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推荐系统可以帮助网民从大量纷繁的信息中找到目标信息,能有效提高网民信息检索能力,然而推荐系统存在数据稀疏性、冷启动以及系统性能方面的问题。为解决这方面的问题,提出将社交关系应用于推荐系统,该方法是提高推荐准确性的一个重要途径,在多年的科研实践中取得了重要进展,因此该研究方向也日益成为众多学者关注的领域,有关这方面的研究也越来越活跃。通过对社会化推荐系统概念进行梳理,对社会化推荐系统与传统推荐系统进行比较,回顾总结了社会化推荐系统的研究现状,希望能从研究现状中找出新规律,寻求新的突破点,并对社会化推荐系统的发展趋势进行展望,以期对后来研究者有所帮助。  相似文献   

熊丽荣  刘坚  汤颖 《计算机科学》2016,43(9):255-260, 265
利用移动设备上下文、移动社会化网络等信息进一步提高推荐系统的预测准确率,并缓解可能存在的数据稀疏性和冷启动问题,已经成为移动推荐系统的主要任务。采用基于矩阵分解的因子分析方法,结合用户、服务和用户社会化网络信息进行服务推荐,可以缓解数据稀疏性和冷启动问题;同时,为了增加信任矩阵密度,引入间接信任关系,提出了一种符合移动社会化网络特点的信任度计算方法,该方法仅利用移动社会化网络结构信息构建信任矩阵,从而减少用户对信任关系的主动标识。实验结果表明,引入间接信任关系能够提高预测精度,同时 比传统的协同过滤算法和已有的一些矩阵分解方法具有更好的预测准确率,特别是在评分数据稀疏的情况下。  相似文献   

基于位置的社会化网络推荐系统不仅能为用户提供移动性和社会化的信息服务,还能基于各类用户的不同需求,对信息实施过滤,为用户提供个性化的推荐服务,在国内外相关领域得到了日渐广泛的应用.简述了基于位置的社会化网络推荐系统的概念,分析了基于位置的社会化网络推荐系统的关键问题,以期为相关研究提供借鉴.  相似文献   

王刚  蒋军  王含茹 《计算机科学》2018,45(Z11):37-42, 62
社会化推荐系统正随着互联社交网络的快速发展逐渐成为人们关注的热点问题。首先,介绍了社会化推荐的基础理论,阐述了社会化推荐的概念及基本框架,并在此基础上将其分类为面向个体的社会化推荐和面向群组的社会化推荐。接着,分别给出了面向个体和面向群组的社会化推荐的形式化定义,从个体和群组两个角度对社会化推荐系统的研究现状进行了综述。面向个体的社会化推荐主要包括基于评分预测的推荐方法和基于排序学习的推荐方法;面向群组的社会化推荐主要包括推荐方法的融合和推荐结果的融合。  相似文献   

目前社会化推荐系统方面的研究主要集中于构建性能更优的基于模型的推荐算法,然而模型算法中分解得到的隐式特征和社交信息的变化会给推荐性能带来不确定性。为了消除不确定性,探究了在基于模型的社会化推荐系统中社交关系的变化对推荐性能的影响。实验首先按比例移除关系网络中的连边或节点,再对推荐质量进行评估,结果表明,社交关系的数量增多将对推荐质量带来明显提升,同时关系网络中心节点对推荐质量的影响巨大。因此,在构建基于模型的社会化推荐系统的过程中应尽可能多地获取社交关系,并提升中心节点的关系在推荐中的权重,降低非中心节点(潜在噪声)的影响。  相似文献   

跨项目社会推荐是一种将社交关系整合到推荐系统中的方法。社会化推荐中包含用户-项目交互图和社交网络图,用户是连接这两个图的桥梁,其表示学习对提升社会化推荐的性能至关重要。然而,现有方法主要使用用户或项目的静态属性和社交网络中的显式朋友关系来进行表示学习,用户和项目交互的时序信息及隐式朋友关系未得到充分利用。因此,在社会化推荐中,如何有效利用时序信息和社交信息成为重要的研究课题之一。文中通过建模用户的隐式朋友和项目的社交属性,提出了一种新颖的基于高阶和时序特征的图神经网络社会化推荐算法(Graph Neural Networks Social Recommendation Based on High-order and Temporal Features)模型,简称HTGSR。HTGSR首先利用门控递归单元对基于项目的用户表征进行建模,以反映用户的近期动态偏好,并定义一个高阶建模单元来提取用户的高阶连通特征,挖掘用户的隐式朋友信息;其次利用注意力机制获取基于社交关系的用户表征;然后提出不同的项目社交网络的构建方式,并利用注意力机制来获取项目表征;最后将用户和项目的潜在表征输入到多层感知机,...  相似文献   

