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杭州主城区悬浮细颗粒PM_(2.5)浓度变化及其组分分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用杭州市区2006—2008年大气悬浮颗粒PM2.5和PM2.5-10的监测资料,研究它们的物化特征。结果表明:杭州主城区PM2.5和PM2.5-103年的平均浓度分别为0.073、0.037mg·m-3,ρ(PM2.5)/ρ(PM2.5-10)的比值为1.86。PM2.5浓度存在双峰型日变化,以9:00和18:00为峰值,日变化幅度较大,并呈现冬高、夏低的季节变化。PM2.5化学组分分析表明:PM2.5中含量最多的是有机碳,占24.4%,其次是SO42-,不同组分呈现不同的季节变化。  相似文献   

正一、PM2.5切割器简介PM2.5测定过程分为颗粒物的收集和滤膜称重,颗粒物的收集需要利用空气动力学原理把PM2.5与更大的颗粒物分开。PM2.5切割器能将大气颗粒物中空气动力学直径小于或等于2.5μm的颗粒物分离出来。对于PM2.5切割器来说,2.5μm是一个统计值,即空气动力学当量直径为2.5μm的颗粒有50%的概率能通过切割器。PM2.5切割器是PM2.5测量仪器的核心器件,决定了收集颗粒物的大小。PM2.5切割器切割特性检测是PM2.5监测  相似文献   

徐璇  张斯宏  凡凤仙 《声学技术》2019,38(3):241-247
声凝并是细颗粒物(PM2.5)排放控制的重要技术途径,其通过外加声场作用促进PM2.5发生碰撞凝并,使得颗粒数目减少、粒径增大,从而提高后续除尘装置的效率。对声凝并中颗粒间的相互作用机理,包括同向相互作用、声尾流效应、互辐射压力效应、互散射效应的相关研究进行总结和评述,结合声凝并技术在PM2.5排放控制中的应用,指出已有研究在理论模型和实验观测上存在的问题,进而提出今后的研究应在实验方法上进行创新,发展出能够跟踪微米和亚微米尺度PM2.5颗粒或颗粒团相互作用过程细节信息的实验手段,为理论模型的实验验证提供数据支撑;同时应进一步发展理论模型,从而在模型验证的基础上,充分发挥数值模拟的优势,全面识别声凝并中颗粒间相互作用的动力学行为。  相似文献   

PM2.5对大气环境及人类健康造成了较严重的危害,对PM2.5有效脱除净化技术的研究迫在眉睫。主要阐述了PM2.5与吸附相关的理化特性,对其在多孔吸附材料上的主要吸附力进行了探讨,表明颗粒越小,与固体表面距离越近,所受到的吸附力越大,颗粒所受吸附作用越明显;此外,吸附材料种类、空气湿度与压力亦为重要的影响因素。使用多孔材料对空气中的细颗粒物进行吸附过滤实验,并进行了简要分析。  相似文献   

利用计算流体动力学软件,分别采用k-ε模型、大涡模拟模型、离散相模型模拟凝聚器扰流区流场时均参数、流场瞬时参数与颗粒运动轨迹。结果表明,扰流柱具有很好的扰流效果,可以使不同粒径颗粒的运动轨迹发生明显的交叉现象,增大颗粒碰撞概率;流速越大,扰流区阻力越大;流场中存在明显的涡街脱落现象,各扰流柱主要能量涡街的脱落频率相同,Strouhal数约为0.22。  相似文献   

以台湾中南部水稻作物区域为目标,探讨秋收稻草燃烧烟尘大气脱水醣类粒径分布成分特征;以改良离子层析仪解析3种大气悬浮粒子(PM2.5、PM10、总悬浮颗粒(TSP))大气脱水醣类成分浓度(左旋葡萄糖、甘露聚糖)与粒径分布,并探讨稻草燃烧对大气粒子的贡献率。结果显示,稻草燃烧期间大气(乡村/市郊)两种粒子(PM2.5与TSP)左旋葡萄糖浓度均大幅上升,两种粒子收成燃烧期间较非收成季节升高约5.5倍(较收成季节背景PM2.5与总悬浮颗粒分别高1.21倍与1.40倍)严重影响区域空气质量。市郊含左旋葡萄糖粒子分布以PM2.5细微粒为主(占TSP81%以上);乡村左旋葡萄糖粒径分布较广,PM2.5粒子占TSP56%左右,粗大粒子(PM>10)占总悬浮颗粒的35%。此外,结果显示稻草生物质燃烧对区域PM2.5粒子平均贡献率为12%,市郊稍高于乡村(乡村、市郊平均贡献率分别为10.5%、13.0%),显现稻草生物质燃烧对台湾中南部空气质量有严重影响。  相似文献   

