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CSI住宅 住宅产业化发展的必然选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一、住宅产业化与CSI住宅 1、住宅产业化的含义 住宅产业化(Housing Industrialization),是指用工业化生产的方式来建造住宅,以提高住宅生产的劳动生产率,提高住宅的整体质量,降低成本,降低物耗和能耗。这是弥补机械化生产欠缺和粗放型生产方式升级换代的必然要求。住宅产业化要使住宅建筑标准化,在标准化的基础上,采用大工业规模生产的方式生产住宅部品、部件产品,实现住宅生产、经营的一体化与住宅服务的社会化;  相似文献   

住宅金融机构是住宅金融制度的主体,住宅金融市场是住宅金融体系的载体。建立完善健康的住宅金融体系,必须从建立完善的住宅金融机构和完善的住宅金融市场入手。加强国家对住宅金融体系的调控,建立政策性与商业性功能融合,多层次、多种机构并存的住宅金融体系。  相似文献   

住宅部品对住宅的要求 住宅生产部品化,是住宅产业化的具体方法之一。 如何做好住宅部品与住宅体系的对接,是实现住宅部品标准化、规模化、系列化、工业化生产的关键。  相似文献   

鉴于欧洲钢结构住宅发展较早、产业化水平较高,本文重点介绍了芬兰和英国的轻钢住宅产业化特点。芬兰传统的住宅 类型为别墅住宅,本文从住宅体系、轻钢住宅的制作安装、住宅的节能及造价等几个方面分析了芬兰的产业化轻钢住宅 现状。与芬兰的产业化轻钢住宅相比,英国的轻钢住宅在体系及住宅的施工方面也有一些自己的特色,特别是模块化住 宅体系的应用。  相似文献   

周庆华  姜弘毅 《工业建筑》2012,42(5):76-78,83
根据生态住宅分别与自然、社会及人的关系将生态住宅分为绿色住宅、可持续住宅及健康住宅三种类型,并对生态住宅设计要点进行解析。  相似文献   

王军强  黄新 《施工技术》2012,41(12):110-112,120
对于健康住宅、生态住宅和3A住宅等高品质住宅,声环境符合设计要求是高要求住宅的必要条件。住宅的隔声设计与施工在住宅领域刚刚起步,住宅隔声施工关键技术措施研究尚存在技术瓶颈和应用难题。项目围绕健康住宅的声环境要求,结合高品质住宅试点项目,分类提出了楼板、墙体、窗户等的隔声施工技术方案和措施,并在工程实践中进行试点和检测。  相似文献   

回顾近15年健康住宅的研究和历经11年的健康住宅试点工作,分析了健康住宅研究与试点工作的经验和不足,以及从健康住宅工程试点走向住宅健康性能评价的必然性。通过比较绿色住宅评价标准、住宅性能评定技术标准和住宅健康性能评价体系后认为,住宅作为老百姓生活中最大的消费品,其绿色性能和健康性能同样重要。最后对我国健康住宅的研究与发展提出展望。  相似文献   

■独栋住宅的设计积水住宅公司的主要产品是2层和3层的钢结构住宅,以及木结构住宅,2层钢结构住宅是引领日本居住环境改善的住宅,为日本各地提供了丰富多样的环境舒适、客户满意度高的住宅。  相似文献   

汝静静  张齐峰 《山西建筑》2006,32(24):237-238
通过对生态住宅与节能住宅、绿色住宅的理解与比较以及生态住宅节能措施的分析,初步建立了对于生态住宅的认识,进一步了解生态住宅的重要性。  相似文献   

住宅建筑的人性化设计,就是住宅作为一种人类共同需要的商品,应该充分满足商品购买者,即住宅居住者对住宅的生理和心理需要,使住宅居住者安全、健康、舒适和愉悦。作为住宅建筑的设计者,就应该充分考虑和满足住宅居住者的上述需要,从住宅设计的各个方面进行考虑。本文即从六大方面详细阐述了现代住宅建筑的人性化设计要点。  相似文献   

中国房地产市场中保障性住房的角色和作用愈加重要,保障性住房建设规模正在逐年扩大。商品住房价格变化是供给需求作用的结果,但是随着保障房供给规模的增加,商品住房价格的涨幅也会发生改变,说明保障房的供给规模会对普通商品房的供需产生影响。本文以北京市商品住房市场为例,选取住宅需求、住宅供给、住房投机对价格的影响为自变量,住宅价格为因变量,利用多元回归模型对商品住房价格变化进行实证研究,同时通过考虑保障房供给对住房市场产生的不同挤出效应,分析保障房供给规模供需变化对房价产生的影响,进而为政府制定相关的住房保障政策提供建议和对策。  相似文献   

英国的住房体系和住房政策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了英国的住房体系和住房状况,并对过去一个多世纪英国的住房政策进行了概括性的回顾和分析。作为一个自由市场经济的国家,英国的住房发展经历和住房政策更能引起反思。英国政府对住房市场的干预,以及在住房建设发展和住房保障方面的积极作用,尤其值得借鉴。  相似文献   