对社会网络环境下构建个性化推荐系统的现有技术进行综述。介绍社会网络的基本概念,简述推荐系统的应用领域和目前面临的挑战,重点介绍社会化推荐的相关技术的研究现状,包括用户生成内容、社会化标签推荐、博客挖掘和基于信任的推荐,分析社会化推荐面临的主要问题。利用Web 2.0环境下的用户生成内容,为解决用户配置和冷启动问题提供一个研究方向。  相似文献   

随着社交网络的发展,微博逐渐成为人们获取信息的重要来源。然而随着用户的增多,微博中的信息过载问题也越来越严重,如何快速准确地为用户推荐感兴趣的微博已经成为研究的热点。与传统的推荐技术不同,微博中的用户具有天然的社交关系,这为推荐算法提供了额外的用户信息,因此,融合了用户社交关系的社会化推荐方法日益受到重视。但是,现有的方法大多只利用了固定的用户社交关系或简单的互动行为,事实上,用户互动行为的出发点必然是用户与好友的共同兴趣,具有明显的话题相关性。该文从话题层面来分析用户的互动关系,提出了度量互动关系在话题上强弱度的方法,通过有效地融合互动关系的话题特征,最终提出了改进的微博推荐模型IBCF。实验结果表明,与现有的社会化推荐方法相比,该文提出的新方法在MAP和NDCG等指标上取得了更好的推荐效果,而且为推荐结果提供了更明确的可解释性。  相似文献   

针对传统协同智能推荐技术的冷启动、数据稀缺性问题,为提高推荐算法的效率和准确性,提出一种基于社会化媒体情境的多维智能推荐算法模型。该模型将目标用户的属性特征、行为特征考虑到社会化媒体情境信息中,并动态实时捕捉用户在不同社会化媒体情境下的偏好倾向,利用联机分析处理(OLAP)技术对多维数据进行处理。该模型将用户间的社会化关系和所处的政治经济环境视为衡量用户相似的重要指标,同时使用皮尔森系数和云模型来计算用户间各特征的相似度,并以此为推荐基础向用户呈现更个性化和定制化的推荐结果。实验结果表明,该模型的推荐结果的平均绝对误差明显小于传统的协同智能推荐和单纯的基于云模型推荐技术。  相似文献   

社会网络中包含大量的社会信息,如何从这些社会信息中发掘对用户有用的信息已成为学者和专家的研究热点。本文提出一种基于社会正则化的推荐算法:把改进的矩阵分解技术应用到社会化推荐中;利用社会网络中用户间的朋友关系来优化对用户的建模,学习更好的用户特征空间模型;利用社会网络中的标签信息建立用户和物品的关系,并利用这种关系来优化用户-物品的建模。实验结果表明,改进后的推荐算法的精确度高于传统的推荐算法,有效地解决了社会信息冗余问题。  相似文献   

旅游推荐系统研究综述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为用户提供个性化推荐服务并提高推荐的准确度和用户满意度,是当前旅游推荐系统的主要研究任务。文中分析了旅游推荐系统与传统推荐系统的异同点,并从基于内容的推荐、基于协同过滤的推荐、基于知识的推荐、基于人口统计的推荐、混和型推荐以及基于位置感知的推荐共6个方面考查了旅游推荐的研究现状。在此基础上,给出了旅游推荐系统的一个总体框架。最后,总结分析了旅游推荐系统面临的6个重点和难点问题,并指出了下一步需要关注的研究方向。  相似文献   

With the advent and popularity of social network, more and more people like to share their experience in social network. However, network information is growing exponentially which leads to information overload. Recommender system is an effective way to solve this problem. The current research on recommender systems is mainly focused on research models and algorithms in social networks, and the social networks structure of recommender systems has not been analyzed thoroughly and the so-called cold start problem has not been resolved effectively. We in this paper propose a novel hybrid recommender system called Hybrid Matrix Factorization(HMF) model which uses hypergraph topology to describe and analyze the interior relation of social network in the system. More factors including contextual information, user feature, item feature and similarity of users ratings are all taken into account based on matrix factorization method. Extensive experimental evaluation on publicly available datasets demonstrate that the proposed hybrid recommender system outperforms the existing recommender systems in tackling cold start problem and dealing with sparse rating datasets. Our system also enjoys improved recommendation accuracy compared with several major existing recommendation approaches.  相似文献   