秦兵马俑博物馆陶器库房冬季室内空气质量初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于2008年1月30日~3月3日,在秦始皇兵马俑博物馆陶器库开展了室内大气环境调查,同步采集了大气悬浮颗粒PM2.5和NH3样品,获得了PM2.5颗粒中的离子组成,并实时监测了SO2、NOx的浓度变化。结果表明,陶器库中PM2.5平均质量浓度为76.1μg/m3,室外PM2.5平均质量浓度为153.9μg/m3,约为室内浓度的2倍。室内PM2.5中水溶性离子主要由SO42-、NO3-和NH4+组成,平均质量浓度分别为17.5、5.2、5.5μg/m3,它们分别占PM2.5质量浓度的19.7%、5.2%、5.8%。库内NH3平均浓度为4.8μg/m3,室外NH3平均浓度6.6μg/m3,约为室内的1.4倍。室内NO、NO2、NOx浓度日平均分别为4.8×10-9、3.2×10-9、8.0×10-9,SO2浓度日平均为0.9×10-9。研究表明,库内人为活动量对质量浓度、离子浓度和污染气体均有一定影响,库房相对于室外对阻挡颗粒物减少外界影响方面对文物有一定的保护作用,但在阻隔空气污染物和恒温恒湿方面的作用还有待加强。  相似文献   

2008年夏季广州大气消光系数与细粒子的关系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为了解夏季广州大气中细粒子消光特性,利用浊度仪、黑碳仪和自动气象站获得散射系数μsp、吸收系数μap以及气象要素等观测数据,并利用采样器采集大气悬浮颗粒物PM2.5和PM1.0样品获取其质量浓度。结果表明,散射系数μsp、吸收系数μap和大气消光系数(μext=μsp+μap)的平均值分别为(226±111)、(53±20)、(280±125)Mm-1;大气悬浮颗粒PM2.5和PM1.0的质量浓度分别为(53.7±23.2)、(46.1±21.3)μg/m3;消光系数μext与PM2.5和PM1.0的相关性系数分别达到0.96和0.93;PM2.5和PM1.0的平均质量浓度消光效率分别为到5.2、5.5 m2/g,表明大气中小粒径的粒子对消光系数的影响更为明显。  相似文献   

细颗粒物PM_(2.5)浓度测量及计量技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍细颗粒物PM2.5浓度测量、测量仪器的量值溯源方法和标准装置、切割头切割特性的检测方法,以及检测用标准粒子的制备;研制PM2.5采样器切割头检测装置,制备粒径范围在1.04.0μmm的用于PM2.5采样器切割头切割特性检测的系列标准粒子,对可吸入颗粒物测量仪量值传递方法和准确性检验方法进行研究。通过本研究工作,可以建立PM2.5测量的参考方法,实现对PM2.5测量结果的准确溯源,使得PM2.5的检测数据可溯源至质量标准。  相似文献   

燃煤电站烟气污染物深度脱除技术的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来雾霾天气的频繁出现使得细颗粒物(PM2.5)成为了公众关注的热点,PM2.5的控制也已增加到2012年发布的《环境空气质量标准》中,而目前我国现有的烟气污染物控制技术难以脱除PM2.5,因此,为深度脱除PM2.5、SO2、SO3以及重金属等烟气污染物,开发燃煤电站烟气污染物深度脱除技术(深度脱除技术)成为亟待解决的问题。本文系统分析了开发适用于我国燃煤电站的深度脱除技术的必要性以及存在的问题,重点分析研究了PM2.5脱除技术、全负荷下超超临界锅炉的低NOx排放以及SCR工作温度的适应性。最后,以某电厂2×660 MW超临界机组为例,介绍了烟气污染物深度脱除系统方案,以此为基础,分析提出了1 000 MW超超临界机组烟气污染物深度脱除的技术路线。  相似文献   

