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姜涵  何宜潮  鲁高杰 《园林》2023,(11):31-37
自21世纪以来,由于对环境可持续发展和人居环境质量的日益关注,生态社区已成为全球社区规划发展的必然趋势。“从摇篮到摇篮”理念基于低碳与循环发展的核心思想,在生态社区规划研究进程中逐渐形成了科学的理论框架,并在发达地区的多个生态社区实践项目中得到了应用。然而,由于发展阶段的不同,中国对生态社区的关注主要围绕前期的规划设计阶段,缺乏对生态社区“全生命周期”的系统研究与评价。通过对“从摇篮到摇篮”的生态循环理念进行解析,梳理该理念的发展历程和实践应用,并选取两个代表性案例:法国第戎的Heudelet 26与日本鹤岗的Tsuruoka House,进行全周期、多角度的生态解析,探索社区营造中的循环发展生态举措,进而对中国以及其他东亚城市的生态社区规划设计研究与实践提供借鉴意义。  相似文献   

燕艳 《化学建材》2012,(2):8-11
以北方某办公楼的设计实践为例,该办公项目的方案设计,实践了将绿色建筑的思想运用于建筑规划设计的“摇篮期”,并贯穿整个方案设计阶段。介绍将绿色生态理念从“摇篮期。开始植入,并贯穿整个方案设计过程,将定量的模拟分析与定性设计相结合的方法,设计因地制宜的绿色建筑。  相似文献   

低碳循环发展是国内非常热门的话题,而社区是实践低碳循环理论的基本场所和空间。"从摇篮到摇篮"理论是目前德国和欧洲很多城市和社区规划的行动准则,它倡导的发展原则是:向自然要能源,双重循环的社会经济体系,尊重多样性,全生命周期的评估和管理。在介绍德国低碳循环社区的理论和实践的基础上,从规划设计、规划管理、实施机制等方面提出了对我国低碳循环社区规划建设的启示。  相似文献   

本文主要通过将曲柄滑块机构与平行四边形机构相结合,设计并制作一款可用于室内外运动和静止时婴儿车摇篮轻微、平稳、可控摆动的摇篮婴儿车,通过对该婴儿车结构的分析与实际制作。  相似文献   

班级是学生健康成长的摇篮。如果班级班风不正,势必会影响学生的健康成长。因此班主任工作对学生的健康成长至关重要。在借鉴相关理论研究成果的基础上,结合多年从事小学班主任工作的实际,浅显论述一些小学班主任工作的方法。  相似文献   

冯内古特所作的《猫的摇篮》,是一部后现代的小说,他用黑色幽默的方式向人们展示了社会、自然、人格的扭曲。是一部影响深远的著作。本文将以文学伦理学批评的视角,对《猫的摇篮》进行研究,从而揭示现在科技的滥用对人类以及生态环境的影响,从而起到呼吁人们保护环境、尊重自然的作用。  相似文献   

云南建筑教育自1983年云南工学院建筑学专业本科招生正式拉开序幕,在三十年的教学中,充分立足云南民族建筑类型丰富(特别是传统民居),民族建筑文化底蕴深厚的特色,始终坚持“突出地域特色”“学术先行”“开放式办学”“注重建筑科学的实践性”的建筑学办学方针,为云南省培养了大批接“地气”的建筑专业人才,堪称云南建筑师摇篮。  相似文献   

2011年1月11日,PPG工业公司宣布,其三款玻璃新品SOLARBAN R100、SUNGATE 400以及CLARVISTA TM卫浴玻璃通过摇篮到摇篮银质奖章认证。  相似文献   

2011年1月11日,PPG工业公司宣布,其三款玻璃新品SOLARBAN R100、SUNGATE 400以及CLARVISTA TM卫浴玻璃通过“摇篮到摇篮”银质奖章认证。  相似文献   

