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The study examines traditional design approaches for intermediate spaces of residential buildings to support environmentally driven design strategies of current practices. For the evaluation of the potential of traditional design strategies, traditional houses of Korea and Turkey are explored by making a detailed comparison of maru and sofa according to theoretical considerations on intermediate spaces. After examining the concept of the intermediate space and the general characteristics of Korean and Turkish traditional housing, 10 cases from 17th to 19th centuries are selected and compared to clarify the features of maru and sofa as intermediate spaces. Based on the results, the arrangement of maru shows characteristics of contradiction between interior rooms and intermediate spaces in a monotonous structural repetition, while sofa presents an apparently hierarchical spatial composition. Sofa has the placeness quality, while maru has the quality of plurality, actively mixing both inside and outside environments. While maru allows various free access with clear spatial continuity, sofa produces a sequential spatial experience with the pleasure of different architectural qualities. Finally, the study suggests opened type and closed type of intermediate space as two possible strategies for modern houses based on the results of comparative analyses. Recent environmental studies in architecture should consider intermediate spaces of various traditional houses due to the insights and possibilities these spatial elements may potentially provide to both architectural practice and theory, especially in a pandemic era.  相似文献   

李凯 《山西建筑》2010,36(8):47-48
对平遥古城进行了介绍,从保存最完整的传统民居建筑研究了平遥古城的建筑风格,指出平遥以传统民居为基础,加上保存完好的古城墙和古街、古巷、古建筑及其他文物古迹,使古城历史环境的整体保护达到了很高水平。  相似文献   

传统民居建筑是村镇风貌的精华,也是我国文化遗产体系的重要组成部分,以上海为中心的长三角都市圈,在快速城市化发展过程中取得了令人瞩目的成就,但是也对其辐射的小城镇自然环境、建筑遗产及传统风貌造成了不同程度的伤害。文章以传统民居的物质要素和文化要素保护研究为前提,在对上海市川沙镇"内史第"传统民居建筑风貌保护与更新的基础上,提出保护对策和建议,以期对传统民居风貌保护与可持续发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

客家民居建筑是中国传统民居建筑中的一个重要分支,其建筑与艺术成就举世瞩目。“梅州地区是客家文化的腹地”1),保存着大量有研究价值的传统客家民居建筑。本文通过对肇庆堂实测的基础上,分析其采用的装饰手法及其所蕴含的文化内涵,探讨其所具有的独特艺术价值。  相似文献   

When the historical parts of cities—which are the cultural mosaics and which reflect the feelings, thoughts, tendencies, life experiences and the accumulations of the periods in which they were built—begin to disappear, it affects the historical identities of the cities negatively. Investigating, learning, documenting and transferring to the future the values of these spaces, which are bridges between past and future, are vitally important for the maintenance of the cities. This analytical study carried out in Üç Kümbetler and its vicinity in the historical city of Erzurum—where historical and traditional urban elements such as religious buildings, traditional houses, streets, and fountains are intense—aimed at fulfilling these ends.  相似文献   

杜燕红  刘洁 《建筑科学》2003,19(3):38-40,45
既有建筑的改造再利用是建筑可持续发展的重要方面之一。本文重点介绍了将一座旧礼堂加层改造为文物藏品库房的建筑设计内容及经验体会。其内容涉及建筑空间的重新组合;墙体材料及构造措施;室内外装修设计以及其他专业相关项目的改造情况,为类似既有空旷房屋的建筑改造设计及珍贵文物藏品库房的设计,提供了一个工程实例及参考。  相似文献   

全峰梅 《中外建筑》2010,(11):81-87
东南亚民居建筑是世界建筑文化遗产中不可或缺的一部分,它既是东南亚各族人民智慧的结晶,又是东南亚地域文化的重要表现和社会历史的主要见证。文章试图引入生物学的研究理念,寻找东南亚民居建筑的传统基因,总结形式多样的民居建筑形态,以期对东南亚地域性现代建筑的创作有所启示。  相似文献   

Lawrence maintains about all architectural environments and housing that, they are both in a relationship with culture and they are a total configuration of social, demographical, psychological, human behavioral and environmental structure. Moreover, in analyzing this complex structure, he emphasizes to examine it within two perspectives: design-meaning and use. Consequently, the basic components, which affect housing design, are classified in three main topics: cultural, social, and psychological. In the light of Lawrence's ideas, under the topic of the role of culture and tradition in the development of housing, this paper aims to define the basic Turkish traditional housing principles with slogans and important examples. In this content, cultural, social and psychological components in traditional Turkish houses are held under the heading of the development of traditional Turkish house. The organization rules, the effects of the basic psycho-social components…etc., and the presence of these principles are criticized with Turkish housing examples before and after 1980. The chosen period in this study is not coincidental. The aim of choosing the periods before and after 1980 has a special meaning in Turkey's economic, politic and social life. Choosing these two basic periods, will not only point out the changes—like a metamorphism—in cultural life, but in architectural needs in Turkish houses. Therefore, in the aim of analyzing cultural changes and their effects on housing design, the architectural meanings in the elements of Turkish houses are put forward in details, in order to make some estimation for the future of changing Turkish architectural life.  相似文献   

