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In this paper, we propose a salient region detection algorithm from the point of view of unique and compact representation of individual image. In first step, the original image is segmented into super-pixels. In second step, the sparse representation measure and uniqueness of the features are computed. Then both are ranked on the basis of the background and foreground seeds respectively. Thirdly, a location prior map is used to enhance the foci of attention. We apply the Bayes procedure to integrate computed results to produce smooth and precise saliency map. We compare our proposed algorithm against the state-of-the-art saliency detection methods using four of the largest widely available standard data-bases, experimental results specify that the proposed algorithm outperforms. We also show that how the saliency map of the proposed method is used to discover outline of object, furthermore using this outline our method produce the saliency cut of the desired object.  相似文献   

针对传统的图流行排序显著性目标检测算法存在先验信息单一,显著目标检测不完整的问题,提出一种新的基于背景先验与中心先验的显著性目标检测算法。首先将图像边界节点作为背景种子进行流行排序获得粗略的前景区域,将其再次流行排序得到初步显著图;然后利用Harris角点检测、聚类实现中心先验显著性检测,捕获中心显著信息;最后在初步显著图上融合图像中心显著性,得到最终显著图。本文对综合指标、精确率-召回率曲线、F-measure值以及平均绝对误差(mean absolute error,MAE)值进行实验评估,在公开数据集MSRA-10K和ECSSD上进行的实验结果表明:对比10种主流算法,本文算法在不同的评估指标上都具有较好的表现,且能准确地突出显著目标,提升背景抑制效果。  相似文献   

视觉显著性检测是机器视觉领域的关键技术之一.提出一种基于流形排名与迟滞阈值的检测方法,首先将图像划分成超像素集合,以之作为结点形成闭环图;再按照基于图的流形排名方法计算各个结点的显著值,形成图像的显著图;然后利用显著图直方图统计出高、低两个阈值,将显著图划分为三个部分,使用伽马校正技术分别进行处理,最终整合校正结果得到输出显著图.实验结果表明,相对于现有算法,本文算法得到的显著图能够更好地区分背景区域和显著目标,同时也更具稳健性.  相似文献   

为提高稀疏跟踪器性能,提出一种在贝叶斯推论框架下的基于视觉显著图的结构反稀疏在线目标跟踪算法。首先将基于马尔可夫(Markov)模型的关联性视觉显著度检测算法用于当前帧并计算目标模板的显著图,其次提出全局与局部分块的结构外观模型表示候选目标,将显著图映射回每一个局部块并计算出对应的自适应权重,最后提出联合全局与局部稀疏解的度量准则度量候选目标与目标模板的相似度,从而确立在贝叶斯框架下对目标状态最佳估计。在跟踪过程中,采用反稀疏表达方式一次求解优化问题计算出所有粒子权重来提高算法效率。实验结果表明,本文算法具有良好的鲁棒性和实时性。   相似文献   

针对基于图模型的显著性检测算法中节点间特征差异描述不准确的问题,该文提出一种目标紧密性与区域同质性策略相结合的图像显著性检测算法。区别于常用的图模型,该算法建立更贴近人眼视觉系统的稀疏图结构与新颖的区域同质性图结构,以便描述图像前景内部的关联性与前景背景间的差异性,从而摒弃众多节点的冗余连接,强化节点局部空间关系;并且结合聚类簇紧密性采取流形排序的方式形成显著图,利用背景区域簇的相似性,引入背景置信度进行显著性优化,最终得到精细的检测结果。在4个基准数据集上与4种基于图模型的流行算法对比,该算法能清晰地突出显著区域,且在多种综合指标评估中,具备更优越的性能。  相似文献   

Object tracking is always a very attractive research topic in computer vision and image processing. In this paper, an innovative method called salient-sparse-collaborative tracker (SSCT) is put forward, which exploits both object saliency and sparse representation. Within the proposed collaborative appearance model, the object salient feature map is built to create a salient-sparse discriminative model (SSDM) and a salient-sparse generative model (SSGM). In the SSDM module, the presented sparse model effectively distinguishes the target region from its background by using the salient feature map that further helps locate the object in complex environment. In the SSGM module, a sparse representation method with salient feature map is designed to improve the effectiveness of the templates and deal with occlusions. The update scheme takes advantage of salient correction, thus the SSCT algorithm can both handle the appearance variation as well as reduce tracking drifts effectively. Plenty of experiments with quantitative and qualitative comparisons on benchmark reveal the SSCT tracker is more competitive than several popular approaches.  相似文献   