为研究钢纤维增强活性粉末混凝土(SF/RPC)复合材料的受弯破坏微观机制,对10根试验梁进行抗弯试验研究。基于声发射技术,采用宽频传感器对试验过程中的声发射信号和波形进行了采集。分析研究了SF/RPC材料的声发射特征参数,在对波形进行信号处理的基础上对波形频谱进行了深入研究。通过传感器之间互相发射和接受信号,对SF/RPC材料的声发射波速进行了测定。同时与普通混凝土(NC)材料声发射特性进行了对比分析研究。结果表明:相同荷载作用下SF/RPC的撞击累计数远大于NC梁,声发射活跃性高于NC材料;预应力SF/RPC梁的声发射特征参数与NC梁有着明显区别,SF/RPC短上升时间段(<30 μs)的声发射撞击平均比例为64.2%,明显高于NC的比例51.2%;SF/RPC材料波形频域特性也与NC材料明显不同;荷载作用前,SF/RPC材料内平均波速为4 342.8 mm/s,NC材料内平均波速为2 337.7 mm/s。通过引入Gutenberg-Richter理论,计算了声发射信号损伤参数(bI),对预应力SF/RPC损伤开裂过程与bI值的关系进行了分析研究。本研究结果为有效识别SF/RPC材料的声发射特性提供试验依据。  相似文献   

The present work focuses on the simultaneous reduction of NO–smoke–CO2 emission in a Karanja oil methyl ester (KOME)-fueled single-cylinder compression ignition engine by using low-carbon biofuel with exhaust after-treatment system. Replacement of KOME for diesel reduced smoke emission by 3% but resulted in increase of NO emission and CO2 emission by 13 and 35% at 100% load condition. In order to reduce CO2 emission, tests were conducted with a blend of KOME and orange seed oil (OSO), a low-carbon fuel on equal volume basis (50–50). At the same operating conditions, compared to KOME, 27% reduction in CO2 emission and 5% reduction in smoke emission were observed. However, a slight increase in NO emission was observed. To achieve simultaneous reduction of NO–smoke–CO2 emissions, three catalysts, namely monoethanolamine, zeolite and activated carbon, were selected for exhaust after-treatment system and tested with optimum KOME–OSO blend. KOME–OSO + zeolite showed a great potential in simultaneous reduction of NO–smoke–CO2 emissions. NO, smoke and CO2 emissions were simultaneously reduced by about 15% for each emission compared to diesel at 100% load condition. The effect of exhaust after-treatment system with KOME–OSO blend on combustion, performance and other emission parameters is discussed in detail in this study. Fourier transform infrared spectrometry analysis and testing were done to identify the absorbance characteristics of zeolite material.  相似文献   

介绍了基于C-W复合膜/无定形碳纳米岛的表面传导电子发射阴极,并对其制备工艺和发射性能进行讨论。利用低熔点纳米Bi岛作为掩模刻蚀得到无定形碳的纳米岛结构,在保留大岛形貌的同时,去除了一定量的小岛结构;同时在无定形碳中掺入少量的W原子,制作导电性极佳的C-W复合膜作为上层发射层,利于激活形成电子发射区域。通过对工艺参数的优化,得到了稳定、均匀的电子发射,电子发射率在阴阳极间距2mm、阳极电压为3 kV时达到0.9%,向器件实用化方向迈出了重要的一步。  相似文献   

Emissions of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) from an industrial park operated as Taiwan's center of metallurgical industries were investigated. The characteristics of mean PCDD/F I-TEQ concentrations, congener profiles and emission factors of each source were studied over samples of stack flue gases of individual sources. Different characteristics of congener profiles and large variations of emission factors of secondary aluminum smelters (ALSs) were observed. The mean emission factors of electric arc furnaces were comparable to those for ALSs and much greater than those of municipal solid waste incinerators and sinter plants, but still less than that of clinical waste incinerators. Annual PCDD/F emission contribution of each source was estimated, raising critical concerns over the overall PCDD/F emissions from metallurgical processes. The metallurgical industries altogether contributed approximately 98.1% of the total annual emissions, while waste incinerators only 1.9%. The contributions by sinter plants and metallurgical industries to the total annual emissions of the Park were much higher than the corresponding national averages of Taiwan. The combined dioxin emissions from the entire metallurgical processes and their controls should be seriously envisaged by industrial parks devoted to metal productions.  相似文献   

The electron field‐emission (FE) characteristics of functionalized single‐walled carbon‐nanotube (CNT)–polymer composites produced by solution processing are reported. It is shown that excellent electron emission can be obtained by using as little as 0.7% volume fraction of nanotubes in the composite. Furthermore by tailoring the nanotube concentration and type of polymer, improvements in the charge transfer through the composite can be obtained. The synthesis of well‐dispersed randomly oriented nanotube–polymer composites by solution processing allows the development of CNT‐based large area cathodes produced using a scalable technology. The relative insensitivity of the cathode's FE characteristics to the electrical conductivity of the composite is also discussed.  相似文献   

