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温室气体(GHG)的排放引起全球气候变暖已成为国际社会普遍关注的焦点问题。建筑及其相关产业的活动产生大量的温室气体,为了分析建筑生命周期温室气体的排放情况,文章基于生命周期(LCA)评价理论,界定了建筑生命周期碳排放的核算范围,建立了建筑生命周期碳排放的核算模型。选取北京地区钢筋混凝土结构低层住宅作为案例研究,对其生命周期碳排放进行了测算,并根据测算结果,探讨了减少建筑业碳排放的途径。  相似文献   

我国目前正处在城镇化高速发展时期,城镇化过程中的建筑工程施工活动产生了大量的温室气体,导致我国温室气体(GHG)的减排压力日益严峻。本文运用生命周期评价理论对施工过程中温室气体的排放情况进行分析,界定了生命周期内施工碳排放的核算范围,建立了施工碳排放的核算模型。选取深圳大学10栋新建宿舍,将建筑按照结构分为剪力墙结构、框架剪力墙、砖混结构三类不同结构进行案例研究,测算和分析施工过程碳排放。结果显示:这三类建筑结构住宅的主要碳排放因素都包含土石方工程、钢筋工程、混凝土工程和垂直运输,这四种主要分部工程累计碳排放占有比例为剪力墙结构67%,框架剪力墙结构60%,砖混结构61%。未来可对这四种施工过程的碳排放行为作进一步探讨。  相似文献   

国际上通常用以生命周期评价(LCA)为基础的碳足迹来衡量温室气体(GHG)排放造成的温室效应。建材行业及其相关活动产生大量的温室气体,本文依据国际通用GHG排放计算方法,结合国内建材行业LCA研究现状,编制了企业GHG排放和核查清单,以浮法玻璃和铝塑板为例,计算了产品的GHG排放量(碳足迹),建议企业开展碳足迹的标识方法和运作模式,探讨了建材行业开展碳足迹认证应采取的措施。  相似文献   

建筑业所消耗的能源及产生的温室气体排放已经引起社会的广泛关注。在能源危机与全球气候变化的背景下,人们愈加认识到实施可持续发展的重要性。为了降低建筑能耗和建筑碳排放,人们提出了许多新的建筑设计理念与建筑能耗控制方法。本文从建筑生命周期的角度有序地梳理了建筑各个阶段的能耗与碳排放控制方法,然后提出从建筑全生命周期的角度来控制建筑的能耗和碳排放,从而建造低能耗与低碳建筑,践行可持续发展理念。  相似文献   

为探寻不同结构住宅建筑全生命周期碳排放的差异,本文基于全寿命周期理论,在对国内外已有的建筑碳排放测算结果归一化的基础上,构建了静态及动态的建筑碳排放流模型,应用该模型模拟研究了混凝土结构、钢结构及木结构3种结构住宅建筑在全生命周期的碳排放流,其中包括隐含碳排放期阶段、建筑运营期阶段、建筑废弃及回收期阶段的碳排放流。研究结果表明:1)3种结构住宅建筑全生命周期的静态碳排放流量由大到小依次为钢结构住宅建筑的碳排放流量(1849)、混凝土结构住宅建筑的碳排放流量(1 778)、木结构住宅建筑的碳排放流量(1 230);2)3种结构住宅建筑全生命周期各阶段的时点碳排放流比较结果:隐含碳排放期阶段碳排放流由大到小依次为钢结构住宅建筑碳排放流(451)、混凝土结构住宅建筑碳排放流(378),木结构住宅建筑的碳排放流(172);建筑运行期阶段碳排放流由大到小依次为钢结构住宅建筑碳排放流(29)、混凝土结构住宅建筑碳排放流(28),木结构住宅建筑的碳排放流(26);废弃及回收期阶段碳排放流主要表现为负碳排放,钢结构建筑和木结构的负碳排放流量相近,分别为-52、-53,凝土结构的负碳排放流为-0.3,几乎可以忽略。  相似文献   