近年来社交媒体越来越流行,可以从中获得大量丰富多彩的信息的同时,也带来了严重的"信息过载"问题.推荐系统作为缓解信息过载最有效的方法之一,在社交媒体中的作用日趋重要.区别于传统的推荐方法,社交媒体中包含大量的用户产生内容,因此在社交媒体中,通过结合传统的个性化的推荐方法,集成各类新的数据、元数据和清晰的用户关系,产生了各种新的推荐技术.总结了社交推荐系统中的几个关键研究领域,包括基于社会化标注的推荐、组推荐和基于信任的推荐,之后介绍了在信息推荐中考虑时间因素时的情况,最后对社交媒体中信息推荐有待深入研究的难点和发展趋势进行了展望.  相似文献   

Recommender systems have recently been singled out as a fascinating area of research, owing to the technological progress in mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, as well as to the rapid growth of social networking. In this respect, the main purpose of recommender systems is to suggest items that help users to make decisions from a large number of possible actions such as what place to visit, what movie to watch, or which friend to add to a social network system. In mobile environment, many personal, social and environmental contextual factors can be integrated into the recommendation process in order to provide the correct recommendation to a special user, at the perfect moment, in the appropriate location based on his/her emotional state, his/her current activity and past behavior. This paper provides an overview of context-aware recommender systems in mobile environment. The objective of this systematic review is to investigate the current state of the art in context-aware recommender systems and classify the reviewed research papers. This study aims equally to identify the possible future directions in this research area.  相似文献   

随着互联网和信息计算的飞速发展,衍生了海量数据,我们已经进入信息爆炸的时代。网络中各种信息量的指数型增长导致用户想要从大量信息中找到自己需要的信息变得越来越困难,信息过载问题日益突出。推荐系统在缓解信息过载问题中起着非常重要的作用,该方法通过研究用户的兴趣偏好进行个性化计算,由系统发现用户兴趣进而引导用户发现自己的信息需求。目前,推荐系统已经成为产业界和学术界关注、研究的热点问题,应用领域十分广泛。在电子商务、会话推荐、文章推荐、智慧医疗等多个领域都有所应用。传统的推荐算法主要包括基于内容的推荐、协同过滤推荐以及混合推荐。其中,协同过滤推荐是推荐系统中应用最广泛最成功的技术之一。该方法利用用户或物品间的相似度以及历史行为数据对目标用户进行推荐,因此存在用户冷启动和项目冷启动问题。此外,随着信息量的急剧增长,传统协同过滤推荐系统面对数据的快速增长会遇到严重的数据稀疏性问题以及可扩展性问题。为了缓解甚至解决这些问题,推荐系统研究人员进行了大量的工作。近年来,为了提高推荐效果、提升用户满意度,学者们开始关注推荐系统的多样性问题以及可解释性等问题。由于深度学习方法可以通过发现数据中用户和项目之间的非线性关系从而学习一个有效的特征表示,因此越来越受到推荐系统研究人员的关注。目前的工作主要是利用评分数据、社交网络信息以及其他领域信息等辅助信息,结合深度学习、数据挖掘等技术提高推荐效果、提升用户满意度。对此,本文首先对推荐系统以及传统推荐算法进行概述,然后重点介绍协同过滤推荐算法的相关工作。包括协同过滤推荐算法的任务、评价指标、常用数据集以及学者们在解决协同过滤算法存在的问题时所做的工作以及努力。最后提出未来的几个可研究方向。  相似文献   

个性化推荐系统能够根据用户的个性化偏好和需要,自动、快速、精准地为用户提供其所需的互联网资源,已成为当今大数据时代应用最广泛的信息检索系统,具有巨大的商业应用价值。近年来,随着互联网海量数据的激增,人工智能技术的快速发展与普及,以知识图谱为代表的大数据知识工程日益受到学界和业界的高度关注,也有力地推动推荐系统和个性化推荐技术也迈入到知识驱动与赋能的发展阶段。将知识图谱中蕴含的丰富知识作为有用的辅助信息引入推荐系统,不仅能够有效应对数据稀疏、语义失配等传统推荐系统难以避免的问题,还能帮助推荐系统产生多样化、可解释的推荐结果,并更好地完成跨领域推荐、序列化推荐等具有挑战性的推荐任务,从而提升各类实际推荐场景中的用户满意度。本文将现有融入知识图谱的各种推荐模型按其采用的推荐算法与面向的推荐场景不同进行分类,构建科学、合理的分类体系。其中,按照推荐方法的不同,划分出基于特征表示的和基于图结构的两大类推荐模型;按推荐场景划分,特别关注多样化推荐、可解释推荐、序列化推荐与跨领域推荐。然后,我们在各类推荐模型中分别选取代表性的研究工作进行介绍,还简要对比了各个模型的特点与优劣。此外,本文还结合当下人工智能技术和应用的发展趋势,展望了认知智能推荐系统的发展前景,具体包括融合多模态知识的推荐系统,具有常识理解能力的推荐系统,以及解说式、劝说式、抗辩式推荐系统。本文的综述内容和展望可作为推荐系统未来研究方向的有益参考。  相似文献   

