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表面工程的应用和再制造工程   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
简要阐述了表面工程的特点,介绍了表面工程在腐蚀防护,设备维修,节能节材等方面的应用,阐述了先进制造技术与表面工程及再制造的关系,并展望了再制造工程的发展前景。  相似文献   

绿色再制造工程是具有发展前景的新兴产业,是逐渐形成中的新兴学科。它的设计基础和关键技术为绿色再制造产业的发展提供了重要的技术支撑。本文主要阐述了绿色再制造工程的先进表面技术、毛坯快速成形技术、修复热处理技术与应急快速抢修技术、过时产品性能升级与纳米修复技术等技术问题。  相似文献   

舰船装备再制造防腐蚀技术研究及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
再制造防腐蚀是针对在役装备或腐蚀装备所进行的高技术修复与改造。再制造通过使用优于原始制造的先进技术,充分挖掘了腐蚀装备中蕴含着的高附加值,使得再制造装备具有显著的节能环保特色。通过再制造关键技术对舰船装备进行腐蚀控制,将有效提高装备的防腐性能,赋予装备新的寿命,最大限度地保障舰船装备的在航率。文中着重介绍了高速电弧喷涂长效防腐技术、纳米电刷镀防腐耐磨涂层技术、非晶态合金化学镀层防腐技术、纳米固体薄膜减摩防腐技术和纳米防腐涂料及涂装等再制造防腐技术的实际应用。再制造工程在国内外得到了快速发展,推动了"资源节约型、环境友好型"两型社会的建设,已经引起了国家的高度重视和支持,中国已成为国际再制造中心之一,且已将具有中国特色的再制造工程发展到了一个新阶段。  相似文献   

表面工程和再制造工程的现状及展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了表面工程和再制造工程的概念、作用和国内外研究及应用现状,并对其今后的发展进行了展望.结合失效分析、失效预防和控制,阐述了表面工程和再制造工程在产品全寿命周期中的地位和作用,指出失效理论、失效分析是再制造的基础理论之一,表面工程技术和再制造工程技术是对零件进行失效预防和控制的关键手段.  相似文献   

青海省认真贯彻《国务院关于加快培育和发展战略性新兴产业决定》,结合全省特色优势产业,围绕新能源、新材料、节能环保产业、高端装备制造产业、生物产业等战略性新兴产业开展技术攻关和科技能力建设,重点实施了以"123"科技支撑工程为重点的一系列科技支撑工程项目,  相似文献   

正中国机械工程学会表面工程分会计划于2019年4月26~28日在北京组织召开"第十一届全国青年表面工程学术会议"。本次会议将通过学术研讨、技术交流、产品展示等方式交流我国表面工程与再制造工程研究和应用方面取得的最新成果和进展。大会的主题是"面向军民融合的表面工程与再制造工程"。  相似文献   

加快发展节能环保产业是推进我国产业结构调整、转变经济发展方式的重要途径,是应对气候变化,抢占未来竞争制高点的战略选择。本文介绍了我国节能环保产业发展的现状,分析了当前节能环保产业在发展过程中面临的问题,未来发展的重点领域和技术发展方向,提出了"十三五"期间我国节能环保产业发展的主要目标、相应的重点支撑工程和对策建议。  相似文献   

中国机械工程学会表面工程分会2001年2月6日行业技术信息 随着高新技术的迅猛发展,表面工程技术在材料科学领域、机电制造业和再制造产业中发挥着越来越重要的作用。为了更好地推动表面工程技术发展,互相交流成功应用经验和最新科研成果,不断提高我国表面工程技术水平,中国机械工程学会表面工程分会初步确定于2001年10月在三峡库区召开第四届全国表面工程学术交流会暨第二届表面工程分会全体委员会议,会期三天。请各位委员、专家、教授、工程技术人员、管理人员大力支持,积极撰写论文,发表有关的新思路、新实验、新设备、新材料、新…  相似文献   

激光再制造技术作为制造技术创新的前沿领域,深刻改变着高端装备的设计与运行方式,是绿色再制造的重要支撑技术,是促进制造产业可持续发展的重要力量。本文从激光再制造技术的宏观需求入手,梳理了激光再制造技术的发展及应用现状,凝练了激光再制造技术和产业在发展过程中面临的挑战,进而提出了面向2025年、2035年以及2050年的分阶段发展目标。针对当前我国激光再制造技术在专用材料、核心器件、再制造理念与标准体系等方面存在的问题与挑战,研究提出:加强战略层面的积极引导;构建激光增材再制造材料基因组体系;完善标准化体系和高层次应用型人才培养体系;加大应用推广力度,引导行业整合;建立合作平台,加快关键共性技术创新发展,为激光再制造技术及其产业发展提供支撑。  相似文献   

中国机械工程学会表面工程分会增补会员单位的通知中国表面工程技术及行业进步,极大地推动了整体社会经济的发展。中国机械工程学会表面工程分会名誉主任徐滨士院士等倡导的“发展再制造工程构造循环经济建设节约型社会”已被社会各界普遍认可。在表面工程分会第三届一次会议上,委员们研究、讨论了表面工程技术发展方向,为中国表面工程学界更广泛地加强国际交流制订了规划。近期还邀请了英国的T.BELL教授出任学会荣誉委员并与英国《Surface Engineering》杂志就审稿工作达成了合作协议,并成功推荐刘宣勇等10位专家出任《SurfaceEngineer…  相似文献   