建筑是温室气体(GHG)排放的主要来源,也是造成气候危机的原因之一。为了满足缓解气候变化的需要,不仅要关注建筑运行的能耗及其对应的温室气体排放,更要关注建筑的整个生命周期。本研究通过系统编制和分析650多个生命周期评估(LCA)案例,分析了全球建筑生命周期中温室气体排放的趋势。基于一个由238个案例组成的最终样本,对不同的能效等级进行了分析,结果显示,当运营能效提高时,生命周期内温室气体排放有明显的下降趋势。然而,分析显示,所谓的"体现"温室气体排放的相对贡献和绝对贡献均有所增加,如,制造和加工建筑材料所产生的废气。虽然按照现行的能效法规,建筑物的实际温室气体排放量约占整个生命周期温室气体排放量的20%~25%,但在极端情况下,这一数字将上升至45%~50%,并超过90%。此外,本研究分析了温室气体排放的发生时间,突出了建筑生产的"碳峰值"。将结果与瑞士新亚能源效率路径中现有的建筑物温室气体排放基准相比较,结果显示大多数案例超出了11. 0 kg CO_2eq/m~2·a的目标。考虑到全球温室气体减排目标,研究结果表明迫切需要通过优化运行和具体影响来减少建筑物的温室气体排放。  相似文献   

建筑工程施工过程中消耗大量资源、能源的同时,也产生大量的固体废弃物和温室气体排放。本文通过研究民用建筑工程建设过程中温室气体排放的测算方法,通过生命周期评价法(LCA)对民用建筑工程施工期碳排放进行量化分析,将建筑工程按工程性质分为基础工程、结构工程、装修工程、安装工程和施工临设,理清各部分碳排放源及碳排放因子。在案例分析中发现,工程项目临时设施的碳排放量占建筑结构本身建设碳排放量的1/5左右,为实现施工期的减排措施提供了针对性依据。  相似文献   

建筑工程在施工过程中消耗大量资源、能源的同时,也产生大量的固体废弃物和温室气体排放。本文通过研究民用建筑工程建设过程中温室气体排放的测算方法,通过生命周期评价法(LCA)对民用建筑工程施工期碳排放进行量化分析,将建筑工程按工程性质分为基础工程、结构工程、装修工程、安装工程和施工临设,厘清各部分碳排放源及碳排放因子。在案例分析中发现,工程项目临时设施的碳排放量占建筑结构本身建设碳排放量的1/5左右,为实现施工期的减排措施提供了针对性依据。  相似文献   

不同结构建筑生命周期能耗和温室气体排放研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用生命周期评价方法,对混凝土结构、轻钢结构和木结构的三类民用住宅建筑开展整个生命周期能耗和碳排放分析。研究表明:混凝土结构建筑的能耗与轻钢结构建筑基本相同,均比木结构建筑高30%左右;混凝土结构建筑生命周期CO2排放比轻钢结构建筑高44%,轻钢结构建筑比木结构建筑略高5%。  相似文献   

温室气体的排放导致全球气温不断升高,而建筑业产生的能耗是温室气体排放的重要来源。为实现建筑业节能,将建筑能耗分为建筑材料生产和加工阶段、施工阶段、建筑运行使用阶段及建筑的拆除处置阶段,并采用全生命周期分析方法,构建建筑全生命周期能耗模型,统计2000—2019年建筑全生命周期能耗,分析建筑全生命周期能耗的变化趋势,为制定相关战略规划和节能减排政策提供参考。  相似文献   

国内外温室气体减排机制下,批准了多个水泥生产相关的减排方法学,其中水泥生产阶段4个,上游原材料生产1个,下游水泥制品生产2个。《京都议定书》承诺期内,中国注册水泥生产相关CDM项目88个,注册VCS项目5个。在全国碳排放权交易市场下,水泥生产法人边界内实施的温室气体减排项目,减排效果表现为实际排放量的降低,无法再申请减排量,企业投资决策中可利用减排方法学预估减排效果与潜在收益。但是产业链上下游实施的减排项目,仍可申请减排量,助力全产业链的减排行动。  相似文献   