With the widespread usage of mobile terminals, the mobile recommender system is proposed to improve recommendation performance, using positioning technologies. However, due to restrictions of existing positioning technologies, mobile recommender systems are still not being applied to indoor shopping, which continues to be the main shopping mode. In this paper, we develop a mobile recommender system for stores under the circumstance of indoor shopping, based on the proposed novel indoor mobile positioning approach by using received signal patterns of mobile phones, which can overcome the disadvantages of existing positioning technologies. Especially, the mobile recommender system can implicitly capture users’ preferences by analyzing users’ positions, without requiring users’ explicit inputting, and take the contextual information into consideration when making recommendations. A comprehensive experimental evaluation shows the new proposed mobile recommender system achieves much better user satisfaction than the benchmark method, without losing obvious recommendation performances.  相似文献   

Lamia Berkani 《Software》2020,50(8):1498-1519
The development of social media technologies has greatly enhanced social interactions. The proliferation of social platforms has generated massive amounts of data and a considerable number of persons join these platforms every day. Therefore, one of the current issues is to facilitate the search for the most appropriate friends for a given user. We focus in this article on the recommendation of users in social networks. We propose a novel approach which combines a user-based collaborative filtering (CF) algorithm with semantic and social recommendations. The semantic dimension suggests the close friends based on the calculation of the similarity between the active user and his friends. The social dimension is based on some social-behavior metrics such as friendship and credibility degree. The novelty of our approach concerns the modeling of the credibility of the user, through his/her trust and commitment in the social network. A social recommender system based on this approach is developed and experiments have been conducted using the Yelp social network. The evaluation results demonstrated that the proposed hybrid approach improves the accuracy of the recommendation compared with the user-based CF algorithm and solves the sparsity and cold start problems.  相似文献   

User participation emerged as a critical issue for collaborative and social recommender systems as well as for a range of other systems based on the power of user community. A range of mechanisms to encourage user participation in social systems has been proposed over the last few years; however, the impact of these mechanisms on users behavior in recommender systems has not been studied sufficiently. This paper investigates the impact of encouraging user participation in the context of CourseAgent, a community-based course recommender system. The recommendation power of CourseAgent is based on course ratings provided by a community of students. To increase the number of course ratings, CourseAgent applies an incentive mechanism which turns user feedback into a self-beneficial activity. In this paper, we describe the design and implementation of our course recommendation system and its incentive mechanism. We also report a dual impact of this mechanism on user behavior discovered in two user studies.  相似文献   

Recommender systems have significantly developed in recent years in parallel with the witnessed advancements in both internet of things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. Accordingly, as a consequence of IoT and AI, multiple forms of data are incorporated in these systems, e.g. social, implicit, local and personal information, which can help in improving recommender systems’ performance and widen their applicability to traverse different disciplines. On the other side, energy efficiency in the building sector is becoming a hot research topic, in which recommender systems play a major role by promoting energy saving behavior and reducing carbon emissions. However, the deployment of the recommendation frameworks in buildings still needs more investigations to identify the current challenges and issues, where their solutions are the keys to enable the pervasiveness of research findings, and therefore, ensure a large-scale adoption of this technology. Accordingly, this paper presents, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, the first timely and comprehensive reference for energy-efficiency recommendation systems through (i) surveying existing recommender systems for energy saving in buildings; (ii) discussing their evolution; (iii) providing an original taxonomy of these systems based on specified criteria, including the nature of the recommender engine, its objective, computing platforms, evaluation metrics and incentive measures; and (iv) conducting an in-depth, critical analysis to identify their limitations and unsolved issues. The derived challenges and areas of future implementation could effectively guide the energy research community to improve the energy-efficiency in buildings and reduce the cost of developed recommender systems-based solutions.  相似文献   

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