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随着能源和环境问题日益严峻,对汽车轻量化的需求愈发强烈,高比强度铝合金板在车身中的应用成为重要发展方向.铝合金板在室温下较低的成形性促使人们将各种成形技术引入到汽车制造领域.本文简述了适用于铝合金板件小批量生产的超塑性成形和板材液压成形等特种成形技术,重点介绍了适用于铝合金构件大批量生产的热处理-冲压一体化技术,包括带中间退火-冲压一体化技术、温冲压、W态下冲压和热冲压,阐明了它们的发展历史和现状,指出铝合金板热处理-冲压一体化技术控形控性的关键,最后比较了不同技术的优缺点,并展望了铝合金板冲压技术未来应重点开展的工作.  相似文献   

渐进成形是一种先进的制造技术,可满足小批量产品高精高效的生产需求。在航天航空、电子及精密仪器领域中的部件通常具有轻质高强的特点,但在室温下整体延展性较差的材料(钛合金、镁合金、铝合金)很难通过传统的渐进成形方法来成形,使用热辅助方法就显得尤为重要。简要介绍了渐进成形技术的发展及成形原理,并综述了国内外研究学者在热渐进成形技术中使用的加热方法,将其分为两种类型:整体加热和局部加热,进一步对比分析了两种加热方式的优缺点,其中,电加热方式适用范围较广且加热温度较高,加之其设备结构简单,具有较大的应用前景。在此基础上,针对不同加热方式,综述了相应的成形装置及温度测控方式,测温方式分为接触式测温和非接触式测温。对比两种测量方法,接触式测温精度高且测温范围较大,但难以测量运动中物体的温度;非接触式测温通常用于测量运动中的物体和小范围内的温度,并且不会对被测物体的温度场造成影响,但其制造成本较高且测量精度相对较低。分析了各种成形装置及温度测控系统的适应工况,将温度控制在材料成形的最佳温度附近可以提高材料的成形性和成形精度。  相似文献   

铝合金板材热成形-淬火一体化工艺研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为解决铝合金室温塑性差和成形后热处理变形的问题,发展起来了一种铝合金板材热成形-淬火一体化新工艺。该工艺是将热处理和热成形在同一工步完成,即固溶后板材快速转移到模具中成形,然后完成模内淬火,最后通过时效来提高其强度。高温成形可提高板材成形性能,模内淬火能够保证其强度和尺寸精度。重点介绍了铝合金板材热成形-淬火一体化工艺关键技术及最新研究进展,总结了铝合金板材热成形-淬火一体化工艺实验研究和数值模拟的研究现状。  相似文献   

铝合金环形零件作为关键连接、传动、回转和支承部件在重型运载火箭贮箱、风电设备的轴承套圈及齿轮环、压力容器和核反应堆的加强圈等重大装备制造领域应用非常广泛.铝合金环形零件的生产是一个高能耗的热加工过程,现有生产工艺主要有两种:(1)厚板轧制-弯卷-对半焊接成形,环件焊接部位缝组织为弱性能区,无法满足在重载、冲击、高低温和强腐蚀等极端恶劣条件下长期稳定服役时的要求;(2)圆铸锭坯-多向锻造制坯-马架扩孔或环件辗扩,工艺流程冗长,辗扩前开坯、锻造和冲孔工序设备资金投入巨大,多次加热导致能源消耗和材料浪费严重,不利于环境友好型生产.深空探测领域铝合金环件存在几何尺度大、形状精度高、结构刚度低和服役环境苛刻等技术挑战,目前已实现Φ3 m~Φ10 m级大型铝合金环件辗扩生产.环件辗扩过程中的传热-变形-组织演变耦合行为使得环坯经历了多场、多因素作用下多道次、连续局部加载与卸载、不均匀变形和微观组织复杂演变历程.为了实现铝合金环件的辗扩成形,一是要使环件自身整体刚性和辗扩过程稳定,即"控稳";二是要使环件直径扩大与截面充填协同进行,同步获得径-轴向尺寸、截面轮廓及几何精度,即"控形";三是要使成形环件达到所要求的内部组织状态和各向性能,即"控性".铝合金环形零件用环坯的制备是铝合金环件辗扩成形及其形/性一体化调控的基础,采用多向锻造变形技术可以有效细化大规格圆铸锭的粗大组织、破碎网状共晶化合物,实现组织改性,为后续辗扩过程提供优质环坯.通过开发铝合金环件双向辗扩智能建模仿真方法和基于力控的铝合金环件双向辗扩工艺路径智能仿真优化方法,解决了矩形/异形截面环件径-轴向变形区不协调、环件刚度弱及辗扩过程失稳等问题,实现了各轧辊运动的协调匹配和基于目标驱动的自动调控.利用辗扩成形后的形变强化和热处理时效析出强化改性技术,可以进一步提高环件强度和消除残余应力,使环件径向、轴向和周向均具有优良的性能.针对现有技术的不足,本文提出了环形零件短流程铸辗复合成形技术,将砂型铸造或离心铸造获得的环形铸坯加热后直接进行辗扩,在热辗扩过程中同时实现环形铸坯几何尺寸精度要求和组织与性能改善,揭示了基于织构演变的铸坯环件在热辗扩成形中的微观组织和性能控制机制,可为铝合金环件及铝基双金属层状复合环件的短流程形/性一体化制造提供理论指导.本文基于铝合金环形零件形/性一体化制造技术的研究现状,从铝合金环形零件用环坯的制备技术、铝合金环件辗扩成形技术和铝合金环件辗扩过程中组织与性能协同调控技术研究等方面做简要评述,着重阐述铝合金矩形/异形截面环件形/性一体化控制的技术挑战,提出铝合金环件制造技术的发展趋势及研究重点,以期推动铝合金环件/铝基双金属层状复合环件短流程制造过程中形/性一体化调控理论与技术的发展.  相似文献   