城乡规划作为应对气候变化的政策平台,城市规划决策者需要有能力明确指出相关的基本排放数据:包括不同规划方案产生的温室气体排放量、规划范围的主要排放源头,排放结构等,编制减少温室气体排放的指标,作为行动计划实施的依据.要科学地建设低碳城市,以城乡规划建设政策控制温室气体排放,温室气体清单编制是十分重要的基础规划要求.但目前我国以地方城市区域为空间单元进行温室气体排放清单研究的工作都还不够,影响了城乡规划和建设领域应对气候变化的政策体系的发展和推进.本文对近年来国外城市或地区温室气体排放清单编制的理论和实践经验进行回顾,以英国的莱斯特市和伦敦市,美国的纽约州和纽约市、及加拿大温哥华市5个尺度规模不同的地方区域近年编制的温室气体清单为例,总结其对我国城市温室气体清单编制工作的参考作用.最后指出对我国城乡规划建设领域温室气体清单编制工作的启示,并提出三个基本方法和原则:(1)城乡规划建设政策职能匹配;(2)明确解释城乡空间边界的影响;(3)减排目标与进度成果数据公开.  相似文献   

This paper describes the carbon footprint methodology used in assessing the global warming potential of the Dutch water sector. The assessment includes CO2 emissions from energy consumption and methane and nitrous oxide emissions from water treatment processes. There is, however, debate on the amounts and mechanism of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and a standardised approach is discussed. As a result of this approach, the contribution of GHG emissions to the total carbon footprint of the Dutch water sector appeared to be relatively high. Next to the lack of common emission factors for GHG and chemicals used, there is also no agreed‐upon approach related to the system boundaries and scope of carbon footprinting of the water cycle. For reasons of benchmarking and monitoring of climate change reduction targets, a common carbon footprint assessment methodology for the water sector will be required.  相似文献   

Green eco-district planning and construction occupies a very important position in China's future low carbon urbanization roadmap because the experience gained through practice will provide cities with a technical pathway to manage climate change and reduce carbon emissions. However, during the current preparation and implementation stage of the green eco-district plans, both the planning management departments and planning design institutes are faced with the problem of how to quantify the greenhouse gases(GHG) emissions, especially the CO_2 emissions, when approval decisions are to be made. Aiming at setting up a carbon accounting protocol within the statutory framework of China's green eco-district planning and construction management system, this paper argues that it is important to incorporate the GHG emission inventory into the statutory regulatory planning system, and discusses the technical issues and coping measures for assessing carbon emissions at the district level. It proposes to refine the Activity Data(AD) and Emission Factors(EF) in the current China's National GHG Inventory and set up the urban district carbon accounting protocol based on nine sectors. These nine emission accounting sectors are established according to the key policy and function as defined in the statutory local regulatory plans under the present planning system in Chinese cities. Taking planning and construction management at the district level as a platform to control carbon emissions, it develops an initial carbon accounting protocol suitable for China's green eco-districts which can be applied in both the existing and planned urban areas, and be integrated into the decision making process of the local planning process.  相似文献   

汪涛  方东平 《建筑科学》2012,28(8):89-96
发展低碳经济、降低温室气体(Greenhouse Gas,GHG)排放已经成为了应对全球气候问题的共识。在中国,建筑相关GHG的排放是最主要排放GHG的源头之一,政府如何通过政策手段引导建筑领域的GHG减排具有重要的研究意义。本文对国内外建筑GHG减排政策进行了文献综述,将减排政策的类型归纳为强制性制度、激励性政策和基于GHG定价的减排政策三大类。对每类减排政策运行的基本原理、作用效果进行分析,并归纳其优缺点。强制性制度与激励性政策较易于实施,但在减排效果上存在局限;基于GHG定价的减排政策减排效率更高,但需要较强的政府管理能力。各类减排政策具有各自的优缺点,政府需要根据实际情况,有针对性地选择相应的政策手段或政策手段组合,将各类减排政策的特点结合起来,扬长避短,引导建筑相关产业向节能减排方向发展。  相似文献   