石油摇篮文化中包括"奉献精神""吃苦精神""勇气与责任""永不言弃"等,这是滋养幼儿思想品德的极好的养料。教师应该深度渗透石油摇篮文化,提升幼儿勇于探究的能力;充分利用石油摇篮文化,强化幼儿责任担当的意识;多向探寻石油摇篮文化,培养幼儿吃苦耐劳的精神。作为玉门的幼儿园教师,应该抓住石油摇篮文化在本地的优势,打造生机盎然的石油摇篮文化。  相似文献   

本文通过参考过去的以及实际上再创造的建筑思考和建造行为,将目前所需、面临的挑战和选择延伸为C2C理念,以期应对气候问题。  相似文献   

常低温下EGSB处理生活污水的影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在15~26℃的常低温条件下,采用EGSB处理生活污水,考察了进水流量、回流比、液体上升流速(Vup)、温度等因素对运行效果的影响。结果表明,当温度为26℃左右时,对于9~11 L/h的低进水流量,宜采用高回流比(1.6~2.5),对COD的去除率最高可达90%;对于15~24L/h的高进水流量,宜采用低回流比(0~0.6),对COD的去除率最高可达84%;当进水流量提高至30 L/h时,不宜回流,对COD的去除率降至77%;当进水流量分别为9、11、15、24、30 L/h时,最佳Vup分别为4.0、(3.1~3.6)、(2.7~3.4)、3.0和3.8 m/h,此时对COD的去除率分别高达90%、(87%~89%)、(83%~84%)、83%和77%;在无回流的条件下,适宜的进水流量为15~24 L/h,相应的HRT为0.5~0.8 h。当温度为15~26℃时,EGSB适宜的运行条件是高进水流量(15~24L/h)、高Vup(3.0 m/h)和低回流比(0~0.6),此时对COD的去除率高达81.9%以上。  相似文献   

In recent years, researchers have paid increasing attention to the provision of access to clean and sufficient drinking water, sanitation facilities, and proper waste management in developing countries. This paper examines household access to these services in urban areas of Nepal by studying the comprehensive data of the Nepal Living Standard Survey (NLSS) for the 1995-1996, 2003–2004, and 2010–2011 periods. Multinomial logit models are employed to identify and analyse potentially influential factors. We find that education levels, household wealth, and distance to markets are among the significant determinants of household access to safe and secure drinking water, flush toilets connected to septic tanks, and proper liquid and solid waste disposal. Households located in relatively developed regions, such as the Midwest and Far West, tend to have better access to these services compared to households located in the ecologically sensitive mountainous regions. Education and employment opportunities are also relevant to service access in urban areas of Nepal. Stakeholder involvement and effective governmental intervention are also necessary.  相似文献   

根据代建制的内涵,在代建实践工作中的认识,分析了建设项目前期、设计、施工各阶段的主要工作职责,即设计方案及图纸优化,创造和谐的工作氛围,做好参建各方之间的协调工作,加强合同管理,监督各方切实履行各自职责,严格控制工程质量、投资、进度,竣工验收后移交使用方。  相似文献   

城市与记忆:心理学视维中的城市历史延续与发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱蓉 《南方建筑》2004,(4):65-68
所有的城市都包含了记忆的因素。城市的记忆作为一种宝贵的资源,通过显性物质实体与化心理潜质在现实、未来中存在、变化与延续着,它成为城市人感知、体验与理解自身与其生存环境在时间因素中延承变换的基本脉络线索。但是,在城市大规模的改造与更新进程中,城市记忆的人为破坏与丧失已经再也不能使城市成为人们记忆中那熟悉的家园和故乡。为了避免割断和扭曲城市的历史,保持城市个性的统一性与完整性,塑造城市精神的真实性与独特性,对城市进行类似于心理学精神分析的记忆分析方法不失为一种研究城市历史延续与发展的科学方法。本试图在心理学的范畴为城市历史延续与发展研究提供一个视角,从城市记忆这个更为内在和深层的结构上对于当前城市建设中存在的一些问题进行剖析。  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel method for evaluating facilities in regard to their designed intelligence. Facilities intelligence is defined as the designed capacity of a facility to acquire and process data and information to perform its adaptability to lifecycle circumstance changes in terms of people's requirements of wellbeing and energy efficiency. This definition is then formulated to quantify the Index of Facilities Intelligence, the level of facilities intelligence, and the reliability of facilities evaluation. STEEP (social, technical, economic, environmental, and political) criteria and their sub-criteria are used to set up an ANP (analytic network process) model, and ANP result such as synthesized priority weights is then used to calculate those parameters related to facilities intelligence. An experimental case study is given to prove the effectiveness of applying the proposed method to evaluate the intelligence of facilities in practice.  相似文献   