铝合金板成形性及成形工艺研究现状   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
邓学峰  张辉  陈振华 《材料导报》2005,19(12):56-59
介绍了铝合金板材成形过程中影响其成形性能的主要因素,提高铝合金成形性能的先进成形工艺,以及有限元分析技术在铝合金板成形领域应用中的进展.指出开展对高性能铝合金板成形性能的实验研究与成形工艺有限元数值模拟有利于拓宽高性能铝合金板成形件在高技术领域的应用.  相似文献   

新型液压成形技术的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对我国航空航天、汽车及核电等关键领域对精密零部件的迫切需求,以及目前液压成形技术应用中遇到的常见问题和缺陷,提出研发针对异形空心零件的脉动液压成形技术,和适用于复杂曲面薄壁板类零件的高能率冲击液压成形技术。分别从技术原理、成形机制、工艺设备和应用领域等方面进行了阐述和介绍。研究结果表明,两种新型液压成形技术能够充分发挥控形与控性一体化的优势,避免成形过程中的材料失稳和产品缺陷,显著提高管材和板材的成形能力和成形质量,未来有望在汽车和航空领域得到更为广泛的应用。  相似文献   

电磁成形是一种典型的高速率成形技术,能显著提高材料的成形性能,并已经成功应用于金属板材成形领域,获得了很好的成形效果.为了能够继续扩大电磁成形技术在板材成形方面的应用,对目前板材电磁成形技术研究进展进行了综述.首先介绍了电磁成形工艺的原理与主要特点;分析了目前电磁成形技术、电磁辅助冲压成形技术在金属板材成形方面的研究进展;提出了电磁成形技术在应用研究方面存在的主要问题,并展望了该技术的发展趋势;最后,分别从成形材料和成形工艺两个方面分析了后续研究的突破点以实现扩大该技术应用的目的.  相似文献   

轻量化是汽车、航空航天、电子电器等工业领域发展的重要目标之一.镁合金作为重要的轻合金材料,在比强度、减振能力、可回收性等方面都有明显优势.磁脉冲成形技术是一种利用磁场力使金属坯料变形的高速率成形技术,可显著提高材料的成形性能.针对AZ31镁合金板材高速率本构关系建立、室温/温热磁脉冲成形、温热与驱动耦合磁脉冲成形和磁脉冲冲击介质温热复合成形进行了阐述.利用分离式霍普金森拉杆获得不同温度与高速率下的应力-应变曲线;通过试验与数值仿真数据,分析室温磁脉冲成形高度与应变分布变化规律,阐述温度与驱动耦合对成形性能的影响,剖析磁脉冲冲击介质温热复合塑性变形特性.结果表明,基于霍普金森拉杆试验可成功建立镁合金板材高速率下的本构关系;在磁脉冲冲击介质温热复合成形中,放电能量增加,成形高度增加,温度为200℃时,成形高度明显高于室温,且二次冲击下高度实现进一步提升.室温磁脉冲成形性能较准静态显著提高,在温度和驱动影响下,成形能力得到提升;采用磁脉冲冲击介质温热复合成形工艺可实现和提高镁合金板材多次冲击塑性变形能力.  相似文献   