The pitting corrosion characteristics of low carbon steel specimens are studied by acoustic emission (AE) and electrochemical techniques, in a 3.0 wt.% NaCl solution acidified to pH 2.0. The acoustic emission signals generated by pitting corrosion are classified based on multiple acoustic emission parameters using K‐means clustering algorithm, then each classified signals are analyzed by acoustic emission parameters correlation plot and distribution with time. Furthermore, each acoustic source characteristics is extracted using Gabor wavelet transform (WT) in the time and frequency domain. An error back propagation (BP) artificial neural network (ANN) is trained according to the classified signals, so as to successfully identify the acoustic emission signals from parallel experiments. Experimental results show that the hydrogen bubble activation, oxidized film rupture and pit growth are typical acoustic emission sources in pitting corrosion process, which can be effectively classified by cluster analysis and recognized by back propagation neural network. The data gathered from laboratory tests combined with the real data from acoustic emission on‐line storage tank floor inspection can help to evaluate the bottom corrosion severity and interpreter the corrosion source, further to make the on‐site testing more reliable and reduce the risk.  相似文献   

We present the working characteristics of a high-power UV-VUV electric-discharge lamp filled with a working mixture of helium and iodine vapor (He-I2) at a low pressure (0.1–1.5 kPa) and pumped by a dc glow discharge at a power of 15–200 W. The power of the total output UV radiation and the main emission peak at λ = 206.2 nm were studied as dependent on the electric power supplied to the glow discharge and on the partial pressure of helium in the He-I2 mixture. The emission characteristics of the glow discharge plasma were studied in the spectral range from 200 to 350 nm. In this range, the lamp is operating predominantly on a resonance emission line of excited iodine atoms (λ = 206.2 nm, FWHM = 0.10–0.12 nm) and on a system of electronic-vibrational bands of excited iodine molecules with the main peak at λ = 342 nm. The contribution of the resonance emission due to excited iodine atoms to the total UV emission from the glow discharge plasma does not exceed 50%. The optimum partial pressure of helium is within 400–800 Pa. The total UV radiation power of the lamp operating in the optimum regime reaches 25 W at an efficiency of η ≤15%.  相似文献   

We present the working characteristics of a continuous UV lamp emitting at λ=206 nm, pumped by a longitudinal glow discharge. The pressure of the working Xe-I2 gas-vapor mixture was within 0.1–10 kPa. The power deposited in the discharge was varied within 10–130 W. The current-voltage characteristics, the emission spectra in a 200–600 nm wavelength range, the line emission intensity as a function of the power deposited in the discharge plasma, and the partial pressure of xenon in the lamp were studied. It is established that the lamp operates in the range of 206–342 nm on a resonance line of iodine at 206 nm and on the bands at 253 nm [XeI(B-X)] and 342 nm [I2(B-X)]. Not less than half of the output UV emission power is concentrated in the bactericidal spectral interval (around λ=206 nm). The total UV emission power of the lamp reaches 6–7 W at an efficiency of ≤5%.  相似文献   

目的研究基于声发射信号的钢桶泄漏检测方法。方法利用声发射传感器、前置放大器、采集卡和计算机搭建采集系统,分析漏孔直径为0.2 mm和无泄漏状况下泄漏频率特点。对采集的声发射信号采用小波包分解,提取了泄漏信号的3个特征频段(16~30 kHz,33~47 kHz,95~102 kHz)的能量特征,将其作为支持向量机的输入特征向量,对已经训练好的支持向量机进行测试,判断钢桶是否泄漏。结果经试验测试,判断准确率达100%。结论通过小波包能量与支持向量机相结合的方法,可以成功地对直径0.2mm及以上漏孔的钢桶泄漏进行检测。  相似文献   

We have studied the lasing characteristics of a dye-doped nematic layer sandwiched by two polymeric cholesteric liquid crystal (CLC) films as photonic band gap (PBG) materials. The nematic layer acts as a defect layer, the anisotropy of which brings about the following remarkable optical characteristics: (1) reflectance in the PBG region exceeds 50% due to the retardation effect, being unpredictable from a single CLC film; (2) efficient lasing occurs either at the defect mode wavelength or at the photonic band edge; and (3) the lasing emission due to both the defect mode and the photonic band edge mode contains both right- and left-circular polarizations, while the lasing emission from a dye-doped single CLC layer with a left-handed helix is left-circularly polarized.  相似文献   

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