针对红外与可见光图像配准过程过受灰度差异影响大、特征点难配准的问题,提出基于显著性检测和ORB特征点的图像配准算法。首先利用优化的HC-GHS显著性检测算法得到图像的显著性结构图;其次利用ORB算法在显著性结构图上进行特征点检测,利用泰勒级数筛选出鲁棒性强的特征点,并根据特征点的方向进行分组匹配的策略;最后利用汉明距离实现特征点的匹配。实验表明本文算法能准确实现红外与可见光图像之间的配准,在红外噪声干扰、尺度变化下都具有良好效果。  相似文献   

为了实现超分辨率图像重建中高精度快速图像配准,提出一种改进BRISK特征的快速图像配准算法。原有BRISK算法在特征提取和匹配过程中,忽视了角点分布信息,其匹配策略单一,导致误匹配率高。针对该问题,首先利用BRISK算法构建连续尺度空间,在此基础上对图像进行分块,然后利用图像区域显著性自适应选择角点检测阈值,获得均匀分布的角点,最后利用快速最近邻FLANN算法结合RANSAC的方法进行二值特征快速匹配。实验结果表明:改进的BRISK算法相比原算法在保持速度的基础上达到亚像素级配准精度,并具有优越的场景适应性能。  相似文献   

董安勇  苏斌  赵文博  杜庆治  彭艺 《激光与红外》2018,48(12):1547-1553
稀疏表示是以块为单位进行编码的,因此破坏了图像块间的相关性。针对上述问题,提出了基于卷积稀疏表示的红外与可见光图像融合算法。该算法采用交替方向乘子算法(ADMM)求解非下采样轮廓波变换(NSCT)域强边缘子带的卷积稀疏系数,完成特征响应系数的融合。同时,采用脉冲耦合神经网络(PCNN)模型的点火图完成NSCT域高频子带的融合。实验结果表明:该算法解决了稀疏表示的“块效应”问题,同时又兼具PCNN模型的视觉特性,可以有效地捕捉源图像的特征信息。另外,在主观视觉评价和客观质量评价方面均优于现有算法。  相似文献   

Saliency detection has become a valuable tool for many image processing tasks, like image retargeting, object recognition, and adaptive compression. With the rapid development of the saliency detection methods, people have approved the hypothesis that “the appearance contrast between the salient object and the background is high”, and build their saliency methods on some priors that explain this hypothesis. However, these methods are not satisfactory enough. We propose a two-stage salient region detection method. The input image is first segmented into superpixels. In the first stage, two measures which measure the isolation and distribution of each superpixel are proposed, we consider that both of these two measures are important for finding the salient regions, thus the image-feature-based saliency map is obtained by combining the two measures. Then, in the second stage, we incorporate into the image-feature-based saliency map a location prior map to emphasize the foci of attention. In this algorithm, six priors that explain what is the salient region are exploited. The proposed method is compared with the state-of-the-art saliency detection methods using one of the largest publicly available standard databases, the experimental result indicates that the proposed method has better performance. We also demonstrate how the saliency map of the proposed method can be used to create high quality of initial segmentation masks for subsequent image processing, like Grabcut based salient object segmentation.  相似文献   

在被动毫米波的图像恢复中,L-R算法是一种简单而有效的非线性方法。但当噪声不可忽略时,L-R算法难以获得较好的复原结果。自适应稀疏表示,作为一种新的信号处理方法,具有表达信号灵活的特点,能够在保持目标特征的同时有效地去除噪声。该文提出一种基于自适应稀疏表示的L-R算法。首先采用稀疏信号表示的方法进行去噪,然后使用L-R算法进行图像恢复。这种改进算法通过使用基于自适应稀疏表示的去噪算法有效地减少了噪声对L-R算法的影响。实验数据的成像结果表明:该文的改进算法提高了L-R算法的性能,可用于低信噪比的图像复原。  相似文献   