装备再制造工程是以实现废旧装备性能跨越式提升为目的的系统工程,基于循环经济4R准则即减量化(Reduce)、再利用(Reuse)、再制造(Remanufacturing)和再循环(Recycle)的装备再制造工程是建设节约型社会的重要手段,具有重要的社会经济意义。装备再制造工程与失效分析关系密切,失效分析是装备再制造工程的基础和前提,装备再制造工程是失效分析的结果与发展。结合失效分析和再制造工程实例,阐述了失效分析和再制造工程的相互关系及其在工程中的联合作用。  相似文献   

In this paper, an application mode and method of knowledge management in remanufacturing engineering management is established based on Nonaka’s SECI model. The relationships between knowledge transfer, knowledge sharing and remanufacturing engineering management are highlighted. It is noticeable that a great deal of knowledge transfer and sharing activities, which can improve the performance of remanufacturing engineering management constantly, are involved in remanufacturing engineering.  相似文献   

Nowadays, since the resources of remanufacturing are the ‘cores’, the uncertainty in quantity and quality of the ‘cores’ is an obstacle in remanufacturing engineering. To solve this problem, production management and design for remanufacturing have been discussed in the former studies. However, the current remanufacturing mode, which is carried out in the end of life cycle, is reactive. To delimit the uncertainty of ‘cores’, the concept of proactive remanufacturing is presented in this paper. And one issue is to identify the proactive remanufacturing timing. In the beginning, the reactive remanufacturing timing and proactive remanufacturing timing are introduced. Then, to characterise the remanufacturability of components, the concept of residual strength is proposed. To identify the proactive remanufacturing timing, the mathematical model is established based on the residual strength, remanufacturing value and technical feasibility. Based on this model, the timing determination method in proactive remanufacturing is presented and expanded. Finally, to validate this method, the proactive remanufacturing timing of engines is determined by analysing the crankshaft. As a consequence, in the proactive remanufacturing mode, the remanufacturing rate of product might be increased. Thus, the proactive remanufacturing could provide a new perspective in future remanufacturing engineering.  相似文献   

Into the 21st century, remanufacturing engineering has been accepted by more and more people in China. Remanufacturing is an industrial maintenance
technology for worn or waste electro-mechanical products using advanced technology, which means the high-level stage for the maintenance and surface engineering. In this paper, a new automotive high velocity arc spraying system was introduced. And three kinds of advanced amorphous and nanocrystalline metastable coatings were developed, including Fe, Ni and Al-based amorphous and nanocrystalline composite coatings. Their research development and
applications were introduced. And the development trends of high velocity arc spraying system and advanced metastable surface protective coating materials on the remanufacturing engineering were indicated.  相似文献   

面向环境的设备维护管理与再制造工程集成模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在分析再制造工程与设备维护管理的理论体系及二者关系的基础上,从有效利用资源、提升设备的使用效能的角度出发,运用质量功能展开(Quality Function Display,简称QFD)方法,提出了一种面向环境需求的设备维护管理和再制造工程的集成模式。  相似文献   

高速电弧喷涂技术在防腐工程领域的研究现状   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
高速电弧喷涂技术是在传统电弧喷涂技术基础上发展起来的一项新技术,也是再制造工程的关键技术之一.介绍了高速电弧喷涂技术的基本原理及其在防腐工程中应用的潜力,防腐涂层材料的发展概况,常见的高速电弧喷涂层在腐蚀环境中的防护机理,并展望了高速电弧喷涂技术的发展趋势.  相似文献   

激光表面改性技术及其研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈小明  王海金  周夏凉  赵坚  伏利  刘伟 《材料导报》2018,32(Z1):341-344
激光表面改性技术是表面工程中的先进技术之一,其在先进制造与再制造领域的应用备受关注。本文概述了激光表面改性技术中的激光相变硬化、激光熔凝硬化、激光冲击硬化、激光合金化、激光熔覆等,介绍了以上几种激光表面改性技术的研究现状,最后对激光表面改性技术的发展与工程应用的前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

After development for decades, abroad remanufacturing has formed a complete industrial system. At present, the research emphases are on marking logistics management and market cultivation theory of remanufacturing products, and so on. The Chinese remanufacturing starts fairly late. After 10 years of development, it formed a remanufacturing mode with Chinese characteristics that is sustained by high-tech industries, using the surface engineering
technology to restore the size and improve properties, and combining manufacturing, study and research together. The remanufacturing mode is not only circular but also economic. With the development of science and technology, future remanufacturing technology will break the previous limits, explore and understand the limits of micro machining. It will carry out the waste product remanufacturing in the micro-nano scale, and extend the remanufacturing industry to a more broad space.  相似文献   

Currently, resource supply and demand contradiction, and over-loaded environment capacity have become a bottleneck for sustainable economic development in China. Electro-mechanical products are approaching a peak of obsolescence, and massive abandoned electro-mechanical products are causing severe environmental pollution, huge waste of resources and potential safety hazard. Remanufacturing is repairing or modifying worn mechanical products using high-tech method, which buffers the contradiction between wasting and shortage of resources, and brings industry towards a comprehensive utilization of resource and environmental protection. As a new strategic industry, remanufacturing, which is highly coherent with the development strategy of the circular economy, is still in its infancy in China. This paper analyzes the developmental trends and problems of the remanufacturing industry in China, and proposes promoting measures based on the engineering practices of remanufacturing.  相似文献   

Remanufacturing in China is still in its early stage and faces pressures from society, policy, technology and management. Considering the current state of remanufacturing in China, this paper researched several key management issues involving various aspects from the perspective of remanufacturing players. Based on a needs analysis on the trend of remanufacturing development in China, the following six key management problems were researched; risk management of remanufacturing players, remanufacturing production management, remanufacturing quality management, authentication mode of remanufacturing in China, subsidy policy of remanufacturing industry, and performance assessment of remanufacturing. The characteristics of issues were analyzed and the corresponding countermeasures were put forward.  相似文献   

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