当前大学校园改扩建工程中存在着新旧建筑及建筑与环境如何协调的问题,本文以辽宁科技大学新校区的扩建及旧建筑的改造为例,通过理论研究和实例剖析,总结归纳了处理大学校园新旧建筑关系及建筑与环境相互协调的5种手法:确立中心、协调、对比、存留及整合景观与环境。本文结论进一步丰富和提高处理新旧建筑与校园环境协调方面的经验和手法,可为广大关注大学校园建设问题的相关人员提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

James W. Axley 《Indoor air》1993,3(4):298-309
Adsorption, desorption and chemisorption are known to impact the dispersal of volatile organic and chemically reactive compounds in buildings. These same three processes may be used to advantage to control the levels of these compounds indoors using building sorption filtration devices. To add to the understanding of these processes, to provide the means to predict the impact of these processes on human exposure and to provide the tools needed to design gaseous filtration systems to mitigate the exposure to these compounds, a general approach to modeling the dynamics of these processes is presented. Equations are presented to account for the elemental advection, diffusion, sorption, and chemical transport steps affecting single component sorption dynamics in rooms and sorption filtration systems. These element equations are based on general principles and formulated in terms of fundamental physical parameters that may be determined using standard procedures. Models to predict room and sorption filtration system dynamics are formulated using assemblages of these element equations and a series of simplified models of these systems are derived. Initial applications to model single-component sorption transport in rooms and sorption filtration systems indicate that the approach has the potential to provide accurate predictions providing the sorption and chemical characteristics of the sorbate-sorbent system being considered are well-characterized. This potential is, however, compromised by the lack (or present uncertainty) of fundamental data relating to sorption equilibrium, porous diffusion, surface chemistry, and boundary layer mass transport  相似文献   

矿产尤其是石材矿产的开发必然会对原矿区的环境造成破坏,容易形成矿山高陡岩边坡,即白茬山。白茬山由于坡度高、坡面长以及坡面温差大等原因,易形成恶劣的生存环境,很难实现有效的植被附着,长期复绿效果充满挑战。对此类生态环境中的常见复绿技术的研究现状进行了介绍,分析了不同技术的优缺点及使用机制。进一步根据白茬山的地质、地形和地表等特征,进行生态修复技术的优化与改进,展望修复技术的发展趋势,助力生态系统的恢复与发展。  相似文献   

Management of existing structures has traditionally been based on condition assessment, based on visual inspections, disregarding the susceptibility of different structural types to aging and deterioration. Robustness, as a measure of the effects of unpredictable damage to structural safety can be a complementary information to the results of inspection. Although robustness has mostly been used to evaluate the consequences of extreme events, a similar framework can be used to investigate the result of aging, allowing a better understanding of the potential effects of deterioration and allowing a better allocation of available maintenance funding. In this work, a probabilistic structural robustness indicator is used to quantify the susceptibility of structures to corrosion. The methodology is exemplified through a case study comprising an existing reinforced concrete bridge deck, heavily damaged due to reinforcement corrosion, and finally demolished due to safety concerns. Robustness measures the bridge deck safety tolerance to reinforcement corrosion. The principal effects of corrosion, including loss of area and bond between concrete and steel are modelled using a non-linear finite-element model, coupled with a Response Surface Method to compute the bridge reliability as a function of the corrosion level, and finally used to assess robustness. Results show that the redundancy of the bridge allows significant redistribution of loads between elements with different corrosion levels. As a result, the bridge presents significant robustness and tolerance to reinforcement corrosion.  相似文献   

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