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地表覆盖层使土体表面蒸发效应受阻,引起水分在不透气的覆盖层下集聚,导致覆盖层下土体含水率升高的现象被称为“锅盖效应”。“锅盖效应”能够导致覆盖层下含水率升高,进而引起一系列的工程病害。目前对“锅盖效应”的研究手段主要是案例分析、室内试验和数值模拟,现场试验几乎未见报道。文章介绍在北京新机场试验基地进行的“锅盖效应”一维现场试验。试验采集了从2016年12月至2017年4月各个测点每日的体积含水率和温度数据。试验数据表明,无隔断条件下的试验土体中出现“锅盖效应”,验证“锅盖效应”是由土体中的水汽迁移所导致;对比有隔断和无隔断试验土体体积含水率的变化,认为隔断层能够有效的抑制“锅盖效应”。  相似文献   

对“碎石类土盐渍化评价初探”讨论的答复高树森师永坤(新疆石油局勘察设计研究院,克拉玛依,834000)“碎石类土盐渍化评价初探”一文(以下简称“初探”)发表后,徐攸在先生撰写了“也谈碎石类土的盐渍化评价---与高树森等同志商榷”一文(简称“徐文”)...  相似文献   

关于“黄土地区桥梁挖井基础设计方法研究”一文的讨论范文田(西南交通大学岩土工程研究所,成都,610031)《岩土工程学报》1997年第3期刊登的“黄土地区桥梁挖井基础设计方法研究”一文(以下简称“原文”)提出的设计方法,有值得商榷之处。1计算模式的...  相似文献   

古典文献中,将房子的西北角称作“屋漏”。“屋漏”究竟是什么意思一直存在诸多的解释。本文通过对汉代以前文献中出现的“屋漏”一词进行梳理考释,并结合考古资料中相应位置功能布置进行整理和综合分析后,认为“屋漏”是早期房屋室内用于便秽的区间。  相似文献   

在热采过程中存在热、流、固等多场耦合作用,目前的研究方法和分析模型存在一定不足。针对油藏特点,提出油藏热质传递过程的“两箱”分析法,即用于一般分析的“黑箱分析法”和用于精细分析的“白箱分析法”,“黑箱分析法”不涉及油藏多孔介质内部热质传递过程,研究油藏与外界的能量传递过程,以及体系内能量的变化,而“白箱分析法”包括“黑箱分析法”的内容,同时要研究体系内部各部分间的能量转换过程。在此基础上,应用CMG软件进行数值模拟计算和分析,对于热采注汽过程中的蒸汽凝结区域和蒸汽凝结前缘位置,给出分析和判定方法。该研究结果可为深入开展稠油热采注汽过程流体运移特性和提高油气采收率研究提供依据。  相似文献   

对“桩的承载力与刚度的关系”讨论的答复潘时声(清华大学水电系,北京,100084)笔者在岩土工程学报1993年第6期发表了“桩的承载力与刚度的关系”一文(以下简称“关系”)后,李志成同志提出了不同的意见(以下简称“李”文),现将几个问题答复如下。1前...  相似文献   

 《岩土工程学报》1997年第6期刊登了“岩体的压剪损伤机理及其在岩爆分析中的应用”一文(以下简称“原文”),其中关于岩石压剪启裂准则的“理论分析”并没有理论应有的严格性,难以令人信服。“原文”指出,70年代周群力等提出了如下经验性判据:λKⅠ+|KⅡ...  相似文献   

对“土坡稳定可靠度分析”讨论的答复姚耀武(清华大学水电工程系,北京,100084)陈祖煜同志对“土坡稳定可靠度分析”一文提出一些深入讨论的问题是很有益的,由于本文是偏重于研究影响土坡可靠度的因素,因此对有些问题研究不够深入,陈文的一些看法是深入研究这...  相似文献   

广州拥有2225年的建城史,历史文化保护对于广州建设“世界文化名城”具有重要的意义。“三旧”改造政策整合各种社会资源,为广州历史文化保护提供了难得的机遇。然而,在实际操作中,经济效益极易成为“三旧”改造的主导因素,历史文化保护面临新的挑战。从宏观、中观和微观三个层面,探索“三旧”改造背景下的广州历史文化整体性保护策略。  相似文献   

陈凡 《岩土工程学报》1996,18(5):105-106
对“应力波反射拍信号的检测及其工程应用”一文的讨论陈凡(中国建筑科学研究院地基所,北京,100013)近读《岩土工程学报》1995年第3期上一文“应力波反射拍信号的检测及其工程应用”(以下简称“拍文”),颇感新颖。作者首次将“拍”的概念引入桩的动测分...  相似文献   


While typically accorded form-driven interpretations, Kahn's work may contribute significantly to the emergent discourse on architecture and landscape. Meditations on landscape in Kahn's work and ideas, although present in an unsystematic and sporadic manner, provide a provocative way of thinking about a building's relationship with the landscape. Applying the phenomenological notion of “lived body,” a built work is seen not only inscrutably emplaced or intertwined with the landscape but also embodying it, thus making architecture inherently a landscape “event.” An analysis of Kahn's work and writings from the vantage point of landscape presents, first, an affirmation of Kahn's particular ideas about land and landscape and, second, a substantiation of the claim that architecture is a landscape phenomenon.  相似文献   