赵玉琴 《山西建筑》2007,33(22):75-76
简述了房屋抗震设防的意义,从地基的抗震设防、建筑结构设防、建筑设计设防、细部的抗震设防四个方面阐述了房屋的抗震设防措施,以保证房屋的抗震性能。  相似文献   

以美国现代小住宅发展过程为线索,通过对一些大师及典型建筑的反思,揭示了外来建筑文化种植于本土后可出现全新的建筑时代,进而形成独特的建筑体系,繁荣与发展本国的建筑文化.同时说明小住宅建筑是人类建筑文化的一个重要载体,它体现了建筑师的创作活动不是和简单的物的对话,而是和人类和有生命的自然的对话.  相似文献   

陈静  张彧 《建筑师》2012,(2):23-27
四个产生于不同年代、历史背景与国家的.不同建筑师的作品.共同的主题使它们汇聚在了一起:10m×10m的平面构成.纯粹的、严谨的立方体是它们共同的几何属性.阳光是它们共同的灵魂。本文试图通过对这四个经典住宅的解析.探索建筑师通过对几何形式的操作而阐释出的建筑空间的无限魅力。  相似文献   

作为都市文化重要发育时期的建筑风格,上海的石库门建筑将长期影响到城市形象。在城市化高速发展的今天重新认识石库门的价值,将有助于我们进一步理解地域特征与城市文化的意义,维护城市形象及生活方式的延续性。研究案例关注城市肌理的重要性,提出部分保留、部分改建的方法,并进行了诸如垂直里弄、空中庭院等多层次交往空间的尝试。  相似文献   

进入20世纪80年代以来,西双版纳部分傣族新建民居逐渐失去传统特色,人们企盼居居的更新,由课题组试验的几幢新民居保留了传统外观特色,改善了传统功能,更新了传统材料,采用了新的结构体系,对傣族的民居建设进行了有益的尝试。  相似文献   

张强  闫杰  雍鹏 《华中建筑》2009,27(3):178-180
天井是我国传统民居中的常见元素,该文以青木川为例,对陕南的天井式民居进行了深入分析,认为该地区的天井建筑受到了不同地区建筑文化的影响,并在适应地理环境和气候特征的过程中形成了自己的地域性特点,体现了我国民众适应自然、改造环境、以人为本的建筑设计思想。  相似文献   

黄禹康 《住宅科技》2010,30(7):21-24
传统民居建筑保护是人类历史文化的延续与传承。通过对凤凰古城沱江镇的传统民居建筑应顺于自然环境、共存于自然生态的建筑理念,是对当代住宅建筑的发展与传统民居建筑的保存中能否寻找共存的建筑文化环境的可能作了探索。  相似文献   

梁婷 《山西建筑》2011,37(1):21-22
简要介绍了鄂东南地区民居的历史概况,从选址布局,平面形态,结构与构造,立面装饰等方面入手,分析了湖北大屋民居的特色及其对中国传统文化的诠释手法,为民居调研分析提供了一定依据。  相似文献   

侯艳芳  侯婷婷  李婷婷 《砖瓦》2022,(2):31-32,35
闽南古厝是闽南最具代表意义的传统建筑,有着极其浓烈的地域特色.在闽南古厝的传承中,"红砖文化"起到了至关重要的作用.红砖厝的建筑风格不仅是闽南地区特有的,在世界上也是独一无二的."红砖文化"不只是闽南古厝建筑特色发展与成就的概括,它也代表了闽南人坚韧豁达的品质和积极向上的性格,红砖厝丰富多彩的建筑表达形成了红砖文化深沉...  相似文献   

蔡军 《建筑师》2019,(1):61-65
《园冶》屋宇中记载了15种建筑类型、4类建筑构架、8幅构架图式、3个屋架细部及3幅地图式。本文通过对《园冶》中记载的建筑平面形制、构架样式及构件细部进行解读,结合实地调研及匠师访谈,并与《营造法式》《工程做法则例》《营造法原》《鲁班营造正式》等建筑史料进行比较,阐释《园冶》中屋宇的构架样式及其特点,试图通过这一研究,弥补目前学界对《园冶》研究的不足,为进一步探究江南地区传统建筑木作营造技术的源流与变迁提供借鉴。  相似文献   

在全面认识了历史文化名城--大同古城的基础上,通过对大同民居、街巷的特点和现状的介绍,概述了其中存在的问题,重点对古城内的街巷、民居等一些历史文化名城保护规划中的具体内容进行了探讨.  相似文献   

赵鹏飞 《华中建筑》2012,(8):134-136
生土民居是指使用未经煅烧而仅作简单加工处理的原状土为材料营造主体结构的民居建筑形式。文章对两种山东运河生土民居类型——茅草土屋和囤顶土屋进行了实例介绍,在院落布局、建筑特征、建造方式及材料上进行了详细阐述,科学分析并归纳了它们在历史、文化、生态方面的内涵和价值体现。  相似文献   

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