郭少军  娄树理  刘峰 《液晶与显示》2016,31(10):1006-1015
基于单源的图像显著性检测存在较大的虚警或漏检,文章提出了利用约简后的特征点和CPD算法对海面实拍船只图像进行多源图像匹配,获得图像间的变换投影方程并利用投影方程对单源图像的显著性检测结果进行叠加与虚警控制器分类,从而达到提高检测率与控制虚警的目的。显著性检测方面,文章分析了基于图等级多样性的显著性检测方法的不足和优点,引入了最大稳定区域检测方法对图像做前期处理,并对获得区域进行联合获得新区域,使得新区域能够最大限度地满足基于图的等级多样性显著性检测最优条件。对于检测获得的联合区域目标显著性不完整的情况,利用了区域的叠加性进行加权求和,最终获得了具有较好联通性的多舰船目标图像显著性检测结果。对于显著性检测结果中存在较大虚警的情况,文章进一步提出计算船只与浪花的多尺度分形维数,并结合Adaboost算法训练浪花虚警控制器。实验结果显示控制器能够消除一部分浪花带来的虚警,但是对于灰度与舰船极为相似的虚警无法消除。  相似文献   

刘丹  朱鸿泰  程虎  桑贤侦 《激光与红外》2023,53(11):1778-1784
图像融合是将多幅图像中有用或互补信息整合成一幅图像的过程。本文提出了一种基于引导滤波多尺度分解的红外和可见光图像融合算法。在传统的引导滤波图像融合算法的基础之上,利用双引导滤波器代替均值滤波器将源图像分解为小尺度纹理细节、大尺度边缘和基础图像;直接利用纹理细节及边缘层图像构建显著性映射图,用其代替额外的特征提取操作,可很好地突出源图像显著性信息的同时大大降低算法复杂度;利用显著性映射图、Sigmoid函数构造权重图,将源图像中具有视觉意义的信息注入到融合图像中;利用色彩模型转换融合方式,可更好保留图像的色彩信息。定性和定量实验结果证明,相比于传统的基于引导滤波的图像融合算法,本文算法的融合效果得到进一步提升。  相似文献   

袁红星  吴少群  安鹏  郑悠  徐力 《电子学报》2014,42(10):2009-2015
2D图像转3D图像是解决3D影视内容缺乏的主要手段之一,而深度提取是其中的关键步骤.考虑到影视作品中存在大量散焦图像,提出单幅散焦图像深度估计的方法:首先通过高斯卷积将散焦图像转换成两幅模糊程度不同的图像;其次计算这两幅图像在边缘处的梯度幅值比例,进而根据阶跃信号与镜头的卷积模型得到边缘处的模糊度;再次将边缘处的模糊度转换成图像的稀疏深度并利用拉普拉斯矩阵插值得到稠密深度图;最后通过图像的视觉显著度提取前景对象,建立对象引导的深度图优化能量模型,使前景的深度趋于一致并平滑梯度较小区域的深度.该方法利用对象引导的深度优化,剔除了拉普拉斯矩阵插值引入深度图的纹理信息.模拟图像的峰值信噪比和真实图像的视觉对比均表明该算法比现有方法有较大改善.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a novel approach to automatically detect salient regions in an image. Firstly, some corner superpixels serve as the background labels and the saliency of other superpixels are determined by ranking their similarities to the background labels based on ranking algorithm. Subsequently, we further employ an objectness measure to pick out and propagate foreground labels. Furthermore, an integration algorithm is devised to fuse both background-based saliency map and foreground-based saliency map, meanwhile an original energy function is acted as refinement before integration. Finally, results from multiscale saliency maps are integrated to further improve the detection performance. Our experimental results on five benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Our method produces more accurate saliency maps with better precision-recall curve, higher F-measure and lower mean absolute error than other 13 state-of-the-arts approaches on ASD, SED, ECSSD, iCoSeg and PASCAL-S datasets.  相似文献   