In response to recent climate change, which is believed to be attributed to the release of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, many countries are placing CO2 abatement programs such as carbon tax and cap-and-trade. Projects do have a significant share in GHGs and therefore their environmental performance, like their schedule and cost performance, should be monitored and controlled. Although many large projects would pass an environmental assessment in the project evaluation phase, the issue of environmental performance monitoring during the project execution phase has not been addressed in project management methodologies. The objective of this paper is to develop a model to estimate project GHG emissions, and to measure project GHG performance using the developed metrics, which can be used at any point in time over the life of a project. A comprehensive study is conducted to collect information on GHG emission factors of various project activity data (such as material use, energy and fuel consumption, transportation, etc.), and a user form interface is developed to calculate the total GHG of an activity. Also, a breakdown structure is proposed which supports managing all the project GHG accounts. The monitoring and control model is formulated based on the logic used in earned value management (EVM) methodology. The proposed model is then implemented to a work package of a real construction project. The results present the project initial GHG plan and show that the model is able to calculate project GHG variance by the reporting date and predict project final GHG based on a project GHG performance index. The method presented in this paper is general and can be applied to any type of projects in an organization that aims to reduce its carbon footprint. The same structure can be applied to monitor and control any other environmental impact associated with project execution process.  相似文献   

Abstract was revised as follows:In response to recent climate change, which is believed to be attributed to the release of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, many countries are placing CO2 abatement programs such as carbon tax and cap-and-trade. Projects do have a significant share in GHGs and therefore their environmental performance, like their schedule and cost performance, should be monitored and controlled. Although many large projects would pass an environmental assessment in the project evaluation phase, the issue of environmental performance monitoring during the project execution phase has not been addressed in project management methodologies. The objective of this paper is to develop a model to estimate project GHG emissions, and to measure project GHG performance using the developed metrics, which can be used at any point in time over the life of a project. A comprehensive study is conducted to collect information on GHG emission factors of various project activity data (such as material use, energy and fuel consumption, transportation, etc.), and a user form interface is developed to calculate the total GHG of an activity. Also, a breakdown structure is proposed which supports managing all the project GHG accounts. The monitoring and control model is formulated based on the logic used in earned value management (EVM) methodology. The proposed model is then implemented to a work package of a real construction project. The results present the project initial GHG plan and show that the model is able to calculate project GHG variance by the reporting date and predict project final GHG based on a project GHG performance index. The method presented in this paper is general and can be applied to any type of projects in an organization that aims to reduce its carbon footprint. The same structure can be applied to monitor and control any other environmental impact associated with project execution process.  相似文献   

Excessive greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from construction stage pose an obvious and emerging challenge. Most previous studies on emissions from the construction phase only focused on emission prediction in advance of the actual construction activities or on quantitative analysis after building construction. A system that enables builders to monitor emissions from construction activities in real time is still lacked, although GHG emission monitoring (GEM) and analysis are considered as the top activities that must be performed to minimize excessive environmental impacts. As an initial exploration, this paper proposes a GEM system based on Internet of things (IoT) technology to real-time monitor emissions when manufacturing prefabricated components. In this system, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) sensors are adopted to identify the component ID, and the corresponding material usage data are extracted from a database that is preset in the GEM system. Laser sensors are installed in the components production line to measure the running time of equipment so that energy usage can be calculated in real time. In addition, a data service platform was developed to implement wireless data transmission from production line to computing platform, where the monitoring results are visually presented. A production line of real-life prefabricated components in China is adopted to demonstrate that the IoT-based monitoring system can acquire and analyze real-time carbon emission data from the manufacturing process. The results indicate that GEM system can facilitate project teams to timely control irregular emissions, identify potential emission risks and explore possible strategies for minimizing carbon emissions in the construction sector.  相似文献   

Reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions involves effort from different sectors of the economy, including the water and sewerage industry. This study estimates the marginal cost of curtailing GHG emissions in the water and sewerage industry using stochastic frontier analysis techniques for a sample of ten English and Welsh water and sewerage companies over the 2010–2019 period. Results illustrated that the average marginal cost of reducing GHG emissions was 0.181 £/Kg CO2 equivalent. The marginal cost estimated notably differs across companies and over time. Findings further illustrate the impact of water companies' operating characteristics on the marginal cost of reducing carbon emissions.  相似文献   

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