环保型铝合金阳极氧化表面处理研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
铝及其合金具有密度小、成形加工性能好、可回收利用和节能环保等优点,是飞机、汽车等现代交通工具制造的关键材料.但铝合金易发生局部腐蚀而失效,故工业应用中需对其进行阳极氧化以提高抗腐蚀能力.综述了近年来新型铝合金阳极氧化领域的研究现状,并重点关注了绿色环保型铝合金阳极氧化表面处理技术的研究进展,以期为新型航空铝合金及汽车铝合金表面处理技术的发展提供参考.  相似文献   

为建立磁脉冲辅助冲压成形(EMAS)工艺的有效性,采用准静态平面应变预拉伸和动态磁脉冲成形相结合的方法对5052-O铝合金板材的准静态/动态平面应变状态复合成形极限进行了试验研究.结果表明:准静态/动态复合加载过程能显著改善该铝合金板材的室温成形性;准静态/动态平面应变复合成形极限比准静态平面应变成形极限有显著提高,相似或者略高于完全磁脉冲平面应变成形性,且随着准静态预应变水平的增加,准静态/动态复合变形成形极限变化不大.预变形的存在不会削弱复合成形过程的极限变形能力.  相似文献   

In the past decade, aluminum alloys have become important structural materials in the automotive industry, thanks to their low density, high strength, high fracture toughness, and good fatigue performance. However, an important limitation of aluminum alloys is their poor formability at room temperature; as a result, numerous studies have been conducted with the aim of developing forming techniques to overcome this and facilitate the forming of more complex-shaped components. Following an overview on the metallurgical background of aluminum alloys, this article reviews recent developments in forming processes for aluminum alloys. The focus is on process variants at room temperature and at higher temperatures and on a new hot forming technique promising considerable improvements in formability. This review summarizes the influence of different process parameters on microstructures and mechanical properties. Particular emphasis is given to process design and to the underlying microstructural phenomena governing the strengthening mechanisms.  相似文献   

Selective laser melting (SLM) is an attractive rapid prototyping technology for the fabrication of metallic components with complex structure and high performance. Aluminum alloy, one of the most pervasive structural materials, is well known for high specific strength and good corrosion resistance. But the poor laser formability of aluminum alloy restricts its application. There are problems such as limited processable materials, immature process conditions and metallurgical defects on SLM processing aluminum alloys. Some efforts have been made to solve the above problems. This paper discusses the current research status both related to the scientific understanding and technology applications. The paper begins with a brief introduction of basic concepts of aluminum alloys and technology characterization of laser selective melting. In addition, solidification theory of SLM process and formation mechanism of metallurgical defects are discussed. Then, the current research status of microstructure, properties and heat treatment of SLM processing aluminum alloys is systematically reviewed respectively. Lastly, a future outlook is given at the end of this review paper.  相似文献   

Cryorolling is a severe plastic deformation (SPD) process used to obtain ultrafine-grained aluminum alloy sheets along with higher strength and hardness than in conventional cold rolling, but it results in poor formability. An alternative method to improve both strength and formability of cryorolled sheets by warm forming after cryorolling without any post-heat treatment is proposed in this work. The formability of cryorolled AA6061 Al alloy sheets in the warm working temperature range is characterized in terms of forming limit diagrams (FLDs) and limiting dome height (LDH). Strain distributions and thinning in biaxially stretched samples are studied. Hardness of the formed samples is correlated with ultimate tensile strength to estimate post-forming mechanical properties. The limit strains and LDH have been found to be higher than in the case of the conventional processing route (cold rolled, annealed and formed at room temperature), making this hybrid route capable of producing sheet metal parts of aluminum alloys with high strength and formability. In order to combine the advantages of enhanced formability and better post-forming strength than the conventional cold rolled and annealed sheets, warm forming at 250°C has been found to be suitable for this alloy in the temperature range that has been studied.  相似文献   