Focusing on the influential 18th century text by Marc-Antoine Laugier—“Essay on Architecture”—what I trace in this essay is a certain affinity between ornamentation and theoretical writing on architecture. What I point out is that not only does theory play the same supplemental role with respect to its subject as ornamentation is said to play with respect to the aesthetic object, but also, the same paradoxes and inconsistencies that permeate the historic marginalization of ornamentation in architecture, permeate the self-marginalization of theoretical writing on architecture.  相似文献   

为了使学生形成自主的建筑观,笔者所在建筑系开设现代建筑认知课程,旨在引导学生学习建筑、分析建筑、理解建筑。本文以托莱多美术馆玻璃展示馆的认知教学为例,对整个授课过程的教学引导和互动部分、以及学生作业成果进行评述,并从感官建筑要素、建筑直接影响要素、建筑间接影响要素反思建筑认知的切入点。  相似文献   

In Sticks and Stones (1924), a critical account of the sources and prospects of American architecture, Lewis Mumford argues that when “the economic basis of provincial life shifted from the farm to the sea … [it] broke up the internal unity of the village.” His argument is augmented by metaphors: the instabilities of wind, sea, and ship are opposed to the virtues of “good building” and “rooted dignity.” The stable earth and the village architecture it supports are portrayed as organically superior to the chaotic fluidity of the sea. Mumford's metaphors and rhetorical skill bolster a historical narrative that continues to influence prevalent notions of “tradition” in American architecture. Nevertheless, the sea metaphors he deprecates are vital to exemplify American architecture, art, and literature.  相似文献   

黄劭彦 《城市建筑》2014,(21):279-279
骑楼与竹竿厝的结合是漳州传统建筑的独特形式。本文分析了漳州“竹竿厝”骑楼的发展,介绍了其结构布局,建筑意义等。其赋予建筑更为深厚的文化内涵和人文气息,我们应当从传统建筑中提取精华并加以运用。  相似文献   

靳士雄 《新建筑》2000,(6):39-42
从重审概念出发,摆脱纯理论推导的研究方法,推荐通过实例分析,并利用现代美学中“深层知觉”与“力”的概念等包含现代心理学的有关概念加以论证,提出“协调”不仅只是涉及形式问题,而且是由属于浅层知觉的形式规律与多个层面的深层知觉共同作用的结果。重点论述了属于形式与情感连接点的层面-建筑的力与力的模式-是建筑表现与协调的重要因素。  相似文献   

李逸 《华中建筑》2009,27(12):87-88
建筑是一门在中国备受误解的学科。不论是从最早的将“architecture”译为“建筑”而非“营造,”还是后来的大学普遍将建筑列为工科,或是大多数人对于建筑和工程的混淆不清—这其中都包含了众多对建筑以及建筑师的误解。然而早在柳宗元的《梓人传》中就已经显现出了中国传统文化对建筑以及建筑师的理解。建筑究竟是一门专而深的理工科,还是一门包容万象的综合学科?建筑师究竟是面面俱到的匠人,还是不拘小节的将相?建筑师的职责与能力又有哪些契合与分歧?带着这三个疑问,我们打开一代宗师柳宗元的名作《梓人传》。  相似文献   

Many theorists explore the problem of content in architecture in terms of representation, or the utilization of symbolic and often historicist imagery to ex-tend an object's meaning within a larger spatial/cultural context This paper suggests that an alternate mode of establishing associative content can be based in abstraction, or nonrepresentational means in terms of architecture's capacity to perform as “index.” The notion of index is an attempt to understand architecture as a direct physical manifestation of an external cause based on establishing an explicit physical connection, or cross-referencing between “cause and effect” The result is an architecture contingent upon those factors that can generate an inalterable formal response, or an architecture that “makes itself.”  相似文献   

In the transition to a more sustainable built environment over the last two decades, the “greening” of architecture as a popular approach has received widespread attention. However, there are still many open questions and contradictions regarding how to design with “nature” and contribute to sustainability. In addition, explorations of built examples are rare, and three-dimensional (3D) green spaces in buildings are often overlooked. Therefore, we introduce “green pockets” (3D green spaces) as a typology distinct from two-dimensional green roofs and walls/facades. We draw on a mixed-method approach to study two cases (Erasmus MC and Hotel Jakarta), comprising 12 semi-structured interviews with different stakeholders, design document analysis, and site observation. We develop a critical reflection (a framework) on the impacts of “green architecture” on sustainability from unpacked benefits and adopt a biophilic design framework to analyse designing with “nature” in architectural practice. These findings demonstrate that green pockets contribute to integrating multiple experiences of “nature” into buildings and developing sustainable architecture. Designing green pockets with visibility, accessibility, and spatial characteristics (e.g., prospect and refuge, organised complexity, peril, and mystery) of “nature” improves building quality. Furthermore, we provide design recommendations to advance green pocket designs and make suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

Dark Matter     
Following material and theoretical encounters the author has with “dark matter” in her daily life in the Otway Ranges in south-east Australia, this article explores architecture’s complicity with climate change and possible paths for its redemption. Dark matter is simultaneously the building materials produced from crude oil, the production of which is a significant contributor to global warming, and speculative practices of resistance: “dirty” material explorations with dynamic, messy materials by a range of architects and theorists since the 1990s; Donna Haraway’s “compost” thought; and Philip Ross’s “mycotecture”, architecture made from mycelium. The paper argues, with reference to Felix Guattari’s ecosophy, that these “speculative fabulations” model new social and mental ecologies that could transform architectural practice.  相似文献   

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