Multi-focus image fusion aims to generate an image with all objects in focus by integrating multiple partially focused images. It is challenging to find an effective focus measure to evaluate the clarity of source images. In this paper, a novel multi-focus image fusion algorithm based on Geometrical Sparse Representation (GSR) over single images is proposed. The main novelty of this work is that it shows the potential of GSR coefficients used for image fusion. Unlike the traditional sparse representation-based (SR) methods, the proposed algorithm does not need to train an overcomplete dictionary and vectorize the signal. In our algorithm, using a single dictionary image, the source images are first represented by geometrical sparse coefficients. Specifically, we employ a weighted GSR model in the sparse coding phase, ensuring the importance of the center pixel. Then, the weighted GSR coefficient is used to measure the activity level of the source image and an average pooling strategy is applied to obtain an initial decision map. Third, the decision map is refined with a simple post-processing. Finally, the fused all-in-focus image is constructed with the refined decision map. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can be competitive with or even superior to the state-of-the-art fusion methods in both subjective and objective comparisons.  相似文献   

Saliency detection in the compressed domain for adaptive image retargeting   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Saliency detection plays important roles in many image processing applications, such as regions of interest extraction and image resizing. Existing saliency detection models are built in the uncompressed domain. Since most images over Internet are typically stored in the compressed domain such as joint photographic experts group (JPEG), we propose a novel saliency detection model in the compressed domain in this paper. The intensity, color, and texture features of the image are extracted from discrete cosine transform (DCT) coefficients in the JPEG bit-stream. Saliency value of each DCT block is obtained based on the Hausdorff distance calculation and feature map fusion. Based on the proposed saliency detection model, we further design an adaptive image retargeting algorithm in the compressed domain. The proposed image retargeting algorithm utilizes multioperator operation comprised of the block-based seam carving and the image scaling to resize images. A new definition of texture homogeneity is given to determine the amount of removal block-based seams. Thanks to the directly derived accurate saliency information from the compressed domain, the proposed image retargeting algorithm effectively preserves the visually important regions for images, efficiently removes the less crucial regions, and therefore significantly outperforms the relevant state-of-the-art algorithms, as demonstrated with the in-depth analysis in the extensive experiments.  相似文献   

Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) is the emerging method that combines traditional imaging and spectroscopy to provide the image with both the spatial and spectral information of the object present in the image. The major challenges of the existing techniques for HSI classification are the high dimensionality of data and its complexity in classification. This paper devises a new technique to classify the HSI named Spatial–Spectral Schroedinger Eigen Maps based Multi-scale adaptive sparse representation (S2SEMASR). In this, two different phases are employed for the accurate classification of the HSI, namely, Schroedinger Eigen maps (SE) based spatial–spectral feature extraction and multi-scale adaptive sparse classification for the feature extracted image. SE makes use of spatial–spectral cluster potentials which allows the extraction of features that best describes the characteristics of different classes of HSI. The multiscale adaptive sparse representation (MASR) applied over the SE features provides the sparse coefficients that includes distinct scale level sparsity with same class level sparsity. With the obtained coefficients, the class label of each pixel is determined. The proposed HSI classifier well utilizes the spectral and spatial characteristics to exploit the within-class variability and thus reduces the misclassification of similar test pixels Experimental results demonstrated that the proposed S2SEMASR approach outperforms the traditional results both qualitatively and quantitatively with an overall accuracy of 98.3%.  相似文献   

陈柘  陈海 《国外电子元器件》2014,(2):168-170,173
提出一种基于混合字典的图像稀疏分解去噪方法。使用小波包函数和离散余弦函数构成混合字典,采用匹配追踪算法对图像进行稀疏分解,提取含噪图像中的稀疏成分,最后利用稀疏成分进行图像重构,达到去除图像中噪声的目的。实验中与单一字典稀疏分解去噪算法进行了对比,结果表明,所提出的混合字典稀疏去噪算法可有效提取图像中的稀疏结构,改善重构图像的主客观质量。  相似文献   

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