The aluminum alloys EN AW-6082 and -7075 possess a high specific strength and are therefore predestined lightweight materials. In the high-strength T6 state, however, they exhibit low cold formability and a pronounced springback. For this reason, temperature-supported process routes such as warm or hot forming are currently used to form these alloys. Cold forming of preconditioned semi-finished products in the W-Temper (W) or soft-annealed (O) condition offers an alternative. The upstream heat treatments lead to a significant expansion of formability, making conventional cold forming possible. This comes along with more robust process conditions. After the forming operations, a heat treatment is required to obtain the high-strength T6 properties. Herein, the opportunities, but also the challenges, of preconditioning are highlighted on the basis of material characterization and single-stage as well as multistage forming experiments. Special attention is paid to the relevant process variables and their influences regarding process robustness. This also includes subsequent heat treatment to exploit the lightweight potential.  相似文献   

Spray Forming – Alloy Development and Process Improvement Today the most common magnesium wrought alloys have acceptable mechanical properties with a limited formability at room temperature. The strength decreases rapidly at temperatures above 150°C. The use of spray forming can provide new wrought alloys, with a resultant improvement in the physical and mechanical properties. Some studies have shown that spray forming techniques are attractive alternatives to improve the mechanical and physical properties of magnesium alloys for the development of new wrought magnesium products.  相似文献   

Aluminum–magnesium–silicon (Al–Mg–Si) alloys show medium strength, excellent formability, good corrosion resistance and are widely used in extruded products and automotive body panels. The major advantage of these alloys is their age hardening response during the paint baking process as well as the fact that they exhibit no yield point phenomenon and Lüdering. In this study, the mechanical properties of a commercially available AA6061 alloy aged to various levels were studied. Peak-aged conditions were reached in this particular alloy after a 2 h heat treatment at 200 °C. The variation of the yield stress, ultimate tensile strength, ductility and strain hardening rate with aging time is measured and discussed in relation to the microstructural changes induced by the heat treatment.  相似文献   

高强铝合金(2×××,7×××等)因具有比强度高、加工性好等优点而被航空航天、汽车等领域广泛应用。随着大推重比飞行器设计及汽车轻量化技术的发展,轻质结构材料的需求日益增加,同时零部件也面临着“薄壁化、中空化、复合化”的发展趋势,高强铝合金的传统加工方法越来越难以满足要求。近年来,激光选区熔化成形(selective laser melting,SLM)作为一种常见的金属增材制造技术(additive manufacturing,AM)在复杂零部件成形领域受到关注,有望成为进一步拓宽高强铝合金应用领域的新兴技术。然而,SLM成形高强铝合金因易产生周期性热裂纹和粗大柱状晶不良组织等问题而发展缓慢,晶粒细化是克服增材制造高强铝合金这一固有热裂问题的关键所在。本文综述了近年来SLM成形高强铝合金显微组织和力学性能调控等方面的研究进展,归纳了不同体系合金的力学性能,重点阐述了抑制SLM成形高强铝合金中热裂纹形成的主要策略,包括SLM工艺参数优化以及通过微合金化或添加纳米颗粒细化晶粒等方法。指出当前研究存在的主要问题是合金成分的改变对材料综合性能以及热处理制度的影响规律尚不清晰等,并展望了未来的发展趋势,如SLM成形新型高强铝合金成分设计与综合性能评价、利用后处理工艺等手段进一步提升合金综合性能以及专用晶粒细化剂的设计与细化机制探究等。  相似文献   

Magnesium (Mg) alloys have been thoroughly researched to replace steel or aluminum parts in automotives for reducing weight without sacrificing their strength. The widespread use of Mg alloys has been limited by its insufficient formability, which results from a lack of active slip systems at room temperature. It leads to a hot forming process for Mg alloys to enhance the formability and plastic workability. In addition, forged or formed parts of Mg alloys should have the reliable initial yield and ultimate tensile strength after hot working processes since its material properties should be compatible with other parts thereby guaranteeing structural safety against external load and crash. In this research, an optimal warm forming condition for applying extruded Mg–Sn–Al–Zn (TAZ) Mg alloys into automotive parts is proposed based on T-shape forging tests and the feasibility of forged parts is evaluated by measuring the initial yield strength and investigating the grain size in orientation imaging microscopy (OIM) maps.  相似文献   

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