构建住房相对剥夺感指标,评价中国城镇居民家庭住房分配公平的状况,并分析区域间住房分配公平程度的差异。结果表明从2008年至2013年,我国城镇家庭住房分配公平程度有所下降,东、西部地区住房分配公平程度的下降幅度较大,中部地区的住房分配较东、西部地区相对公平。政府应进一步做好住房保障工作,充分发挥住房公积金的作用,改善中低收入住房困难家庭的住房条件,促进住房分配公平。  相似文献   

Community housing is increasingly seen as an alternative to public housing by government. However, little is known about the demand for community housing, the relationship with public housing waiting lists and the flow of people between different housing tenures, such as public housing and private rental. In this article we analyse the demand for community housing in Tasmania. We examine who applies for community housing, why they apply and how their needs may differ from or overlap with demand for public housing. This research is based on 499 applications for community housing in southern Tasmania. Applications were made to a medium sized, non-government housing association—Red Shield Housing Association (RSHA)—between December 1998 and December 2001. Our research suggests that the majority of people applying for community housing were already on public housing waiting lists. Those seeking community housing differ little from applicants for public housing. However, women and sole parents were more likely to apply for both community and public housing while men and single applicants were more likely to apply only for community housing. This could be connected to who is likely or not to get into public housing and perhaps men and singles see less chance of getting into public housing. The implication is that low income earners are primarily concerned with access to affordable housing, which is in short supply, and the majority of applicants will apply for both public and community housing if given the opportunity. We note that the transfer of public housing stock to the community sector does not increase the supply of affordable housing stock or provide a greater choice of affordable properties to low income and disadvantaged households, although it could provide greater choice for some groups who do not perceive public housing to be an option.  相似文献   

对保障性住房建设模式的思考   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
随着住宅市场的发展与完善,保障性住房的建设日渐成为国家住房政策的重点.本文界定了保障性住房的概念,分析了保障性住房的特点,并结合保障性住房政策的实施意图,借鉴国外保障性住房建设的发展过程,对我国今后保障性住房的建设模式进行了探讨.对保障性住房建设中政府应起的作用及代建制、工程总承包等建设模式在保障性住宅建设中的应用进行了简要分析.  相似文献   

中国住宅产业的机遇与挑战   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
回顾了我国住宅建设走过的10年发展历程和取得的成绩。为了改变与大规模住宅建设不相适应的产业滞后现状,引导住宅开发建设走技术创新和集约化生产的道路,推动建设由粗放型向集约型转化,从根本上提高住宅质量和住宅产业化水平,国务院批准的《关于推进住宅产业现代化提高住宅质量的若干意见》和建设部实施的国家康居工程取得了初步成果。展望加入WTO后,“十五”期间住宅产业新一轮的发展机遇,并提出了这期间住宅建设的目标。  相似文献   

80年代中期至今,中国城市住宅建设进入新的高潮,十多年间在住宅设计观念,思想与方法等方面发生了巨大变化,在这世纪之交的时期人们特别关注跨世纪新住宅设计。本文就此课题探讨设计观念,设计指导原则和建筑模式。  相似文献   

努力构筑多层次住房保障体系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
解决好城市居民的住房问题至关重要.文章重点介绍宁波市"以商品房为主体,经济适用住房、普通(限价)商品房、城市拆迁安置房和最低收入廉租房为补充的"多层次的城市住房供应体系和框架.  相似文献   

This paper examines the housing policies in China in the last 14 years in the context of the international debate on the World Bank's housing market enabling strategy to improve low-income housing provision in developing countries. A review of China's urban housing outcomes reveals housing price inflation and shortage of affordable housing in the fast expanding housing market. The paper analyzes policies to increase both demand for and supply of housing and argues that these policies have contributed to worsening affordability. This situation has been exacerbated by problems in the institutional framework managing the housing sector. The paper concludes that market enabling alone is not sufficient to achieve a satisfactory housing outcome for low- and middle-income groups in Chinese cities. It advocates more effective and direct public intervention for enhancing social housing provision and tightening market regulation to address both market and government failures to improve housing conditions for lower income groups.  相似文献   

The central government of China intensively implemented a series of housing macro-regulation policies to cool down overheated housing market in 2011–2013. This research uses spatial quantile regression to try to answer the question “How effective are the policies?” Results indicate that house-purchasing restrictions are effective to kerb the speculative demand for houses but are difficult to cool down housing prices especially for the cities with higher housing prices, the other policies could effectively decrease housing prices; however, the degree of effectiveness changes across cities with different level of housing prices. This suggests that China’s government may choose market-classified housing policies in future and heavily increase reserve requirement ratios and interest rates while house-purchasing restrictions are practiced. In addition, we find the positive spatial dependence of housing prices is stronger among cities with higher housing prices, which may more easily weaken the effects of housing policies for these cities when housing prices rise.


? We model effects of macro-regulation policies on housing prices by spatial quantile regression in China’s housing market.

? We examine heterogeneous effectiveness of the policies across cities with different level of housing prices.

? House-purchasing restrictions are effective to kerb the speculative demand for houses but are difficult to cool down housing prices effectively especially for the cities with higher housing prices.

? The other macro-regulation policies effectively regulate housing prices; however, the degree of effectiveness changes across cities.

? Positive spatial dependence of housing prices is stronger among cities with higher housing prices.


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