相似文献   

随着我国经济的不断发展,航空航天行业也在快速的发展,我国的航空的运输量也随之不断的增长,这就使交通管制对于安全风险问题的压力在不断的提高。由于空中交通流量的持续的增加下的安全风险的产生是一个相互作用、协同耦合的过程,其一般是具有明显的非线性、开放和动态的特征,为了更加直接的显示出风险变量的关联性,可以构建相应的空管安全风险动态预警的模型。  相似文献   

进入到新世纪以来,随着我国的国民经济水平的快速的发展,我国的城市现代化的建设工作同样也取得了一定的成绩,其中市政排水管道工程就得到了飞速的发展。近些年来,市政排水管道工程的建设数量越来越多,规模也越来越大。市政排水管道工程的施工工艺相比较于其他的工程项目并不复杂,但是大部分的市政排水管道工程的施工地点都是在市区内的,施工的环境相对较为复杂,施工人员对于电缆及地下管线的情况无法完全的掌握,另外在施工的过程中,在保证施工安全的同时必须时刻注意地上的交通情况,这就给市政排水管道工程的施工增加了一定的难度,施工的质量和工期也受到了一定的影响。本文便对市政排水管道工程施工准备阶段的质量控制措施以及市政排水管道工程施工阶段的质量控制措施两个方面的内容进行了详细的探析,从而详细的论述了市政排水管道工程施工质量的管理与控制的工作。  相似文献   

文章主要是描写了关于在工程施工建设过程之中所存在的质量问题与控制措施,并对这些原因进行了简要的分析,找出存在的问题,进行改进,同时也会提出相应的措施,让施工的质量变得更加的稳固,更加的安全。这也随着我国建筑行业的不断发展,人民对于生活质量的追求,房屋的质量问题逐渐的在人们的心中占了很中的地位,这就使政府更加的注重房屋的建设,让那些在房屋建筑过程和使用的过程中出现的大大小小的质量问题逐渐得到解决,充分的认识到它的危害,并采取相应的措施来治理,是房屋的质量问题从根本上得到解决,这样的做法更加的能够赢得民心,使人民的生活处于一个安全稳固的环境中。让我们的生活更加的舒适,不用担心外在的因素,更加的努力创造更好的生活。  相似文献   

在新的时期我国的体育教育事业也相应的进入到了新的历史阶段,体育院校的田径的教学质量也都受到了一定程度的影响,而对于影响高等院校的体育院校的田径教学的质量的影响的因素也都是多方面的影响造成的综合性的结果。本文作者结合自身多年的教学经验重点分析了影响高校田径教学质量的几个突出的因素,并且也相应的提出了解决的方法,以便可以对于目前的田径教育质量下滑做出一些改变。  相似文献   

近年来,我国的经济得到了很大的发展,在经济发展的同时,保障经济发展的公路工程也在不断的进行建设。在进行公路工程建设的时候,最重要的就是要保障施工工程的质量,在施工中,路面工程的施工是非常重要的,因为路面工程的质量可以直接影响施工工程的使用效果。在进行施工的现场监理中,对施工的质量进行控制是非常必要的,施工的监理人员要对施工的工程进行严格的质量控制,并且找到控制的方法。  相似文献   



Content of individual sugars, organic acids, total phenolics (TPH), some important phenolic compounds (kaempferol, myricetin, quercetin, and ellagic acid) and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) in the fruits of strawberry, raspberry and blackberry were studied. A comparison was made between cultivars and wild relatives of each species (Fragaria vesca L., Rubus idaeus L. and Rubus fruticosus L.). The main sugars found were fructose and glucose both in the fruits of wild species and the studied cultivars. Citric acid was determined to be the major organic acid in most of tested berries with the exception of blackberry cultivars, where malic acid was dominant. The content of individual phenolic compounds varied among the wild species, as well as among the studied cultivars. Ellagic acid content was higher in F. vesca, R. idaeus and R. fruticosus (122.5 µg/g FW, 12.71 µg/g FW and 61.7 µg/g FW, respectively) than that obtained in analyzed cultivars. Overall, TPH expressed higher values in the wild strawberry and blackberry species in comparison to the studied cultivars, and consequently, the highest levels of TAC were recorded in F. vesca (5.78 mg asc/g FW), followed by R. fruticosus (4.95 mg asc/g FW).


In recent years, both wild and cultivated berries have become very attractive for consumers because of potentially beneficial phytochemicals contained in these fruits. Fruit nutritional quality can be described by standard quality parameters (sugars and organic acids), and the analysis of antioxidant capacity influenced by specific related compounds. The importance of flavonoids and other phenolics have been suggested to play a preventive role in the development of cancer and heart disease. A significant positive correlation observed in this study between total phenolics and total antioxidant capacity indicate the need for the use of wild species in the breeding programs of small fruits, especially strawberry and blackberry, in order to increase their nutritive value and the health benefits.  相似文献   

说明了日本新合纤(新聚酯)的发展阶段,介绍了国外(日本西欧和美国)新合纤的市场情况,指出了日本在新合纤领域目前处于世界最先进水平。概括了新合纤制造加工技术及1990~1992年间日本各合成纤维厂商推出的新合纤产品。最后指出了新合纤存在的某些缺点。  相似文献   

Tencel机织物的染整加工及所用染化料   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Tencel纤维易于原纤化和很高的横向膨润性对染整加工设备选型、工序安排、染化料选用提出了很高的要求,关键的助剂是润滑剂、纤维素酶、柔软剂、树脂整理剂、防原纤化助剂,于是详细讨论了Tencel机织物的前处理、初级原纤化、酶处理、染色、二次原纤化和柔性、树脂整理及染化料的应用。  相似文献   

Reduced and oxidised glutathione, cysteine, cystine and traces (too small to quantify) of γ-glutamyl-cysteine and cysteinylglycine were detected, in about the same amounts, in extracts of the embryos of dormant and mature barleys. During micromalting the levels of the thiols and disulphides altered in various ways, but altered in the same ways in dormant and mature samples of grain until germination began. An early decline in the glutathione content of embryos was mirrored by a rise in the amount in degermed grains. Histochemical tests and analyses of isolated tissues showed that in the quiescent grains thiols were concentrated in the embryo (particularly the scutellum) and in the aleurone layer and isolated embryos released thiols into an incubation medium. We conclude that the endogenous thiols and disulphides are not obviously involved in the regulation of dormancy.  相似文献   

Anthocyanogen and catechin contents (tanninogen values) were determined for ten two-row and thirteen six-row barleys and for their corresponding malts. Four barley-malts were then selected for brewing, one with high, one with low, and two with intermediate tanninogen contents. The brews were made using bottom-fermenting (lager) as well as top-fermenting (ale) yeasts, both at 50–55° F. and at 68° F. The quality of the beers, as expressed by standard analyses and flavour evaluation, is discussed in the light of the tanninogen contents of the barleys and the different brewing parameters (yeast type and fermentation temperature).  相似文献   

The influence of tomato fruit ripeness on area- and perimeter-dependent properties and dominant failure mechanisms of pericarp tissue were investigated. Tissue discs from mature-green and red-ripe fruit were punctured with a flat-ended cylindrical probe and compressed with a flat plate at a constant rate of deformation. Approximately linear force-deformation curves were obtained to tissue failure by both puncture and flat plate compression, interrupted by a region of pseudoplastic deformation at a relatively low initial bioyield force. Based on estimated area- and perimeter-dependent coefficients and firmness (force/deformation) values, initial bioyielding of tissue appeared to be associated with an abrupt increase in cell-to-cell compaction. Puncture of mature-green tissue led to premature failure induced by shearing or rupture of tissue at the probe perimeter. The contribution to puncture of perimeter-dependent or shear-associated forces and a putative "zone of influence" increased markedly with ripening, while the contribution of area-dependent or compression associated forces generally decreased. A concomitant decrease in failure force and firmness with ripening reflected a general loss of both tissue compression and shear strengths. These results suggested that the dominant mode of tissue failure changed with ripening, from cell relaxation and rupture to cell debonding. The data obtained in this study emphasize the need to exercise caution in the interpretation of force-deformation parameters derived from puncture tests alone.  相似文献   

Textural attributes of Cheddar and Cheshire cheeses, falling within narrow compositional ranges, were assessed by sensory panels, and from force-compression curves generated by compression between two plates, and, for Cheddar cheese only, by penetrometry. Individual sensory measurements did not relate well to any instrumental one, and were better at discriminating between cheeses. Samples of each cheese variety were fractured in different ways and the fracture surfaces were examined in a scanning electron microscope. Fracture surfaces were formed by cutting directly through the matrix, tearing of the matrix along planes high in fat or cracking at grain boundaries. It is suggested that consideration of fracture mechanism may aid the selection and development of useful instrumental methods for texture assessment of cheese.  相似文献   

Over 200 consumers and produce buyers representing 15 major supermarkets were interviewed in 1992 to determine factors considered in peach and nectarine selection and interest in fruit below marketing order minimum sizes. Fruit firmness, color and aroma are the most important characteristics consumers use to judge quality. More consumers are satisfied with the size of peaches and nectarines available in the market than are satisfied with the quality. Very few prefer smaller sized fruit and those who have purchased small prebagged fruit, believe it is inferior and a poor value. Retailers, including those marketing in lower income areas, do not find current size standards restrictive nor are they interested in purchasing smaller fruit. Retailers believe growers should focus on quality and better tasting varieties. Both consumers and retailers consider mealy peaches a problem. Results indicate that marketing orders should emphasize quality and maturity indicators.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of microwave blanching on chemical, physical and sensory characteristics of tomatoes prior to and after frozen storage. Tomatoes were blanched (4 min) using four treatments: conventional boiling water (BW), steam (ST), microwaved in a glass container (MW), and microwaved in boilable bags (MWB). The lowest moisture content occurred in MW‐blanched tomatoes before (92%) and after (86%) frozen storage. These tomatoes had the highest reduced ascorbic acid (RAA) content and the highest RAA retention (> 23 mg/100 g, >91%) after blanching and after frozen storage. After blanching, MWB‐blanched tomatoes were the lightest, while after frozen storage, ST‐blanched tomatoes were the lightest. BW‐blanched tomatoes had generally higher flavor, texture and appearance scores. This study demonstrated that though visual color and sensory attributes were highest for BW‐blanched tomatoes, MW‐blanched tomatoes retained more nutritive value in the finished product.  相似文献   

核黄素生理生化特征及其功能   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
核黄素对生物生长发育起重要作用.主要应用于临床口角炎,舌炎,口内炎,肛门炎,结膜炎及脂溢性皮炎等缺乏维生素B2所引起的病症.然而,近年最新研究认为核黄素还有利尿消肿,防治肿瘤,降低心脑血管病的功效.对核黄素的结构,物理和化学性质及其生理功能作一个简要的综述。  相似文献   

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